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Recovering of anomalous peach seedlings growing in embryo culture


Two methods were studied on peach embryo culture in order to recover seedlings presenting rosette and dwarf development. In the first method almost all the epicotyle was eliminated. Only a small portion of the axe just about cotyledons was left. In the second method, the seedlings were maintained under vernalization for thirty days at 5-10°C in a dark room. The results showed that the seedlings submitted to the first method recovered rapidly with normal emission of now shoots. The same was not observed for the seedlings from the second method which developed slowly and still anomalously.

peach; embryo culture; rosette; dwarfed seedling; endodormency; vitroplantules

O experimento objetivou eliminar os sintomas de roseta e ananismo em híbridos de pessegueiro (Prunus persica L. Batsch) precoces, provenientes de cultura embrionária. Essas anomalias fisiológicas aparecem em vista dos inibidores de crescimento presentes nos meristemas apicais dos embriões. Dois processos de recuperação de vitroplântulas anômalas foram adotados: (a) eliminação da porção apical logo acima da primeira gema, a partir dos cotilédones; (b) manutenção das vitroplântulas por trinta dias em ambiente de vernalização com temperatura de 5-10 º C. Os melhores resultados foram obtidos quando se eliminou a dominância do meristema apical; as vitroplântulas mantidas em sala de crescimento emitiram, em cinco dias, brotações novas e normais e se desenvolveram rapidamente. Aquelas submetidas à quebra de endodormência, porém,retomaram parcialmente o desenvolvimento, de forma lenta e anormal.

pêssego; cultura de embrião; roseta; ananismo fisiológico; endodormência; vitroplântulas


Oswaldo Paulo Forattini, one of the founders of the Revista de Saúde Pública and its Editor for a continuous 40-year period, passed away on September 15, 2007, in the city of São Paulo, at the age of 83 years. Tenaciously and obstinately, in the same way in which he made so many contributions within the fields of epidemiology and medical entomology, he fought to construct something that, at the outset, he knew was just a utopian dream: a Brazilian scientific journal for public health with international prestige. But he achieved it. Always supported by the Faculdade de Saúde Pública, he had assistance in the early days from his colleagues in the Faculdade, who formed part of what was then called the "Publications Committee" of the Revista de Saúde Pública. Much later on, in 1989, in an action that was a determining factor in the growth of the journal, he proposed to create a Board of Editors, in which renowned researchers from the whole country would participate.

Professor Forattini left his mark as a demanding and rigorous editor with regard to evaluations: for him, quality was a non-negotiable target. No published study failed to be subjected to screening by specialists, without exceptions. He obstinately pursued the target of gaining indexation for the Revista de Saúde Pública in the main worldwide bibliographic control system and, in 1982, after years of argument and great insistence, he achieved indexation for the journal in the Social Science Citation Index of the then Institute of Scientific Information (ISI), which today is known as Thomson Scientific. Even today, this is the goal of all scientific journals that crave international recognition. Thanks to his tireless work, all of the more than 2,864 articles published by the Revista de Saúde Pública have now been indexed in Medline.

Although his personal preference was to keep far away from computers and modern electronic technology, he was always receptive towards implementing changes that would contribute towards modernizing the Revista. Thus, in 1997, in another action that catapulted the growth of the Revista de Saúde Pública upwards, he supported the founding of the SciELO network and the immediate entry of the journal into this important Latin American electronic collection with free access to complete texts that is coordinated by Bireme and Fapesp. Today, ten years later, the Revista de Saúde Pública is one of the SciELO-indexed periodicals that is most accessed and cited.

In addition to his vast bibliographic contribution coming from the results of his studies as an epidemiologist and entomologist, Professor Forattini was a proficient editorialist, filling the pages of his journal with texts on polemical topics that are still very current, like the following:

Terá sido a erradicação mundial da malária empreendimento insensato? [Was malaria eradication a foolish enterprise?]

Rev Saude Publica.1980;14(3):263-4.

A poliomielite e seus enigmas. [Poliomyelitis enigmas]

Rev Saude Publica.1981;15(2):111-2.

Por que saúde pública? [Why Public Health?]

Rev Saude Publica.1983;17(2):69-70.

Varíola e erradicação? [Smallpox and eradication?]

Rev Saude Publica.1985;19(5):385-8.

Febre amarela e vacinação. [Yellow fever and vaccination]

Rev Saude Publica.1986;20(6):411-4.

Varíola, erradicação e doenças infecciosas. [Smallpox eradication]

Rev Saude Publica.1988;22(5):371-4.

Biossistemática e saúde pública. [Biosystematic and Public Health]

Rev Saude Publica.1989;23(3):181-2.

Epidemiologias, ou epidemiologia? [Epidemiologies and Epidemiology]

Rev Saude Publica.1990;24(1):1-2.

"Limitações" da teoria ecológica da saúde e doença. [Ecology theory limitations on health and disease]

Rev Saude Publica.1990;24(2):94.

Aids e sua origem. [AIDS and its origin]

Rev Saude Publica.1993;27(3):153-6.

A Universidade e a pesquisa. [The University and research]

Rev Saude Publica.1994;28(3):175-6.

A educação é realmente imprescindível para o desenvolvimento? [Is education really indispensable for development?]

Rev Saude Publica.1994;28(4):245-6.

Universidade e tecnologia. [University and technology]

Rev Saude Publica.1994;28(5):327.

Pesquisa em saúde pública. [Research in Public Health]

Rev Saude Publica.1995;29(2):81-8.

Pesquisa no Brasil? [Research in Brazil, are there?]

Rev Saude Publica.1995; 29(3):157-8.

A Universidade e a eletrônica. [The University and the Electronics]

Rev Saude Publica.1995;29(6):425-7.

Quem, onde, quando, o quê e o porquê. [Who, where, whne, what and why]

Rev Saude Publica.1996;30(6):499-502.

A Internacionalidade da ciência. [The international nature of science]

Rev Saude Publica.1997;31(5):115.

No Corredor da morte. [On the death row]

Rev Saude Publica.1999;33(1):3-5.

A comunidade européia, o euro e a ciência. [The European community, the euro and the science]

Rev Saude Publica.1999;33(3):217-8.

Febre amarela. [Yellow fever]

Rev Saude Publica.1999;33(6):534.

A ciência e as necessidades básicas. [Science and the basic human needs]

Rev Saude Publica.2000;34(2):109-10.

A saúde pública no século XX. [Public Health in the 20th century]

Rev Saude Publica.2000;34(3):211-3.

Reemergência de infecções. [Infections resurgence]

Rev Saude Publica.2000;34(2):111-2.

A privatização da universidade e o genoma. [The university privatization and the genome]

Rev Saude Publica.2001;35(2):111-2.

Doenças não transmissíveis e infecções. [Non-transmitable diseases and infections]

Rev Saude Publica.2002;36(1):1-3.

A volta da vacina. [Vaccine again]

Rev Saude Publica.2002;36(4):383-4.

On behalf of the dozens of editors who have worked with him on the Revista de Saúde Pública, the hundreds of authors who were able to have their work known worldwide and the thousands of readers who were able to make use of these studies, we salute Oswaldo Paulo Forattini, a man of his time who served Science and his country well.

  • BARBOSA, W.; CAMPO-DALL'ORTO, F.A. & OJIMA, M. Aspectos reprodutivos das fruteiras de clima temperado, objetivando o melhoramento genético. O Agronômico, Campinas, 35:15-20, 1983.
  • __________; __________ & __________ Cultura de embriões in vitro para o melhoramento de pessegueiros precoces. Bragantia, Campinas, 44(1):465-472, 1985,
  • __________; __________ & __________ Relação entre precocidade de maturação e desidratação das sementes de pêssego. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, Brasília, 19(3):337-339, 1984.
  • __________; __________; __________; MARTINS, F.P. & RIGITANO, O. Emergência de plântulas do pêssego porta-enxerto 'Okinawa': influência de períodos de estratificação e de ácido giberélico. Bragantia, Campinas, 46(2):435-441, 1987.
  • __________; __________; __________; SAMPAIO, V.R. & BANDEL, G. Ecofisiologia do desenvolvimento vegetativo e reprodutivo do pessegueiro em regiões subtropicais: Campinas, Instituto Agronômico, 1989. (Documentos IAC, 17)
  • __________; TOMBOLATO, A.F.C.; CAMPO-DALL'ORTO, F.A.; OJIMA, M.; RIGITANO, O. & MARTINS, F.P. Conservação de sementes de pêssegos para produção de porta-enxertos. Campinas, Instituto Agronômico, 1986.12p. (Boletim técnico, 104)
  • BONAMY, P.A. & DENNIS JUNIOR, F.G. Abscisic acid levels in seeds of peach. II. Effects of stratification temperature. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 102(1):26-28, 1977.
  • DAVIDSON, O.W. The germination of "non viable" peach seeds. Proceedings of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 30:129-132, 1933.
  • DIAZ, D.A. & MARTIN, G.C. Peach seed dormancy in relation to endogenous inhibitors and applied growth substances. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 97(5):651-654, 1972.
  • FLEMION, F. & BEARDOW, J. Histological studies of physiologically dwarfed peach seedlings. I. Structure of anomalous leave s. Contribution from the Boyce Thompson Institute, 22:117-131, 1964.
  • GILMORE, A.E. A technique for embryo culture of peach. Hilgardia, 20:147-170, 1950.
  • KESTER, D.E. & HESSE, C.O. Embryo culture of peach varieties in relation to season of ripening. Proceedings of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 65:265-273, 1955.
  • LAMMERTS, W.E. Embryo culture an affective technique for shortening the breeding cycle of deciduous tree and increasing germinations of hybrid seed. American Journal of Botany, 29:166-171, 1942.
  • MATHUR, D.D.; COUVILLON, G.A.; VINES, H.M. & HENDERSHOTT, C.H. Stratification effects on endogenous gibberellic acid (GA) in peach seeds. HortScience, 6:538-539, 1971.
  • MONET, R. Méthode permettant l'obtention de plants à partir d'embryons de variétés três precoces chez le pêcher. Annuel Amelioration Plantes, 18:85-91, 1968.
  • __________ Le pêcher: génétique et physiologie. Paris, INRA et Masson, 1983. 133p.
  • MURASHIGE, T. & SKOOG, F. A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays tobacco tissue cultures. Physiologia Plantarum, 15:473-479, 1962.
  • OJIMA, M. & RIGITANO, O. Estudo de germinação de sementes de pêssego (Prunus persica L. Batsch) de diversas variedades. Bragantia, Campinas, 27:XLI-XLV, 1968. (Nota, 11)
  • RASEIRA, M.C.B.; PAIVA, E. & LEAL, M.L. Necessidade de frio em pessegueiro: correlação entre sementes e planta. Pelotas, 1982. 22p. (EMBRAPA-UEPAE de Cascata. Boletim de Pesquisa, 2)
  • SMITH, C.A.; BAILEY, C.H. & HONGH, L.F. Methods for germinating seeds of some fruit species with special reference to growing seedlings from immature embryons. New Jersey, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1969. 29p. (Bulletin, 823)
  • TOLEDO, W.; HUGARD, J. & JONARD, R. Amélioration de la technique d'obtention de plants de semis de pêcher (Prunus persica L. Batsch) à partir de graines du cultivar de maturité précoce Springtime. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de L'Académie Science, Paris, 290:539-542, 1980.
  • TOMBOLATO, A.F.C. Étude de l'influence de facteurs agissant sur le développement de l'embryo du pêcher (Prunus persica L. Batsch) "in situ" et "in vitro" jusqu'a a l'obtention de le jeune plant. Universidade de Bordeaux, II, 1984. 190p, Thèse (Docteur)
  • TUKEY, M.B. Growth of peach embryo in relation to growth of fruit and season of ripening. Proceedings of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 30:209-218, 1933.
  • Oswaldo Paulo Forattini - editor

    The Editors
  • Publication Dates

    • Publication in this collection
      29 Nov 2007
    • Date of issue


    • Received
      03 Jan 1989
    • Accepted
      06 Apr 1989
    Instituto Agronômico de Campinas Avenida Barão de Itapura, 1481, 13020-902, Tel.: +55 19 2137-0653, Fax: +55 19 2137-0666 - Campinas - SP - Brazil