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Factors associated with bronchopulmonary aspiration: a national-based study

Factores asociados con la aspiración broncopulmonar: estudio de base nacional



to determine the prevalence of bronchopulmonary aspiration in the Brazilian scenario, the factors associated with the incident and the variables associated with death.


a cross-sectional and analytical study, carried out from analysis of notifications of incidents related to bronchopulmonary aspiration of the Health Surveillance Notification System, from January 2014 to December 2018.


of the 264,590 notifications, 553 referred to aspiration, whose prevalence rate was 0.21%. There was an association between the event and age, ethnicity, main medical diagnosis, country region, service type, health unit and consequences for patients. Furthermore, four independent predictor variables for death were found: living in the North or South regions, being elderly and receiving healthcare at night.


the prevalence rate of bronchopulmonary aspiration was small, but with a negative impact on patients.

Patient Safety; Risk Management; Respiratory Aspiration; Pneumonia; Aspiration; Health Information Systems



determinar la prevalencia de broncoaspiración en el escenario brasileño, los factores asociados al incidente y las variables asociadas a la muerte.


estudio transversal y analítico, realizado a partir del análisis de notificaciones de incidentes relacionados con la aspiración broncopulmonar del Sistema de Notificación de Vigilancia Sanitaria, de enero de 2014 a diciembre de 2018.


de las 264.590 notificaciones, 553 se refirieron a aspiración, cuya tasa de prevalencia fue del 0,21%. Hubo asociación entre el evento y la edad, etnia, diagnóstico médico principal, región del país, tipo de servicio, unidad de salud y consecuencias para el paciente. Además, se encontraron cuatro variables predictoras independientes de muerte: vivir en la región Norte o Sur, ser anciano y recibir atención médica por la noche.


la tasa de prevalencia de aspiración broncopulmonar fue pequeña, pero con impacto negativo en los pacientes.

Seguridad del Paciente; Gestión de Riesgos; Aspiración Respiratoria; Neumonía por Aspiración; Sistemas de Información en Salud



determinar a prevalência de aspiração broncopulmonar no cenário brasileiro, os fatores associados ao incidente e as variáveis associadas ao óbito.


estudo transversal e analítico, realizado a partir da análise das notificações de incidentes relacionados à aspiração broncopulmonar do Sistema de Notificações em Vigilância Sanitária, no período de janeiro de 2014 a dezembro de 2018.


das 264.590 notificações, 553 se referiam à aspiração, cuja taxa de prevalência foi de 0,21%. Houve associação entre o evento e idade, etnia, diagnóstico médico principal, região do país, tipo de serviço, unidade de saúde e consequência para o paciente. Ainda, verificaram-se quatro variáveis preditoras independentes para o óbito: residir na Região Norte ou Sul, ser idoso e receber atendimento à saúde no período noturno. Conclusões: a taxa de prevalência de aspiração broncopulmonar foi pequena, mas com impacto negativo para os pacientes.

Segurança do paciente; Gestão de riscos; Aspiração respiratória; Pneumonia aspirativa; Sistemas de informação em saúde


Bronchopulmonary aspiration, defined as the inhalation of oropharyngeal or gastric content or a foreign body into the airway that goes beyond the vocal folds(11 Macht M, Parfitt A, Wahidi MM. Aspiração aguda [Internet]. London: BMJ Best Practice; 2018[cited 2021 Mar 17]. Available from:
-22 Beck-Schimmer B, Bonvini JM. Bronchoaspiration: incidence, consequences and management. Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2011;28(2):78-84.
), is a serious and potentially fatal event. Its incidence varies from 0.7/10,000(11 Macht M, Parfitt A, Wahidi MM. Aspiração aguda [Internet]. London: BMJ Best Practice; 2018[cited 2021 Mar 17]. Available from:
) to 10/10,000(22 Beck-Schimmer B, Bonvini JM. Bronchoaspiration: incidence, consequences and management. Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2011;28(2):78-84.
), reaching 38% in patients with severe trauma and 4.4% to 90% in hospitalized patients with enteral nutrition(11 Macht M, Parfitt A, Wahidi MM. Aspiração aguda [Internet]. London: BMJ Best Practice; 2018[cited 2021 Mar 17]. Available from:
). Furthermore, the event is responsible for 10% to 30% of deaths associated with anesthesia(11 Macht M, Parfitt A, Wahidi MM. Aspiração aguda [Internet]. London: BMJ Best Practice; 2018[cited 2021 Mar 17]. Available from:
) and are more common in children(33 Flick RP, Schears GJ, Warner MA. Aspiration in pediatric anesthesia: is there a higher incidence compared with adults?. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol. 2002;15(3):323-7.
) and the elderly(44 Cichero JAY. Age-related changes to eating and swallowing impact frailty: aspiration, choking risk, modified food texture and autonomy of choice. Geriatrics (Basel). 2018;3(4):69.

The causes of bronchopulmonary aspiration include marked disturbance of consciousness, decreased gastrointestinal motility, impaired oral hygiene, medications, mechanical ventilation therapy, enteral tube and dysphagia due to neurological disease or aging(44 Cichero JAY. Age-related changes to eating and swallowing impact frailty: aspiration, choking risk, modified food texture and autonomy of choice. Geriatrics (Basel). 2018;3(4):69.
), the latter being the most important and an independent predictor of mortality(11 Macht M, Parfitt A, Wahidi MM. Aspiração aguda [Internet]. London: BMJ Best Practice; 2018[cited 2021 Mar 17]. Available from:

Clinical indicators of bronchopulmonary aspiration include sudden onset of respiratory symptoms (such as severe coughing and cyanosis) associated with ingestion of food, liquid, or regurgitation of gastric contents and sudden change in voice (such as hoarseness or a gurgling noise) after swallowing. It is noteworthy that small-volume aspirations, which do not produce overt symptoms, are more common and are generally not discovered until the condition progresses to aspiration pneumonia(55 Palmer JL, Metheny NA. Preventing aspiration in older adults with dysphagia. Am J Nurs. 2008;108(2):40-8;quiz-9.

Aspiration pneumonia is a serious complication and is considered a leading cause of death in the elderly population(66 Manabe T, Teramoto S, Tamiya N, Okochi J, Hizawa N. Risk factors for aspiration pneumonia in older adults. PLoS One. 2015;10(10):e0140060.
). The mortality rate depends on the volume and content of the aspirate, reaching 70%(77 Sanivarapu RR, Gibson J. Aspiration pneumonia [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2021[cited 2021 Jul 14]. Available from:
). Aspiration pneumonia represents 5 to 15% of hospital pneumonia(88 Metheny NA, Clouse RE, Chang YH, Stewart BJ, Oliver DA, Kollef MH. Tracheobronchial aspiration of gastric contents in critically ill tube-fed patients: frequency, outcomes, and risk factors. Crit Care Med. 2006;34(4):1007-15.
) and can cost health institutions around US$ 4,300 per day, per patient, in addition to conferring a triple risk of death within 30 days(99 Katzan IL, Cebul RD, Husak SH, Dawson NV, Baker DW. The effect of pneumonia on mortality among patients hospitalized for acute stroke. Neuroroly. 2003;60(4):620-5.

In Brazil, from August 2019 to July 2020, 86 deaths were related to bronchopulmonary aspiration and accounted for about 9% of the total notifications of deaths due to adverse events (AE) reported in the Health Surveillance Notification System (NOTIVISA - Sistema de Notificações em Vigilância Sanitária) of the Brazilian National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA - Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária). Therefore, bronchopulmonary aspiration was the second leading cause of death in the country(1010 Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (BR). Nota técnica nº 10/2020. Práticas seguras para a prevenção de aspiração broncopulmonar em serviços de saúde [Internet]. Brasília, DF: ANVISA; 2020[cited 2020 Mar 18]. Available from:
), drawing attention to the importance of risk management, especially in the elderly and pediatric populations, which are more vulnerable to the event due to the specificity of the stages of development(1010 Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (BR). Nota técnica nº 10/2020. Práticas seguras para a prevenção de aspiração broncopulmonar em serviços de saúde [Internet]. Brasília, DF: ANVISA; 2020[cited 2020 Mar 18]. Available from:

Reducing harm associated with healthcare is one of nurses’ duties and responsibilities, who need to develop skills and competences in tracking patients at risk for bronchopulmonary aspiration as well as in planning nursing care focused on results.

Furthermore, although studies have been published internationally on risk factors for bronchopulmonary aspiration, most were conducted in a single healthcare institution and included a specific group of patients(66 Manabe T, Teramoto S, Tamiya N, Okochi J, Hizawa N. Risk factors for aspiration pneumonia in older adults. PLoS One. 2015;10(10):e0140060.
,1111 Kim JW, Choi H, Jung J, Kim HJ. Risk factors for aspiration pneumonia in patients with dysphagia undergoing videofluoroscopic swallowing studies: A retrospective cohort study. Medicine (Baltimore). 2020;99(46):e23177.
-1212 Watanabe S, Shimozato K, Oh-Shige H, Umemura M, Fujiwara S, Abe Y, et al. Examination of factors associated with aspiration pneumonia following stroke. Oral Sci Int. 2014;11(1):15-21.
). Furthermore, the factors associated with death from bronchopulmonary aspiration have not been fully elucidated, especially in the national scenario.


To determine the prevalence of bronchopulmonary aspiration in the Brazilian scenario, the factors associated with this important safety incident and the variables associated with death.


Ethical aspects

The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto at Universidade de São Paulo. As this is secondary data analysis, waiver of the Informed Consent Form was requested.

Study design, period and place

This is a cross-sectional and analytical study, carried out with secondary data from the NOTIVISA database. STrengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) was used.


The database used to identify and analyze cases of bronchopulmonary aspiration in Brazil was NOTIVISA, a computerized system on the web platform, developed by ANVISA to receive notifications of incidents related to healthcare, including AE, technical complaints and human poisoning related to the use of products and services under health surveillance(1313 Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (BR). Sistema de notificação em vigilância sanitária: Notivisa [Internet]. Brasília, DF: ANVISA; 2018[cited 2020 May 09]. Available from:

Population, and inclusion and exclusion criteria

All notifications of incidents related to healthcare reported by the Patient Safety Centers (NSP) in the period from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2018 were considered, which followed the implementation of the Brazilian National Patient Safety Program (PNSP - Programa Nacional de Segurança do Paciente)(1414 Ministério da Saúde (BR). Portaria nº 529, de 1 de abril de 2013. Institui o Programa Nacional de Segurança do Paciente (PNSP) [Internet]. Brasília, DF: MS; 2013[cited 2021 Mar 17]. Available from:

The population consisted of 264,590 notifications, which were classified into: (i) patient accidents; (ii) documentation failure; (iii) failure to identify the patient; (iv) failure in the transfusion or graft procedure; (v) failures during healthcare; (vi) failures during the surgical procedure; (vii) failures in diet administration; (viii) failure to administer O2 or medicinal gases; (ix) failures in radiological assistance; (x) failure in administrative activities; (xi) failures in patient care/protection; (xii) failures occurring in clinical or pathology laboratories; (xiii) patient fall; (xiv) burns; (xv) pressure injury; and (xvi) others(1515 Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (BR). Nota técnica nº 05/2019. Orientações gerais para a notificação de eventos adversos relacionados à assistência à saúde [Internet]. Brasília, DF: Gerência de Vigilância e Monitoramento em Serviços de Saúde, Gerência Geral de Tecnologia em ANVISA; 2019[cited 2020 Mar 10]. Available from:

The most frequently reported incidents in NOTIVISA are those of the “others” category, which has an open field for the event description. The main ones include failures involving probes, failures involving venous catheters, accidental endotracheal extubation, patient avoidance, venous thromboembolism (VTE) and bronchoaspiration(1515 Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (BR). Nota técnica nº 05/2019. Orientações gerais para a notificação de eventos adversos relacionados à assistência à saúde [Internet]. Brasília, DF: Gerência de Vigilância e Monitoramento em Serviços de Saúde, Gerência Geral de Tecnologia em ANVISA; 2019[cited 2020 Mar 10]. Available from:
). For this reason, these notifications were read in full for tracking cases involving bronchopulmonary aspiration. It is noteworthy that the NSP used the following terms to report bronchopulmonary aspiration in NOTIVISA: bronchoaspiration, bronchopneumonia, aspiration pneumonia and ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP).

The other categories that were not specifically related to pulmonary aspiration were excluded from the analysis.

Study protocol

The database was made available by ANVISA’s Surveillance and Monitoring Management in Health Services (GVIMS - Gerência de Vigilância e Monitoramento em Serviços de Saúde) in a Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet.

For the purposes of the study, bronchopulmonary aspiration was defined as the inhalation of oropharyngeal or gastric content or foreign body into the airway that goes beyond the vocal folds(11 Macht M, Parfitt A, Wahidi MM. Aspiração aguda [Internet]. London: BMJ Best Practice; 2018[cited 2021 Mar 17]. Available from:
-22 Beck-Schimmer B, Bonvini JM. Bronchoaspiration: incidence, consequences and management. Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2011;28(2):78-84.
). Analyzed variables were:
  • Country region: North, Northeast, Southeast, Center-West and South.

  • Patient characteristics - Sex: female or male; age: < 28 days, 29 days to 1 year, 2 to 4 years, 5 to 11 years, 12 to 17 years, 18 to 25 years, 26 to 35 years, 36 to 45 years, 46 to 55 years, 56 to 65 years, 66 to 75 years, 76 to 85 years and > 85 years; ethnicity: yellow, indigenous, brown, black and not informed; main medical diagnosis according to the chapters of the International Classification of Diseases, 10th edition (ICD-10).

  • Incident characteristics/adverse event - Period: daytime (7 a.m. to 7 p.m.), nighttime (7 p.m. to 7 a.m.), did not know how to inform; consequence for patients: none, mild, moderate, severe and death(1616 World Health Organization. Conceptual framework for the international classification for patient safety [Internet]. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2009[cited 2011 Dec 6]. Available from:;jsessionid=E75074D1C5371DBF66BD58AD2E7030A2?sequence=1
    ); service type: hospital, clinic, health center/basic health unit, clinics, pharmacy, blood center or transfusion agency, radiology, clinical/microbiological/pathological anatomy laboratory, nuclear medicine, hemodialysis services, mental health or psychiatric services or institutions, exclusive emergency service (e.g., ECU), others; health unit: outpatient clinic, operating room, day hospital, radiology, clinical/microbiological/pathological anatomy laboratory, nuclear medicine, inpatient sectors, transport services (ambulance); care phase: during consultation, admission, during care (diagnosis, assessment, treatment or surgical intervention), transfer to another unit or to another health service, discharge, post-discharge follow-up, was not hospitalized.

Analysis of results, and statistics

Analyzes were performed using the R program, version 5.5.3. Initially, a descriptive analysis of study variables was conducted using absolute (n) and relative frequencies (%). The prevalence rate of bronchopulmonary aspiration was calculated by dividing the total number of healthcare-related incidents reported as bronchopulmonary aspiration by the total number of incidents reported in the period, multiplied by 100.

To verify the factors associated with bronchopulmonary aspiration, age was stratified into age groups: <18 years, adult (from 19 to 65 years) and elderly (>66 years); ethnicity, into whites, blacks and others; main medical diagnosis, into diseases of the circulatory system, diseases of the digestive system, diseases of the respiratory system, diseases of the nervous system, neoplasms (tumors) and others; country region, into North, Northeast, Center-West, Southeast and South; health service type, into inpatient, outpatient and other. Therefore, to assess associations between outcome (bronchopulmonary aspiration) and explanatory variables (sex, age group, ethnicity, main diagnosis, country region, care period and phase, health unit where the incident occurred), we used the chi-square or Fischer’s exact tests.

To identify the factors associated with death from bronchopulmonary aspiration and explanatory variables (sex, age group, ethnicity, main diagnosis, country region, service type, health unit and care period), chi-square or Fischer’s exact tests were also used.

The selection of explanatory variables for the final logistic regression model was performed using the Akaike information criterion (AIC). To verify the measure of association, the Odds Ratio (OR) of the variables that, at 5% significance level, remained in the final logistic regression model was calculated. 95% Confidence Interval (CI) was also calculated.


There was a total of 264,590 notifications of incidents related to healthcare; of these, 553 were related to bronchopulmonary aspiration, whose prevalence rate was 0.21%. Most involved males (312; 56.4%), aged 76 to 85 years (147; 26.6%) and white (166; 30%) (Table 1).

Table 1
Distribution of bronchopulmonary aspiration cases reported in NOTIVISA according to sex, age and ethnicity (n=553), Brazil, January 2014 to December 2018

Among the notifications involving bronchopulmonary aspiration (n = 553), in 136 (24.6%), patients presented diseases of the respiratory system, followed by diseases of the nervous system (80; 14.5%), diseases of the circulatory system (64; 11.6%) and neoplasms (58; 10.5%). Also, the Southeast region was responsible for most of notifications (229; 41.4%) (data not presented in tables).

Table 2 shows that the majority of cases of bronchopulmonary aspiration occurred during the daytime period (324; 58.6%), in care provision (546; 98.7%), in hospitals (540; 97.6%) and hospitalization units (347; 62.0%). Moreover, the majority resulted in moderate damage to patients (225; 40.7%) and death occurred in 7.3% of the cases (n = 41).

Table 2
Distribution of bronchopulmonary aspiration cases reported in NOTIVISA according to period and care phase, service type, health unit and consequence for patients (n=553), Brazil, January 2014 to December 2018

There was a significant association between bronchopulmonary aspiration and age group (p<0.001), ethnicity (0.029), main medical diagnosis (p<0.001), country region (p<0.001), service type (p<0.001), health unit (p<0.001) and consequences for patients (p<2.2e-16) (Table 3).

Table 3
Analysis of the association between bronchopulmonary aspiration and sex, age group, main medical diagnosis, country region, care period and phase (N=264,590), Brazil, January 2014 to December 2018

A significant association was also identified between death by bronchopulmonary aspiration and age group (p=0.008), main medical diagnosis (p=0.043), country region (p=0.002) and care period (p=0.014) (4).

Table 4
Analysis of the association between death by bronchopulmonary aspiration and sex, age group, main medical diagnosis and care period (n=553), Brazil, January 2014 to December 2018

Table 5 shows the logistic regression model corresponding to the risk of death from bronchopulmonary aspiration. Four independent predictor variables for death were verified: living in the North (p=0.0094) or South (p=0.0414), being elderly (p=0.0059) and receiving healthcare at night (p=0.0065).

Table 5
Logistic regression model of variables associated with death by bronchopulmonary aspiration, Brazil, January 2014 to December 2018


This is the first study carried out at the national level, aiming at analyzing the prevalence of bronchopulmonary aspiration, as well as the factors associated with this important safety incident and with death from the event. Furthermore, it is the first study that includes all age groups in the analyses.

The prevalence of bronchopulmonary aspiration was low when compared to the literature, which ranges from 10% to 70%(1717 DeLegge MH. Aspiration pneumonia: incidence, mortality, and at-risk populations. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2002;26(6 suppl):S19-24; discussion S-5.
). However, more than half of notifications analyzed in this study resulted in moderate or severe damage.

Bronchopulmonary aspiration is a potentially preventable event that, when present, can result in disastrous consequences for patients. The severity depends on the volume and characteristics of the aspirated substance as well as the defense capacity of the patients’ body(1818 Kollmeier BR, Keenaghan M. Aspiration risk [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2021[cited 2021 Jul 14]. Available from:
). Although large volume aspirations occasionally occur, clinically silent aspirations are the most common.

According to the American Society of Critical Care Nurses(1919 American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. Practice alert: prevention of aspiration in adults. Alijo Viejo (CA): AACCN; 2018[cited 2021 Mar 21]. Available from:
), more than 40% of adult patients with acute illness have bronchopulmonary aspiration. Previous research carried out in American Intensive Care Units (ICUs) also revealed that microaspirations occurred in almost half of critically ill patients, mechanically ventilated and with an enteral tube(88 Metheny NA, Clouse RE, Chang YH, Stewart BJ, Oliver DA, Kollef MH. Tracheobronchial aspiration of gastric contents in critically ill tube-fed patients: frequency, outcomes, and risk factors. Crit Care Med. 2006;34(4):1007-15.
). Furthermore, the risk of pneumonia was four times higher in these people, when compared to less severe patients and with a lower level of care complexity. The researchers concluded that bronchopulmonary aspiration results in greater use of hospital resources and that modifiable risk factors need to be monitored.

Nurses must carry out the clinical assessment of patients, which will guide the survey of accurate and accurate nursing diagnoses, as well as the judgment of priorities, the elaboration of desired results and the selection of appropriate interventions for patients at risk.

In this study, the number of cases of bronchopulmonary aspiration in children younger than 28 days was also small. The result differs from a previous study, which demonstrated that the event is slightly more common in this population than in adults. Also, children seem to be less severely affected(33 Flick RP, Schears GJ, Warner MA. Aspiration in pediatric anesthesia: is there a higher incidence compared with adults?. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol. 2002;15(3):323-7.

It should be taken into account that newborns have difficulties in coordinating the sucking and swallowing reflexes and may manifest physiological gastroesophageal reflux. Additionally, due to the stage of oral development, children up to 18 months of age tend to take objects to their mouths, increasing the risk of aspiration of foreign bodies and airway obstruction(2020 Neves OMD, Brasil LMBF, Amorim CSC. Processos aspirativos pulmonares em criança. Rev Paranaense Med [Internet]. 2009[cited 2021 Mar 8];23(3):1-6. Available from:

Recognizing and managing the risk of aspiration early, especially in children with dysphagia and cerebral palsy, is important to prevent aspiration pneumonia(2121 Tanaka N, Nohara K, Ueda A, Katayama T, Ushio M, Fujii N, et al. Effect of aspiration on the lungs in children: a comparison using chest computed tomography findings. BMC Pediatrics. 2019;19(1):162.
) and other serious pulmonary complications(2222 Yoon S-I, Kang J-M. Aspiration pneumonia in a pediatric patient under general anesthesia despite adequate preoperative fasting. Korean J Crit Care Med. 2015;30(4):313-7.
). In this context, nurses have a preponderant role in managing the risk of bronchopulmonary aspiration in the pediatric population, because one of their attributions is the education and guidance of other nursing team member and parents of vulnerable children. Therefore, health education and constant training of professionals are important strategies that reduce the occurrence of event and improve health outcomes(2323 McKinney OW, Heaton PA, Gamble J, Paul SP. Recognition and management of foreign body ingestion and aspiration. Nurs Stand. 2017;31(23):42-52.

In this study, bronchopulmonary aspiration affected more people aged between 76 and 85 years. Although this event can occur in all age groups(1818 Kollmeier BR, Keenaghan M. Aspiration risk [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2021[cited 2021 Jul 14]. Available from:
), research has shown that aspiration is more frequent in the elderly, especially in those with dysphagia(1818 Kollmeier BR, Keenaghan M. Aspiration risk [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2021[cited 2021 Jul 14]. Available from:
,2424 Mandell LA, Niederman MS. Aspiration pneumonia. N Engl J Med. 2019;380(7):651-63.

25 Santos DAR, Arcanjo DPS, Silva GMBM, Mendes ALF, Mendonça SCB, Lima TRCM, et al. Factors associated with aspiration pneumonia and preventive measures in hospitalized elderly: a systematic review of observational studies. Revista CEFAC. 2020;22(6):e2920.
-2626 Ebihara S, Sekiya H, Miyagi M, Ebihara T, Okazaki T. Dysphagia, dystussia, and aspiration pneumonia in elderly people. J Thorac Dis. 2016;8(3):632-9.
). Researchers also stated that exposure to risk factors, such as age and impaired oral hygiene, can contribute to morbidity and mortality from bronchopulmonary aspiration(1818 Kollmeier BR, Keenaghan M. Aspiration risk [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2021[cited 2021 Jul 14]. Available from:
), and these factors should be recognized, evaluated and monitored by health teams, especially in the most susceptible patients.

The elderly population is more prone to bronchopulmonary aspiration, because the aging process results in morphophysiological changes in muscle cells and structures involved in the swallowing process, increasing the amount of residue that accumulates in the mouth after swallowing, episodes of coughing or choking during meals(2626 Ebihara S, Sekiya H, Miyagi M, Ebihara T, Okazaki T. Dysphagia, dystussia, and aspiration pneumonia in elderly people. J Thorac Dis. 2016;8(3):632-9.
-2727 Di Pede C, Mantovani ME, Del Felice A, Masiero S. Dysphagia in the elderly: focus on rehabilitation strategies. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2016;28(4):607-17.
). In addition to this, one should consider the progressive increase in the incidence of dementia syndromes with advancing age, especially among people aged between 70 and 80 years(2626 Ebihara S, Sekiya H, Miyagi M, Ebihara T, Okazaki T. Dysphagia, dystussia, and aspiration pneumonia in elderly people. J Thorac Dis. 2016;8(3):632-9.
), which contributes to increased event incidence in this population as well as the number of cases of aspiration pneumonia.

Clinical indicators of bronchopulmonary aspiration include the sudden onset of respiratory symptoms, such as severe coughing and cyanosis, associated with ingestion of food, liquid, or regurgitation of gastric contents, and sudden change in voice, including hoarseness or a gurgling noise after swallowing. It is noteworthy that small-volume aspirations, which do not produce overt symptoms, are common and generally not discovered until the condition progresses to aspiration pneumonia(55 Palmer JL, Metheny NA. Preventing aspiration in older adults with dysphagia. Am J Nurs. 2008;108(2):40-8;quiz-9.

In this context, nurses must recognize their role in the management of risks and injuries related to bronchopulmonary aspiration, including the screening of patients with dysphagia through validated tools, such as the Eating Assessment Tool (EAT-10)(2828 Kaspar K, Ekberg O. Identifying vulnerable patients: role of the EAT-10 and the multidisciplinary team for early intervention and comprehensive dysphagia care. Nestle Nutr Inst Workshop Ser. 2012;72:19-31.
). Although this assessment does not replace that of other multidisciplinary team members, it highlights the importance of screening performed by nurses in improving quality of care provided to vulnerable patients and in identifying early interventions, which should be guided by evidence-based practice and centered on individuals.

In the present study, most notifications come from the Southeast Region. However, patients living in northern Brazil were four times more likely to have bronchopulmonary aspiration when compared to patients from other regions. Such results can be explained by the different socioeconomic conditions in the country.

The last AE report published by ANVISA also revealed that most notifications of incidents related to healthcare came from the Southeast(2929 Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (BR). Incidentes relacionados à assistência à saúde. Bol Seguranca Paciente Qual Serv Saude [Internet]. 2019 Nov[cited 2021 Mar 9];(20):1-7. Available from:

Note that notifications in NOTIVISA are made electronically by NSP duly registered with the Agency(1313 Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (BR). Sistema de notificação em vigilância sanitária: Notivisa [Internet]. Brasília, DF: ANVISA; 2018[cited 2020 May 09]. Available from:
,1515 Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (BR). Nota técnica nº 05/2019. Orientações gerais para a notificação de eventos adversos relacionados à assistência à saúde [Internet]. Brasília, DF: Gerência de Vigilância e Monitoramento em Serviços de Saúde, Gerência Geral de Tecnologia em ANVISA; 2019[cited 2020 Mar 10]. Available from:
). Although notification of bronchopulmonary aspiration and deaths resulting from this AE are mandatory in the country(1515 Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (BR). Nota técnica nº 05/2019. Orientações gerais para a notificação de eventos adversos relacionados à assistência à saúde [Internet]. Brasília, DF: Gerência de Vigilância e Monitoramento em Serviços de Saúde, Gerência Geral de Tecnologia em ANVISA; 2019[cited 2020 Mar 10]. Available from:
,3030 Ministério da Saúde (BR). Resolução RDC Nº 36, de 25 de julho de 2013. Institui ações para a segurança do paciente em serviços de saúde e dá outras providências [Internet]. Brasília, DF: MS; 2013[cited 2021 Mar 18]. Available from:
), possible difficulties faced in the registration of NSP may impact the number of notifications per Federation Unit as well as the lack of a safety culture in health services.

Robust data is important for tackling inequalities, prioritizing policies and allocating resources to prevent AE and save lives(3131 McCarron K. Understanding care bundles. Nurs Made Incredibly Easy. 2011;9(2):30-3.
). It is recommended that future research be carried out in order to compare the distribution of resources in different states and regions, the Healthcare Network structuring in different territories, the quality and safety of healthcare and the impact of these variables in the number of incident notifications related to bronchopulmonary aspiration.

The study results also showed that, in 7% of notifications involving bronchopulmonary aspiration, patients died. Also, advanced age was a variable related to the outcome. The results corroborate those of previous research(66 Manabe T, Teramoto S, Tamiya N, Okochi J, Hizawa N. Risk factors for aspiration pneumonia in older adults. PLoS One. 2015;10(10):e0140060.
,2525 Santos DAR, Arcanjo DPS, Silva GMBM, Mendes ALF, Mendonça SCB, Lima TRCM, et al. Factors associated with aspiration pneumonia and preventive measures in hospitalized elderly: a systematic review of observational studies. Revista CEFAC. 2020;22(6):e2920.
), which showed that neurological dysfunction, decreased consciousness, gastroesophageal reflux, tube feeding and advanced age are potential risk factors for the occurrence of death(3232 Ministério da Saúde (BR). Morbidade hospitalar do SUS por local de internação [Internet]. Brasília, DF: MS; 2019[cited 2019 Nov 03]. Available from:

Regarding the other variables associated with death from aspiration identified in this study, the presence of diseases of the respiratory system stands out. According to the Unified Health System Hospital Information System (SIH/SUS), respiratory diseases were the second leading cause of hospitalization in Brazil(3333 Pincelli MP, Grumann ACB, Fernandes C, Cavalheiro AGC, Haussen DAP, Maia IS. Characteristics of COPD patients admitted to the ICU of a referral hospital for respiratory diseases in Brazil. J Bras Pneumol. 2011;37(2):217-22.
). In a survey conducted in a Brazilian ICU, 62.5% of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease required invasive mechanical ventilation. The results also showed a high mortality rate in these patients(3434 Kock KS, Rosa BC, Martignago NN, Maurici R. Pneumonia associada à ventilação mecânica (PAVM): incidência e desfecho clínico em uma unidade de terapia intensiva no sul de Santa Catarina. Arq Catarinenses Med [Internet]. 2017[cited 2021 Mar 17];46(1):2-11. Available from:

Mechanically ventilated patients are unable to clear oropharyngeal secretions; therefore, they are at increased risk for bronchopulmonary aspiration and respiratory infections(1818 Kollmeier BR, Keenaghan M. Aspiration risk [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2021[cited 2021 Jul 14]. Available from:
). VAP is one of the consequences of bronchopulmonary aspiration and results in high in-hospital mortality rates(3535 Sadigov A, Mamedova I, Mammmadov K. Ventilator-associated pneumonia and in-hospital mortality: which risk factors may predict in-hospital mortality in such patients?. J Lung Health Dis. 2019;3(4):8-12.
-3636 Jadot L, Huyghens L, De Jaeger A, Bourgeois M, Biarent D, Higuet A, et al. Impact of a VAP bundle in Belgian intensive care units. Ann Intensive Care. 2018;8(1):65.
). The VAP prevention bundle, which includes (i) elevated position at 30 and 45°, (ii) daily interruption of sedation and daily assessment of extubation conditions, (iv) peptic ulcer prophylaxis (stress ulcer) and (v) deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis (unless contraindicated)(3737 Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (BR). Incidentes relacionados à assistência à saúde: 2016. Bol Seguranca Paciente Qual Serv Saude [Internet]. 2017 Dec 28[cited 2021 Mar 16];(15):1-20. Available from:
), being an important strategy that, when used efficiently, positively impacts patient outcomes and quality of care(2525 Santos DAR, Arcanjo DPS, Silva GMBM, Mendes ALF, Mendonça SCB, Lima TRCM, et al. Factors associated with aspiration pneumonia and preventive measures in hospitalized elderly: a systematic review of observational studies. Revista CEFAC. 2020;22(6):e2920.
), because it allows nurses and other healthcare professionals to provide the best possible care, supported by evidence-based research and practices(3232 Ministério da Saúde (BR). Morbidade hospitalar do SUS por local de internação [Internet]. Brasília, DF: MS; 2019[cited 2019 Nov 03]. Available from:

In this study, the risk of death from aspiration was higher at night. Although, in Brazil, most incidents related to healthcare occurred during the day, according to the ANVISA incident notification bulletin(2929 Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (BR). Incidentes relacionados à assistência à saúde. Bol Seguranca Paciente Qual Serv Saude [Internet]. 2019 Nov[cited 2021 Mar 9];(20):1-7. Available from:
,3838 Cortegiani A, Gregoretti C, Neto AS, Hemmes SNT, Ball L, Canet J, et al. Association between night-time surgery and occurrence of intraoperative adverse events and postoperative pulmonary complications. Br J Anaesth. 2019;122(3):361-9.
), previous research found that procedures performed at night were responsible for a greater number of pulmonary complications(1818 Kollmeier BR, Keenaghan M. Aspiration risk [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2021[cited 2021 Jul 14]. Available from:
,3939 Cordova PB, Phibbs CS, Schmitt SK, Stone PW. Night and day in the VA: associations between night shift staffing, nurse workforce characteristics, and length of stay. Res Nurs Health. 2014;37(2):90-7.
). This result can be explained by the difference in nursing team size in daytime and nighttime periods. However, research is needed to elucidate the impact of this relationship on patient outcomes(3939 Cordova PB, Phibbs CS, Schmitt SK, Stone PW. Night and day in the VA: associations between night shift staffing, nurse workforce characteristics, and length of stay. Res Nurs Health. 2014;37(2):90-7.
) and AE rates.

Study limitations

The study was carried out based on a retrospective analysis of incident notifications reported by NSPs; for this reason, underreporting of severe and fatal AE may have occurred. The degree of damage is recorded in NOTIVISA by the notifier; therefore, it was not possible to validate this information. Also, NOTIVISA does not allow the inclusion of information related to causes of incidents, a fact that limits analysis of events. The lack of material and infrastructure resources, such as computers and internet access, may have contributed to the lower number of notifications by certain health institutions and country regions.

Contributions to nursing

The results of this study can contribute to identifying specific care aimed at patients at risk for bronchopulmonary aspiration, in order to minimize the damage caused by the incident and improve quality of care. Knowledge about aspiration risk factors has the potential to support the development of prevention protocols in health units and services and, consequently, reduce the negative impact of the event on health outcomes. They also point to the need for services to invest in a culture of safety and institute policies that favor notifying incidents, with and without damage, in order to improve the understanding of the causes and the identification of appropriate interventions that are sensitive to the results.


The prevalence rate of bronchopulmonary aspiration in this study was small, but with a negative impact on patients. There was a significant association between event and age, ethnicity, main medical diagnosis, country region, service type, health unit and degree of damage. Still, the risk factors for death were being elderly, living in the North and South regions and receiving care during the night shift.

It is concluded that bronchopulmonary aspiration is a relevant event, whose risk factors must be identified early and managed by the health team, especially by nurses, in order to reduce the incidence of unfavorable clinical outcomes.


Edited by

EDITOR IN CHIEF: Antonio José de Almeida Filho
ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Ana Fátima Fernandes

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    29 Nov 2021
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    20 Apr 2021
  • Accepted
    20 Aug 2021
Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem SGA Norte Quadra 603 Conj. "B" - Av. L2 Norte 70830-102 Brasília, DF, Brasil, Tel.: (55 61) 3226-0653, Fax: (55 61) 3225-4473 - Brasília - DF - Brazil