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Partially inbred maize lines in topcrosses and hybrid performance


In plant breeding programs, the selection of potential progenies in early generations of inbreeding is an essential step. Considering that, the adoption of topcrosses helps the breeder in the selection, this study aimed to verify the potential of S2 strains for synthesis of synthetic varieties and to obtain experimental information on yield and agronomic potential of topcross hybrids. As such, 75 topcross hybrids were generated from crossing 75 S2 lines with F2 generation of the commercial hybrid. The 75 hybrids were grown in a field, along with two commercial hybrids in a randomized complete block design with 4 replicates and in 4-meter plots. Flowering, plant height, height, diameter, length and weight in the ear, and grain yield traits were examined. Analysis of variance was performed, the combining ability was estimated, and, from the means, the Scott & Knott test was conducted. So, the topcross hybrids that distinguished themselves for grain yield were those composed by lines 67, 14, 44, and 69, presenting high CGA, therefore indicating good potential for producing synthetic or base population. For the other traits of agronomic interest that were assessed in maize, a potential for selection with different focuses was found: reduction of cycle and height and increase in length and diameter of the ear.

Zea mays; general combining ability; synthetic variety; S2 lines


In a breeding program, at least four steps are involved to obtain hybrids, namely: the selection of populations; the acquisition of lines; the evaluation of their combining ability; and extensive testing of the hybrid combinations achieved (Paterniani & Campos, 1999Paterniani E & Campos MS (1999) Melhoramento do milho. In: Borém A (Eds.) Melhoramento de espécies cultivadas. Viçosa, UFV. p. 429-486.). Nevertheless, the selection of parental lines should be made according to methodologies that allow their evaluation in different combinations. It is important to point out that one of the main problems faced by maize breeders who work with line hybrids is the evaluation of the parent lines. For a high number of lines, the assessment of all possible crosses is impractical (Paterniani et al., 2010Paterniani MEAGZ, Ferreira EA, Duarte AP & Gallo PB (2010) Potencial de híbridos top crosses de milho no estado de São Paulo. Revista Brasileira de Milho e Sorgo, 9:163-176.).

Various techniques and genetic designs can be employed in maize breeding, including diallel crosses, which is a methodology used to select genotypes with a high combining ability and allelic complementarity. Since breeding programs involve a high number of genotypes, partial diallels and topcrosses have been given preference in the evaluation of specific sets of crosses (Rodovalho et al., 2012Rodovalho MA, Scapim CA, Pinto RJB, Barreto RR, Ferreira FRA & Clóvis LR (2012) Comparação de testadores em famílias S2 obtidas do híbrido simples de milho pipoca IAC-112. Bioscience Journal, 28:145-154.).

The topcross method, though apparently simple, has a certain difficulty in defining the adequate tester for the group of lines to be evaluated and its interpretation (Paterniani & Miranda Filho, 1987Paterniani E & Miranda Filho JB (1987) Melhoramento de populações. In: Paterniani E & Viégas GP (Eds.) Melhoramento e produção do milho. Campinas, Fundação Cargil. p. 277-340.). On this point, Hallauer et al. (2010Hallauer AR, Carena MJ & Miranda Filho JB (2010) Quantitative genetics in maize breeding. New York, Springer. 663p.) state that broad genetic base testers are helpful in obtaining the estimates of the general combining ability, while those of narrow genetic base are useful in estimating the specific combining ability.

The topcross hybrids of partially inbred lines are alternatives to reducing time and cost to obtain hybrids, because the production system needs a smaller number of successive self-fertilizations and a smaller area to obtain and multiply the lines, reaching the market at a faster time, maintaining greater yield when compared with inbred lines (Ferreira et al., 2009Ferreira EA, Paterniani MEAGZ, Duarte AP, Gallo PB, Sawazaki E, Azevedo Filho JA & Guimarães PS (2009) Desempenho de híbridos top crosses de linhagens S3 de milho em três locais do Estado de São Paulo. Bragantia, 68:319-327.; 2010Ferreira EA, Paterniani MEAGZ & Santos FMC (2010) Potencial de híbridos comerciais de milho para obtenção de linhagens em programas de melhoramento. Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical, 40:304-311.).

Thus, the goals of this study were to verify the potential of S2 strains for synthesis of synthetic varieties and to obtain experimental information on yield and agronomic potential of topcross hybrids.


This work was carried out in two steps. The first step was to obtain topcross hybrids by crosses between the S2 families and the tester, and the second one comprised the assessment of topcross hybrids in field trials.

The inbred progenies utilized in the study were from the population consisting of the "Creole" maize variety called Movimento de Pequenos Agricultores-MPA (Small Farmers Movement), which was self-fertilized in the first-crop corn 2012/2013, generating 95 S1 families. In the second-crop corn 2012/2013, the inbred progenies were evaluated and the inbreeding depression of each of these progenies was estimated. Negative values of more than 80% of inbreeding depression were noticed for grain yield, with an average depression of 53.75% (Mendes et al., 2013Mendes UC, Souza SB, Schindler RF, Pinto JFN & Reis EF (2013) Depressão por endogamia em uma população de milho denominada MPA. In: XII Seminário Nacional de milho safrinha, Dourados. Anais, UFGD. p.01-06. ).

Eighteen S1 families were selected, which showed less inbreeding depression for grain yield, which were sown in the second-crop corn 2013/2014 for the second cycle of self-fertilization, generating the S2 progenies. In accordance with the seed production, 75 S2 progenies were selected to compose the group of partially inbred lines (75%).

The tester used was the F2 generation of commercial hybrid AG6040, considered to have a broad genetic base. The seeds of the 75 S2 progenies used were sown in a five-meter row for the crosses. One line of the tester was sown every three lines. Planting was done in an isolated field and, at the time of male flowering, the detasseling of the S2 family was done, so that there was pollen only of the tester, which was the male parent. The seeds of the 75 topcross hybrids were harvested individually, for the experimental evaluation.

For the second stage, the experiment to assess topcross hybrids was conducted in the second crop 2014/2015, in a randomized complete block design with four replicates. The plots were four-meter rows spaced 0.90 m between rows and 0.20 m between plants. Two commercial hybrids, planted in the region, were interspersed as controls (AG7098 PRO and SHS5050). The experiment was sown in February 2015, and the recommended cultural management for the maize culture were adopted to conduct the experiment. The following traits were assessed in each plot: the number of days for male flowering (MF) and for female flowering (FF), and for a sample of five plants, the plant height (PH) and the ear height (EH) were measured in meters. After cropping, five ears randomly obtained from each plot were used to assess the ear length (EL) in centimeters and the ear diameter (ED) in centimeters. The ear yield, in kg.ha-1 (EY), and the grain yield (GY), in kg.ha-1, were evaluated by the total weight of the plot corrected for 13% humidity and adjusted for stand variation. Stand correction was using the covariance method described by Vencovsky & Barriga, (1992Vencovsky R & Barriga P (1992) Genética biométrica no fitomelhoramento. Ribeirão Preto, Sociedade Brasileira de Genética. 496p). The analysis of variance, for the measured traits (PH, EH, EL, ED), was performed with means of plots and, for EY and GY, with the total of the plot.

The general combining ability (gi) based on the statistical genetic model was also estimated, as mentioned by Ferreira et al. (2009Ferreira EA, Paterniani MEAGZ, Duarte AP, Gallo PB, Sawazaki E, Azevedo Filho JA & Guimarães PS (2009) Desempenho de híbridos top crosses de linhagens S3 de milho em três locais do Estado de São Paulo. Bragantia, 68:319-327.):

Y i j = m + g i + e i j


m = overall mean;

gi = effect of the general combining ability of i line;

eij = medium experimental error.

The g i was obtained according to the following expression: <mml:math><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>g</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>i</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mi> </mml:mi><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>c</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>i</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mo>-</mml:mo><mml:mi> </mml:mi><mml:mi>c</mml:mi></mml:math>, being,

gi = effect of the general combining ability of the lines;

ci = mean of each hybrid;

c = overall mean of topcross hybrids.

Scott & Knott test was used to group the means with at 5% probability. The statistical analyses carried out at all stages were made with the Genes program (Cruz, 2013Cruz CD (2013) GENES - a software package for analysis in experimental statistics and quantitative genetics. Acta Scientiarum. Agronomy, 35:271-276.).


The coefficients of experimental variation (Table 1) were, in general, of low magnitude for all traits, ranging from 1.89 to 16.91. Thus, it is deduced that there was good experimental accuracy for the traits evaluated. These results are in line with what has been reported in the literature for the maize crop (Guimarães et al. 2011Guimarães LJM, Parentoni SN, Mendes FF & Martins AO (2011) Melhoramento de milho para estresses abióticos. In: Cardoso DL, Luz LN & Pereira TNS (Eds.) Estratégias em Melhoramento de Plantas. Viçosa, ARKA. p. 39-53. ; Mendes et al., 2013Mendes UC, Souza SB, Schindler RF, Pinto JFN & Reis EF (2013) Depressão por endogamia em uma população de milho denominada MPA. In: XII Seminário Nacional de milho safrinha, Dourados. Anais, UFGD. p.01-06. ). For the source of variation hybrids, a relevant difference was seen for all the traits assessed. It is concluded, then, that there was variability among the assessed hybrids, which allows selecting topcross hybrids with the best agronomic performance. Table 2, referring to the means of the 75 topcross hybrids and the two controls, displays that, regarding control 1, hybrid AG7098, the traits related to yield (ear yield and grain yield) showed, for all topcross hybrids, magnitudes below the referred hybrid, while in the other traits there is equality for some of the topcross hybrids compared and inferiority for

others, which can be favorable, as it is the cycle and height of the plant. Concerning control 2, hybrid SHS 5050, topcross hybrids presented equality in means or even superiority. For the plant height trait, the results agree with the ones verified by Ferreira et al. (2009Ferreira EA, Paterniani MEAGZ, Duarte AP, Gallo PB, Sawazaki E, Azevedo Filho JA & Guimarães PS (2009) Desempenho de híbridos top crosses de linhagens S3 de milho em três locais do Estado de São Paulo. Bragantia, 68:319-327.), who noticed that, in general, the plant height of topcross hybrids was low compared to that of control hybrids, which may be due to the smaller size of the tester. For the yield trait, the results do not match those obtained by Ferreira et al. (2009Ferreira EA, Paterniani MEAGZ, Duarte AP, Gallo PB, Sawazaki E, Azevedo Filho JA & Guimarães PS (2009) Desempenho de híbridos top crosses de linhagens S3 de milho em três locais do Estado de São Paulo. Bragantia, 68:319-327.) and Marcondes et al. (2015Marcondes MM, Faria MV, Neumann M, Marcondes MM, Silva CA, Vascoski VL & Rizzardi DA (2015) Desempenho agronômico e forrageiro de linhagens S4 de milho em topcrosses com híbrido simples. Semina: Ciências Agrárias , 36:2395-2406.), in which the topcross hybrids were classified in the group of the most productive, possibly because they were using lines with higher levels of inbreeding (S3 and S4), respectively. Nonetheless, the comparison with commercial hybrids should be treated with caution, as it only indicates a reference of the topcross hybrids to be tested with the one that is being marketed.

Table 1:
Analysis of variance for male flowering (MF), female flowering (FF), ear height (EH), plant height (PH), ear diameter (ED), ear length (EL), ear yield (EY), and grain yield (GY) of 75 topcross hybrids and two controls. Jataí-GO, 2015
Table 2:
Means of male flowering (MF), female flowering (FF), plant height (PH), ear height (EH), ear diameter (ED), ear length (EL), ear yield (EY), and grain yield (GY) of 75 topcross hybrids of maize and two controls. Jataí-GO, 2015

Among the topcross hybrids, the progenies that had reduction in the number of days for male and female flowering simultaneously were 2, 20, 31, 41, 43, 47 and 66, with a mean of approximately two days less than the overall mean of the progenies. With respect to the ratio between plant height and ear, the topcross hybrids with the lowest ratio were 5, 24, and 45, meaning that these progenies have the lowest ear height in relation to the total plant height, and, in general, the lower the ear height, the lower the probability of the plant breaking below the ear.

The topcross hybrids that presented the highest ear diameter were 21, 25, 55, and 72; those that showed the highest ear length were 50, 51, 68, and 74. These progenies may be interesting in the breeding process, as the length and diameter of the ear is generally well related to yield. These results underline the significance of evaluating the value of each partially inbreeding line by using the topcrosses, as already related by Arnhold et al. (2009Arnhold E, Viana JMS & Silva RG (2009) Associação de desempenho entre famílias S3 e seus híbridos topcross de milho-pipoca. Revista Ciência Agronômica, 40:396-399. ). These authors, by studying the performance association between S3 families and their topcross hybrids of pop corn, observed that it is not possible to recommend the replacement of the topcross selection by the selection per se of inbreeding families in pop corn, since, for the grain yield and expansion capacity traits assessed, the low correlation does not justify the selection only by the performance per se.

In relation to the grain yield of 16 higher yielding topcross hybrids, they were statistically equal to the SHS 5050 hybrid, which is used in the market. There are some topcross hybrids with a yield above 7,000 kg.ha-1.

Table 3 provides estimates of the effects of the general combining ability (GCA) for the assessed traits of the 75 maize S2 lines. Given that the lines were crossed with a tester considered to have a broad genetic base (AG 6040), the effects of general combining ability were estimated (Vencovsky & Barriga, 1992Vencovsky R & Barriga P (1992) Genética biométrica no fitomelhoramento. Ribeirão Preto, Sociedade Brasileira de Genética. 496p).

Table 3:
Estimates of the effects of the general combining ability (gi’s) for male flowering (MF), female flowering (FF), plant height (PH), ear height (EH), ear diameter (ED), ear length (EL), ear yield (EY), and grain yield (GY), of 75 lines of maize. Jataí, GO - 2015

The values of GCA for male flowering ranged from -2.28 days (lines 1 and 47) to 2.72 days (line 75) and, for female flowering, the scores ranged from -2.48 days (line 47) to 1.52 days (line 68). Similar results were found by Clovis et al. (2015Clovis LR, Scapim CA, Pinto RJB, Bolson E & Senhorinho HJC (2015) Avaliação de linhagens S3 de milho por meio de testadores adaptados a safrinha. Revista Caatinga, 28:109-120.), who selected promising lines with negative GCA for male and female flowering, suggesting that the selected lines provided an improvement in the hybrid earliness. Considering the cycle and the greater importance in the formation of the ear, closely related to the production of the stigma-style, priority should be given to the reduction for female flowering; in this way, the best lines were 47, 31, and 43. For plant height, the GCA ranged from -0.329 m (line 35) to 0.275 m (line 69) and, for ear height, from - 0.183 m (line 35) to 0.171 days (line 68). Prioritizing the reduction of the plant and ear height, line 35 would be the most suitable, followed by lines 5, 63, and 62. For the ear diameter, the GCA ranged from -0.672 cm (line 11) to 0.328 cm (line 72) and, for the ear length, the GCA was from -1.443 cm (lines 71 and 54) to 1.857 cm (lines 73 and 50), which enables the recommendation of larger diameter lines or longer ear lengths if it is worthwhile.

For the hulled ears yield, a trait that has a strong relationship with the grain yield, it was observed values of general combining ability (GCA) ranging from -1924.98 kg.ha-1 (line 45) to 2440.28 kg.ha-1 (line 44), and, for grain yield in kg.ha-1, the GCA was observed ranging from -1466.80 (line 32) to 1881.81 (line 67), demonstrating successful possibilities in selecting lines for the synthetic production. Thus, for grain yield the following lines should be recommended: 67, 14, 44, 69 indicating a GCA higher than 1700.00 kg.ha-1. These same genotypes could be used, in their hybrid form, with the AG6040 for base population yield for selection purposes, and they could be used both for future yielding of an open pollinated variety and for extraction of lines to obtain hybrids. Estimating the effects of the general combining ability for grain yield in maize, Scapim et al. (2008Scapim CA, Royer MR, Pinto RJB, Amaral Júnior AT, Pacheco CAP & Moterle LM (2008) Comparação de testadores na avaliação da capacidade de combinação de famílias S2 de milho-pipoca. Revista Brasileira de Milho e Sorgo , 7:83-91.) and Clovis et al. (2015Clovis LR, Scapim CA, Pinto RJB, Bolson E & Senhorinho HJC (2015) Avaliação de linhagens S3 de milho por meio de testadores adaptados a safrinha. Revista Caatinga, 28:109-120.) also identified high and positive values, suggesting the feasibility of selecting inbreeding lines with yield potential by means of topcrosses. Barreto et al. (2012Barreto RR, Scapim CA, Amaral Júnior AT, Rodovalho MA, Vieira RA & Schuelter AR (2012) Avaliação da capacidade de combinação de famílias S2 de milho-pipoca por meio de diferentes testadores. Semina: Ciências Agrárias, 33:873-890.), also assessing the ability to combine maize S2 families by using testers, found significant effects of GCA. Both studies confirm the results found in this study.


It is concluded that topcross hybrids of partially inbreeding maize lines have good yield potential, being equivalent to one of the commercial hybrids used in the trial, and may be an alternative for the production of synthetic or base populations for selection purposes.

The 67, 14, 44, and 69 lines stand out for presenting the best grain yields. It was also possible to identify good agronomic behavior of the other traits evaluated.


  • Arnhold E, Viana JMS & Silva RG (2009) Associação de desempenho entre famílias S3 e seus híbridos topcross de milho-pipoca. Revista Ciência Agronômica, 40:396-399.
  • Barreto RR, Scapim CA, Amaral Júnior AT, Rodovalho MA, Vieira RA & Schuelter AR (2012) Avaliação da capacidade de combinação de famílias S2 de milho-pipoca por meio de diferentes testadores. Semina: Ciências Agrárias, 33:873-890.
  • Clovis LR, Scapim CA, Pinto RJB, Bolson E & Senhorinho HJC (2015) Avaliação de linhagens S3 de milho por meio de testadores adaptados a safrinha. Revista Caatinga, 28:109-120.
  • Cruz CD (2013) GENES - a software package for analysis in experimental statistics and quantitative genetics. Acta Scientiarum. Agronomy, 35:271-276.
  • Ferreira EA, Paterniani MEAGZ, Duarte AP, Gallo PB, Sawazaki E, Azevedo Filho JA & Guimarães PS (2009) Desempenho de híbridos top crosses de linhagens S3 de milho em três locais do Estado de São Paulo. Bragantia, 68:319-327.
  • Ferreira EA, Paterniani MEAGZ & Santos FMC (2010) Potencial de híbridos comerciais de milho para obtenção de linhagens em programas de melhoramento. Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical, 40:304-311.
  • Guimarães LJM, Parentoni SN, Mendes FF & Martins AO (2011) Melhoramento de milho para estresses abióticos. In: Cardoso DL, Luz LN & Pereira TNS (Eds.) Estratégias em Melhoramento de Plantas. Viçosa, ARKA. p. 39-53.
  • Hallauer AR, Carena MJ & Miranda Filho JB (2010) Quantitative genetics in maize breeding. New York, Springer. 663p.
  • Marcondes MM, Faria MV, Neumann M, Marcondes MM, Silva CA, Vascoski VL & Rizzardi DA (2015) Desempenho agronômico e forrageiro de linhagens S4 de milho em topcrosses com híbrido simples. Semina: Ciências Agrárias , 36:2395-2406.
  • Mendes UC, Souza SB, Schindler RF, Pinto JFN & Reis EF (2013) Depressão por endogamia em uma população de milho denominada MPA. In: XII Seminário Nacional de milho safrinha, Dourados. Anais, UFGD. p.01-06.
  • Paterniani E & Miranda Filho JB (1987) Melhoramento de populações. In: Paterniani E & Viégas GP (Eds.) Melhoramento e produção do milho. Campinas, Fundação Cargil. p. 277-340.
  • Paterniani E & Campos MS (1999) Melhoramento do milho. In: Borém A (Eds.) Melhoramento de espécies cultivadas. Viçosa, UFV. p. 429-486.
  • Paterniani MEAGZ, Ferreira EA, Duarte AP & Gallo PB (2010) Potencial de híbridos top crosses de milho no estado de São Paulo. Revista Brasileira de Milho e Sorgo, 9:163-176.
  • Rodovalho MA, Scapim CA, Pinto RJB, Barreto RR, Ferreira FRA & Clóvis LR (2012) Comparação de testadores em famílias S2 obtidas do híbrido simples de milho pipoca IAC-112. Bioscience Journal, 28:145-154.
  • Scapim CA, Royer MR, Pinto RJB, Amaral Júnior AT, Pacheco CAP & Moterle LM (2008) Comparação de testadores na avaliação da capacidade de combinação de famílias S2 de milho-pipoca. Revista Brasileira de Milho e Sorgo , 7:83-91.
  • Vencovsky R & Barriga P (1992) Genética biométrica no fitomelhoramento. Ribeirão Preto, Sociedade Brasileira de Genética. 496p

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    13 July 2020
  • Date of issue
    May-Jun 2020


  • Received
    14 Feb 2019
  • Accepted
    12 May 2020
Universidade Federal de Viçosa Av. Peter Henry Rolfs, s/n, 36570-000 Viçosa, Minas Gerais Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 31) 3612-2078 - Viçosa - MG - Brazil