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Synergism between rhizobium strains and soil bioactivator favor sustainable production of Arachis pintoi1 1 The work was extracted from the dissertation of one of the authors. It was funded by the Research Support Foundation of the State of Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG).


The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of a commercial product, a soil bioactivator, on the establishment and efficiency of symbiosis between rhizobia and Arachis pintoi (forage peanut). The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse in 8 dm3 pots and 12 treatments were used, ten inoculated with different strains of rhizobia and two without inoculation (presence or absence of mineral nitrogen), associated or not with the application of soil bioactivator. The experimental design used was a randomized block design with four repetitions. The experiment was conducted until the time of flowering, when the agronomic characteristics referring to the shoot dry matter (SDM) and root (RDM), relative symbiotic efficiency (RS), number (NN) and nodule dry matter (NMS) and the bromatological characteristics, given by the content of crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid (ADF) were evaluated. The use of soil bioactivator did not influence the bromatological characteristics, but potentiated the inoculation with rhizobia strains, UNIFENAS 03-16, UNIFENAS 03-31 and UNIFENAS 03-36, effectively contributing to increases in the values of SDM, RS and NN, thus constituting a sustainable alternative for the production of A. pintoi.

forage legume; animal production; agricultural sustainability


In recent years, it is observed the growth of livestock activity in all regions of Brazil, with a predominance of animal breeding based on extensive management, a practice that contributes to reducing production costs (Torres Júnior & Aguiar, 2013Torres Júnior AM & Aguiar GAM (2013) Pecuária de corte no Brasil: Potencial e resultados econômicos. In: Encontro de Adubação de Pastagens da Scot Consultoria - Tec - Fértil, Ribeirão Preto. Proceedings, Embrapa Gado de Corte. p.09-14.), but causes degradation of these areas, causing a reduction in the nutritional quality of forage, animal production and producer income (Macedo et al., 2013Macedo MCM, Zimmer AH, Kichel AN, Almeida RG & Araujo AR (2013) Degradação de pastagens, alternativas de recuperação e renovação, e formas de mitigação. In: Encontro de Adubação de Pastagens da Scot Consultoria - Tec-Fértil, Ribeirão Preto. Proceedings, Embrapa Gado de Corte. p.158-181.). Furthermore, the process of pasture degradation is also associated with negative environmental impacts, such as the acceleration of erosion processes, compaction and emission of greenhouse gases (Oliveira et al., 2020Oliveira TE, Terra ABC, Franco Júnior KS, Calegari A & Florentino LA (2020) Manejo sustentável do solo como alternativa para mitigação das mudanças climáticas. In: Da Silva ALC, Góes BC & Putti FF (Eds.) Sustentabilidade no agronegócio. Tupã, Anap. p.195-218.), therefore, it is necessary to adopt measures to solve this problem, which are in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Low Carbon Agriculture Plan (ABC Plan).

In this sense, the use of forage legumes such as Arachis pintoi (forage peanut) is a viable alternative from the economic and environmental point of view to reduce the problems associated with degradation (Terra et al., 2019Terra ABC, Florentino LA & de Rezende AV (2019) Leguminosas forrageiras na recuperação de pastagens no Brasil. Revista de Ciências Agrárias, 42:305-313.). The good result of the use of legumes is due to the fact that they establish symbiosis with atmospheric nitrogen (N2) fixing bacteria, also known as rhizobia, which provide partial or total nitrogen for plant development. Based on this, studies have been developed aiming to evaluate the efficiency of rhizobia strains already approved by MAPA for A. pintoi (Muniz et al., 2016Muniz AW, Côrrea RB, Silva TAC, Perin R, Tonato F & Assis GML (2016) Inoculação de rizóbios em amendoim forrageiro cv. Amarillo em Manaus, AM. Manaus, Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental. 4p. (Circular Técnica, 56).; Muniz et al., 2017Muniz AW, Souza EDS, Cavallazzi J, Sá ELS, Perin R, Tonato F & Assis GML (2017) Inoculação de rizóbios em amendoim forrageiro cv. Mandobi em Manaus, AM. Manaus, Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental. 4p. (Circular Técnica, 125).) and also select new strains of rhizobia that may have greater potential to fix N2, adapted to different soil and climate conditions (Carvalho et al., 2016Carvalho WG, Costa KADP, Epifanio PS, Perim RC, Teixeira DAA & Medeiros LT (2016) Silage quality of corn and sorghum added with forage peanuts. Revista Caatinga, 29:465-472.; Sá et al., 2019).

Besides inoculants with rhizobia strains, the use of other technologies such as bioactivators or soil biostimulants can also contribute to the sustainability of agroecosystems, favoring the improvement of soil quality and plant development (Almeida et al., 2014Almeida AQD, Soratto RP, Broetto F & Cataneo AC (2014) Nodulação, aspectos bioquímicos, crescimento e produtividade do feijoeiro em função da aplicação de bioestimulante. Semina: Ciências Agrárias, 35:77-88.; Binsfeld et al., 2014Binsfeld JA, Barbieri APP, Huth C, Cabrera IC & Henning LMM (2014) Uso de bioativador, bioestimulante e complexo de nutrientes em sementes de soja. Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical, 44:88-94.; Franco Júnior et al., 2019Franco Júnior KS, Florentino LA, Dias MS & Franco TC (2019) Influence of the use coverage plants and the bioactivator in the physical-biological characteristics of soil cultivated with coffee. Coffee Science, 14:123-126.). These products promote the increase in the density and diversity of soil microorganisms and consequently, favor the realization of beneficial processes, increasing the release of nutrients and promoting greater plant development (Cordeiro Júnior et al., 2019Cordeiro Júnior PS, Santos GXL, Fecchi ACB, Torneli IMB, Correia NA, Finoto EL, Doná S & Nakayama FT (2019) Inoculação, bioativação e adubação nitrogenada em cobertura para milho segunda safra: desenvolvimento e produtividade. Nucleus, 1:27-39.). According to Cataneo et al. (2010)Cataneo AC, Ferreira LC, Carvalho JC, Andréo-Souza Y, Corniani N, Mischan MM & Nunes JC (2010) Improved germination of soybean seed treated with thiamethoxam under drought conditions. Seed Science and Technology, 38:248-251., the use of these products can also favor physiological processes in plants, such as increasing cell division and elongation, stimulating chlorophyll synthesis and photosynthesis, and reducing effects caused by biotic and abiotic stresses. Franco Júnior et al. (2019)Franco Júnior KS, Florentino LA, Dias MS & Franco TC (2019) Influence of the use coverage plants and the bioactivator in the physical-biological characteristics of soil cultivated with coffee. Coffee Science, 14:123-126. analyzing the effects of bioactivator use on soil biological properties, found that they contribute significantly to the reduction of phytopathogenic nematodes and increase in the population of diazotrophic and phosphorus and potassium solubilizing bacteria.

Based on this information, the importance of studying the joint action of rhizobia strains and bioactivator in the cultivation of A. pintoi is verified, since they can act synergistically contributing to the development of plants and consequently, with the sustainability of pasture areas, enhancing the use of this legume. In this context, the objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of a commercial product, a soil bioactivator, on the establishment and efficiency of symbiosis between rhizobia and Arachis pintoi (forage peanut).


Identification of the strains used in the experiment, inoculant and soil biactivator preparation

The bacterial strains used in the experiment were from the collection of the Soil Microbiology Laboratory of the Professor Edson Antônio Velano University - UNIFENAS, isolated by Florentino et al. (2014)Florentino LA, Rezende AV, Mesquita AC, Lima AR, Marques DJ & Miranda JM (2014) Diversidade e potencial de utilização dos rizóbios isolados de nódulos de Gliricidia sepium. Revista de Ciências Agrárias, 37:320-328.. Table 1 shows the identification and morphological characteristics in medium 79 (Fred & Waksman, 1928Fred EB & Waksman SA (1928) Laboratory manual of general microbiology. New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company. 145p.).

Table 1
Identification and morphological characteristics of bacterial strains grown on culture medium 79 using bromothymol blue indicator isolated from root nodules of Gliricidia sepium

All strains showed rapid growth on culture medium, regular shaped colonies, and exopolysaccharide of gummy consistency. To prepare the inoculants, the strains were grown in Petri dishes containing culture medium 79 for 48 hours, enough time for isolated colony formation and confirmation of purity. Subsequently, these were transferred to liquid culture medium 79, and cultured for the same period, the time needed to reach the log phase containing approximately 108 cells mL-1. Inoculation occurred at the time of transplanting, where two mL plant-1 was applied. The bioactivator used was soil bioactivator at a dose of 600g ha-1, according to the manufacturer’s recommendation (PENERGETIC®, 2019Penergetic (2019) Produtos. Available at: <>. Accessed on: July 09th, 2021.
). The product was weighed on a precision scale and then applied to the soil one day before transplanting.

Pot preparation and experimental design

The soil used was from the 0-20 cm layer of an experimental area of UNIFENAS, with the chemical characteristics described in Table 2. For the preparation of the soil was performed phosphate fertilization at a dose of 60 kg ha-1, according to the recommendation for the crop described by Carvalho (1999)Carvalho MA (1999) Arachis pintoi: leguminosa forrageira de multiplo uso. Planaltina, Embrapa Cerrados. 2p. (Circular Técnica, 55)..

Table 2
Results of the chemical analysis of the soil from the 0-20 cm layer in the experimental area of UNIFENAS

The experimental design used was in randomized blocks, in a factorial scheme 12 (ten bacterial strains, one negative control and one positive control) x 2 (use or not of bioactivator), with four repetitions per treatment. The negative control consisted of growing A. pintoi without the use of rhizobium inoculation and mineral nitrogen. For the positive control, mineral nitrogen was used in the form of ammonium nitrate, divided into two applications of 35 mg.L-1 N-NH4 NO3, totaling 70 mg.L-1 N-NH4 NO3 and rhizobium inoculant was not used.

Transplanting, conduct and evaluation of the experiment and statistical analysis

The transplanting of A. pintoi was done vegetatively, using 20 cm long segments of branches containing four buds, which were buried about ¾ of the seedling, at a depth of five to eight cm, according to the guidelines of Carvalho (1999)Carvalho MA (1999) Arachis pintoi: leguminosa forrageira de multiplo uso. Planaltina, Embrapa Cerrados. 2p. (Circular Técnica, 55).. Four seedlings were planted per pot, and after the stolons had set and emerged, only two plants were left in each pot, and the inoculation was performed with two mL of bacterial suspension next to the stolons. In this same period, 35 mg L-1 de N-NH4NO3 was added to the positive control treatment.

Soil moisture was maintained at 70% of its field capacity throughout the experimental phase by weighing the pots and replenishing the water. The experiment was conducted until flowering. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse, in pots containing eight dm3 of soil, during the period from May to September 2019.

The agronomic characteristics referring to the shoot dry matter (SDM) and root (RDM), relative symbiotic efficiency (RS), number (NN) and nodule dry matter (NDM) were evaluated. To evaluate the SDM, RDM and NDM, an air oven at 55 ºC for 72 hours was used.

The RS was calculated following the formula adapted from Bergersen et al. (1971)Bergersen FJ, Brockwell J, Gibson AH & Schwinghamer EA (1971) Studies of natural populations and mutants of Rhizobium in the improvement of legume inoculants. Plant and Soil, 35:03-16..

R S % = S D M  inoculated  S D M  control  100 (1)

For the bromatological characteristics, the crude protein (CP) content was evaluated by the micro-Kjeldahl method (Association of Official Analytical Chemist, 2005Association of Official Analytical Chemist (2005) Official methods of analysis. 18º ed. Maryland, AOAC. 1094p.), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid (ADF) with the aid of a Tecnal® apparatus, using the method of Van Soest et al. (1991)Van Soest PJ, Robertson JB & Lewis BA (1991) Methods for dietary fiber, and nonstarch polysaccharides in relation to animal nutrition. Journal of Dairy Science, 74:3583-359..

The data were submitted to variance analysis, using the statistical analysis Sisvar program, version 5.3. The means of the treatments were compared by the Scott-Knott test at 5% probability level (p < 0.05) (Ferreira, 2019Ferreira DF (2019) Sisvar: a computer analysis system tofixed effects split plot type designs. Revista Brasileira de Biometria, 37:529-535.).


The association of inoculation of rhizobia strains and use of bioactivator contributed to the agronomic parameters SDM, RDM, RS, NN and NDM. For the bromatological characteristics, there was no contribution of this association.

Table 3 shows the values of shoot dry matter (SDM) and root (RDM), relative symbiotic efficiency (RS) of A. pintoi inoculated with different rhizobia strains, associated or not with bioactivator.

Table 3
Values of shoot dry matter (SDM) and root (RDM), relative symbiotic efficiency (RS) of Arachis pintoi inoculated with different rhizobia strains, associated or not with the use of soil bioactivator

Analyzing the SDM data, it was observed that the positive control treatment showed higher values when compared to the negative control, indicating the response of A. pintoi to the application of mineral nitrogen. Also, the efficiency of the inoculation of bacterial strains was verified, which promoted SDM values similar to the positive control.

Regarding the use of bioactivator, it was observed that it had no influence on the positive and negative control treatments and treatments inoculated with UNIFENAS strains 03-10, 03-35 and 03-27. For the other treatments, UNIFENAS 03-13, 03-16, 03-23, 03-24, 03-25, 03-31, 03-36, it was observed that the bioactivator acted differently among the bacterial strains.

These results demonstrate the influence of the use of soil bioactivator on the efficiency of the rhizobia population, thus presenting great practical importance. The fact that the use of bioactivator favors or not the performance of a particular rhizobium strain may be related to the occurrence of ecological interactions between soil microorganisms (Manhães & Francelino, 2013Manhães CMC & Francelino FMA (2013) Biota do solo e suas relações ecológicas com o sistema radicular. Nucleus, 10:127-137.), which can be variable according to the rhizosphere of a particular plant species (Coelho et al., 2007Coelho LF, Freitas SDS, Melo AMTD & Ambrosano GMB (2007) Interação de bactérias fluorescentes do gênero Pseudomonas e de Bacillus spp. com a rizosfera de diferentes plantas. Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, 31:1413-1420.). However, in general, the use of bioactivator potentiated the use of most bacterial strains, contributing to the promotion of higher SDM values. Different results were observed by Almeida et al. (2014)Almeida AQD, Soratto RP, Broetto F & Cataneo AC (2014) Nodulação, aspectos bioquímicos, crescimento e produtividade do feijoeiro em função da aplicação de bioestimulante. Semina: Ciências Agrárias, 35:77-88. in which the use of a commercial product with similar characteristics to that used in this study did not influence the development of the aerial part of bean plants.

Regarding the RDM parameter, it can be seen that the control treatments (negative and positive) were negatively influenced by the use of soil bioactivator. As for the treatments inoculated with bacterial strains, it was possible to observe that the use of bioactivator contributed to greater root development in the treatments inoculated with UNIFENAS strains 03-27 and 03-35, different results from those observed for the SDM, in which the use of bioactivator had no influence. The increased root development is important from an agronomic point of view, due to the main function of the roots in absorbing water and nutrients, reinforcing the importance of the data obtained in this study.

Literature data report the contribution of rhizobia strains and soil bioactivator acting alone on root development. In the case of rhizobia strains, studies have reported their potential to synthesize the phytohormone indoleacetic acid (IAA) (Chagas Júnior et al., 2010Chagas Júnior AF, Rahmeier W, Fidelis RR, Santos GRD & Chagas LFB (2010) Eficiência agronômica de estirpes de rizóbio inoculadas em feijão-caupi no Cerrado, Gurupi-TO. Revista Ciência Agronômica, 41:709-714.), which favors the growth and increase of the number of roots (Muniz et al., 2016Muniz AW, Côrrea RB, Silva TAC, Perin R, Tonato F & Assis GML (2016) Inoculação de rizóbios em amendoim forrageiro cv. Amarillo em Manaus, AM. Manaus, Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental. 4p. (Circular Técnica, 56).). Regarding bioactivator, there are reports of the benefits of its use for soy root growth (Tavares et al., 2007Tavares S, Castro PR, Ribeiro RV & Aramaki PH (2007) Avaliação dos efeitos fisiológicos de tiametoxam no tratamento de sementes de soja. Revista de Agricultura, 82:47-54.), cotton (Lauxen et al., 2010Lauxen LR, Villela FA & SoaresRC (2010) Desempenho fisiológico de sementes de algodoeiro tratadas com tiametoxam. Revista Brasileira de Sementes, 32:61-68.) and rice (Almeida et al., 2011Almeida ADS, Carvalho I, Deuner C & Villela FA (2011) Bioativador no desempenho fisiológico de sementes de arroz. Revista Brasileira de Sementes, 33:501-510.). However, these authors do not mention the physiological mechanism/process involved.

For the parameter relative efficiency (RS), it can be seen that the bioactivator had no influence on the positive and negative controls, as verified for SDM. For the inoculated treatments, the positive influence of the bioactivator was verified, especially for the strains UNIFENAS 03-16, 03-31 e 03-36. These results are of great relevance, as they indicate the potential of these strains to establish symbiosis and supply nitrogen to meet the metabolic demands of A. pintoi, and also for the selection criteria of these strains by using them together with the bioactivator, since the association of these two techniques contributes to higher plant production.

Most studies on biological N2 fixation in A. pintoi report the potential of rhizobia strains that are slow-growing and alkalinize the culture medium, typical characteristics of the Bradyrhizobium genus (Carvalho, 1999Carvalho MA (1999) Arachis pintoi: leguminosa forrageira de multiplo uso. Planaltina, Embrapa Cerrados. 2p. (Circular Técnica, 55).; Muniz et al., 2016Muniz AW, Côrrea RB, Silva TAC, Perin R, Tonato F & Assis GML (2016) Inoculação de rizóbios em amendoim forrageiro cv. Amarillo em Manaus, AM. Manaus, Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental. 4p. (Circular Técnica, 56).; 2017Muniz AW, Souza EDS, Cavallazzi J, Sá ELS, Perin R, Tonato F & Assis GML (2017) Inoculação de rizóbios em amendoim forrageiro cv. Mandobi em Manaus, AM. Manaus, Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental. 4p. (Circular Técnica, 125).; et al., 2019Sá OAAL, Ribeiro PRA, Rufini M, Cruvinel AF, Casagrande DR & Moreira FMS (2019) Microsymbiont of forage peanut under different soil and climate conditions belong to a specific group of Bradyrhizobium strains. Applied Soil Ecology, 143:201-212.). However, this legume establishes symbiosis with a wide diversity of rhizobia, especially those that grow quickly and acidify the medium (Pinto et al., 2004Pinto PP, Paiva E, Purcino H, Passos RVM & Sá NMH (2004) Characterization of rhizobia thatnodulate Arachis pintoi by RAPD analysis. Brazilian Journal of microbiology, 35:219-223.; Ibañez et al., 2008Ibañez F, Taurian T, Angelini J, Tonelli ML & Fabra A (2008) Rhizobia phylogenetically related to common bean symbionts Rhizobium giardinii and Rhizobium tropici isolated from peanut nodules in Central Argentina. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 40:537-539.), corroborating the data found in this study, which established effective symbiosis in A. pintoi, and may be indicated for selection studies of inoculant strains.

Table 4 shows the values of number (NN) and nodule dry matter (NDM) when inoculated with different rhizobia strains associated or not with the use of soil bioactivator.

Table 4
Values of the number (NN) and nodule dry matter (NDM) of A, pintoi inoculated with different rhizobia strains, associated or not with the use of soil bioactivator

Regarding the number of nodules (NN), it can be seen that the treatments suffered a positive influence with the application of bioactivator, with the exception of UNIFENAS strain 03-27.

The increase in NN with the application of bioactivator can be explained by its mechanism of action, which has in its composition organic acids, which stimulate the population of soil microorganisms (Almeida et al., 2014Almeida AQD, Soratto RP, Broetto F & Cataneo AC (2014) Nodulação, aspectos bioquímicos, crescimento e produtividade do feijoeiro em função da aplicação de bioestimulante. Semina: Ciências Agrárias, 35:77-88.; Silva et al., 2018Silva AMP, Oliveira GP & Neres DCC (2018) Germinação e vigor de sementes de soja submetidas ao tratamento com substâncias bioativas. Caderno de Publicações Univag, 8:74-84.; Franco Júnior et al., 2019Franco Júnior KS, Florentino LA, Dias MS & Franco TC (2019) Influence of the use coverage plants and the bioactivator in the physical-biological characteristics of soil cultivated with coffee. Coffee Science, 14:123-126.). The formation of nodules in the treatments where there was no inoculation can be explained due to the fact that A. pintoi is a highly promiscuous species capable of nodulating with several genera and species of native rhizobia (Santos et al., 2005Santos CERS, Stamfor NP, Freitas ADSF, Vieira IMMB, Souto SM, Neves MCP & Rumjanek NG (2005) Efetividade de rizóbios isolados de solos da região Nordeste do Brasil na fixação do N2 em amendoim (Arachis hypogaeaL.). Acta Scientiarum. Agronomy, 27:301-307.; Fernandes Júnior & Reis, 2008Fernandes Júnior PI & Reis VM (2008) Algumas limitações à fixação biológica de nitrogênio em leguminosas. Seropédica, Embrapa Agrobiologia. 40p. (Documentos, 252).; Silva et al., 2017Silva ER, Salles JS, Zuffo AM & Steiner F (2017) Coinoculação de Bradyrhizobium japonicum e Azospirillum brasilense em sementes de amendoim de diferentes tamanhos. Revista de Agricultura Neotropical, 4:93-102.).

As for NDM, it was observed that the control treatments (positive and negative) were not influenced by the use of bioactivator. However, significant decreases were observed when bioactivator was used together with UNIFENAS strains 03-23, 03-25 and 03-27. This inference may be related to the stimulation of the activity of native microorganisms present in the soil, generating a competition. Silva et al. (2017)Silva ER, Salles JS, Zuffo AM & Steiner F (2017) Coinoculação de Bradyrhizobium japonicum e Azospirillum brasilense em sementes de amendoim de diferentes tamanhos. Revista de Agricultura Neotropical, 4:93-102. highlights that the efficiency of inoculation is related to the ability of the inoculated strain to compete with native soil strains.

In general, it was possible to establish a direct relationship between higher nodule number and nodule dry matter value. This result is of great practical importance, since these attributes are essential for an adequate biological nitrogen fixation process (Hungria et al., 2001Hungria M, Campo RJ & Mendes IDC (2001) Fixação biológica do nitrogênio na cultura da soja. Londrina, Embrapa Soja. 48p. (Circular Técnica, 35).).

Regarding the bromatological parameters, no influence of the bioactivator and the bacterial strains was found. The average CP content for the treatments without inoculation was 15,15% (positive) and 13.69% (negative), and the average for the treatments with inoculation was 15,21%. These values, are relatively low compared to those described in the literature (Carvalho et al., 2016Carvalho WG, Costa KADP, Epifanio PS, Perim RC, Teixeira DAA & Medeiros LT (2016) Silage quality of corn and sorghum added with forage peanuts. Revista Caatinga, 29:465-472.; Gondim Filho et al., 2020Gondim Filho AGC, Moreira GR, Silva FG, Cunha Filho M, Gomes DA, Ferreira AL, Costa MLL, Ferreira DSA, Gonçalves NC, Gomes SP, Pimentel PG, Santos ALP & Amaral LS (2020) Avaliação nutricional de genótipos de amendoim forrageiro (Arachis pintoi) por técnicas multivariadas. Research, Society and Development, 9:e758986039.) and can be explained by the age at which the plant was cut (142 days). CP contents in forages are higher in the early stage of development because of the higher leaf + petiole: stem ratio (Taiz & Zeiger, 1991Taiz L & Zeiger E (1991) Plant physiology. Califórnia, Benjamin-Cummings Publishings Company. 565p.; Paulino et al., 2012Paulino VT, Bueno MS & Abdalla AL (2012) Composição química e compostos fenólicos em Arachispintoi “Belmonte”. Archivos de Zootecnia, 61:611-614.).

The contents of NDF set between 49,60 to 44,55% and those of ADF between 29,22 to 26%, such values are corroborated by Carvalho et al. (2016)Carvalho WG, Costa KADP, Epifanio PS, Perim RC, Teixeira DAA & Medeiros LT (2016) Silage quality of corn and sorghum added with forage peanuts. Revista Caatinga, 29:465-472. and Gondim Filho et al. (2020)Gondim Filho AGC, Moreira GR, Silva FG, Cunha Filho M, Gomes DA, Ferreira AL, Costa MLL, Ferreira DSA, Gonçalves NC, Gomes SP, Pimentel PG, Santos ALP & Amaral LS (2020) Avaliação nutricional de genótipos de amendoim forrageiro (Arachis pintoi) por técnicas multivariadas. Research, Society and Development, 9:e758986039..


The strains UNIFENAS 03-16, UNIFENAS 03-31 and UNIFENAS 03-36 associated with the bioactivator showed synergism in relation to the shoot dry matter, relative symbiotic efficiency and number of nodules of A. pintoi.

The bioactivator and inoculation did not influence the bromatological characteristics.

The use of soil bioactivator potentiated the inoculation with rhizobia strains, and may be a sustainable alternative for A. pintoi production.


The authors would like to thank to the Research Support Foundation of the State of Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG), for granting financial support to research. The authors declare no conflict of interest in the current study.

  • 1
    The work was extracted from the dissertation of one of the authors. It was funded by the Research Support Foundation of the State of Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG).


  • Almeida ADS, Carvalho I, Deuner C & Villela FA (2011) Bioativador no desempenho fisiológico de sementes de arroz. Revista Brasileira de Sementes, 33:501-510.
  • Almeida AQD, Soratto RP, Broetto F & Cataneo AC (2014) Nodulação, aspectos bioquímicos, crescimento e produtividade do feijoeiro em função da aplicação de bioestimulante. Semina: Ciências Agrárias, 35:77-88.
  • Association of Official Analytical Chemist (2005) Official methods of analysis. 18º ed. Maryland, AOAC. 1094p.
  • Bergersen FJ, Brockwell J, Gibson AH & Schwinghamer EA (1971) Studies of natural populations and mutants of Rhizobium in the improvement of legume inoculants. Plant and Soil, 35:03-16.
  • Binsfeld JA, Barbieri APP, Huth C, Cabrera IC & Henning LMM (2014) Uso de bioativador, bioestimulante e complexo de nutrientes em sementes de soja. Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical, 44:88-94.
  • Carvalho MA (1999) Arachis pintoi: leguminosa forrageira de multiplo uso. Planaltina, Embrapa Cerrados. 2p. (Circular Técnica, 55).
  • Carvalho WG, Costa KADP, Epifanio PS, Perim RC, Teixeira DAA & Medeiros LT (2016) Silage quality of corn and sorghum added with forage peanuts. Revista Caatinga, 29:465-472.
  • Cataneo AC, Ferreira LC, Carvalho JC, Andréo-Souza Y, Corniani N, Mischan MM & Nunes JC (2010) Improved germination of soybean seed treated with thiamethoxam under drought conditions. Seed Science and Technology, 38:248-251.
  • Chagas Júnior AF, Rahmeier W, Fidelis RR, Santos GRD & Chagas LFB (2010) Eficiência agronômica de estirpes de rizóbio inoculadas em feijão-caupi no Cerrado, Gurupi-TO. Revista Ciência Agronômica, 41:709-714.
  • Coelho LF, Freitas SDS, Melo AMTD & Ambrosano GMB (2007) Interação de bactérias fluorescentes do gênero Pseudomonas e de Bacillus spp. com a rizosfera de diferentes plantas. Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, 31:1413-1420.
  • Cordeiro Júnior PS, Santos GXL, Fecchi ACB, Torneli IMB, Correia NA, Finoto EL, Doná S & Nakayama FT (2019) Inoculação, bioativação e adubação nitrogenada em cobertura para milho segunda safra: desenvolvimento e produtividade. Nucleus, 1:27-39.
  • Fernandes Júnior PI & Reis VM (2008) Algumas limitações à fixação biológica de nitrogênio em leguminosas. Seropédica, Embrapa Agrobiologia. 40p. (Documentos, 252).
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    27 Oct 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    05 July 2021
  • Accepted
    06 June 2023
Universidade Federal de Viçosa Av. Peter Henry Rolfs, s/n, 36570-000 Viçosa, Minas Gerais Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 31) 3612-2078 - Viçosa - MG - Brazil