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Principais aspectos da administração japonesa

Japanese management; American management; Japanese companies; Japanese industrial relations; Japanese labor market; keiretsu; company strategies; Japanese company groups; Japanese organizational structures

administração japonesa; administração americana; empresas japonesas; relações industriais japonesas; mercado de trabalho japonês; keiretsu; estratégias empresariais; grupos empresariais japoneses; estrutura organizacional japonesa


Principais aspectos da administração japonesa

Gilmar Masiero

Pesquisador e Professor da Universidade Estadual de Maringá, PRO

Palavras-chave: administração japonesa, administração americana, empresas japonesas, relações industriais japonesas, mercado de trabalho japonês, keiretsu, estratégias empresariais, grupos empresariais japoneses, estrutura organizacional japonesa.

Keywords: Japanese management, American management, Japanese companies, Japanese industrial relations, Japanese labor market, keiretsu, company strategies, Japanese company groups, Japanese organizational structures.

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Artigo recebido pela Redação da RAE em fevereiro/1995, avaliado e aprovado para publicação em abril/1995.

( Assinatura Email

1. SHICHIEI, Yamamoto. The spirit of Japanese capitalism and selected essays. New York: Madison sooks, 1992, p. 165.

2. AOKI. Masahiko. Foward an economic model of the Japanese firm. Journal of Economie Literature, v. 28, p. 1-27, Mar. 1990.

3. GERLACH, Michael L. The keiretsu: a primer. New York: Japan Society, 1992, p. 4.

4. Idem, ibidem, p. 6.

5. KAGONO, Tadao et al. Strategic versus evolucionary management: a US-Japan comparison of strategy and organization. Amsterdam: North Holland, 1985, 328 p., p. 272.

6. Idem, ibidem.

7. KENNEY, Martin, FLORIDA, Richard. Beyond mass production: the Japanese systern and its transfer to the US. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993. 410 p., p.10.

8 . CHALMERS, Norma. Industrial relations in Japan: the peripherical work-force. Tokyo: Tokyo University Press, 1989, 383p.

9. ABEGGLEN, James G. The Japanese factory: aspects of its social organization. Glencoe: The Free Press, 1958. 142p., p.126.

10. ITO, Takatoshi. The Japanese economy. Carnbridge: The MIT Press, 1992.455 p., p. 213. Na obra original os itens constrastados são mais extensos que a tradução simplificada apresentada.

11. FRUIN. Mark W. The Japsaese enterprise system. competitive strategies and cooperative structures. Oxtord; Clarendon Press, 1992. 397 p.

12. White paper on small and medium enterprise in Japarr. Tokyo: MITI, 1987.

13. GERLACH, Michael. Alliance capitalism: the social organization of the Japanese business. Berkeley: University of California, 1992. 351 p., p. xviii.

14. Idem, ibidem, p.7.

  • 1. SHICHIEI, Yamamoto. The spirit of Japanese capitalism and selected essays. New York: Madison sooks, 1992, p. 165.
  • 2. AOKI. Masahiko. Foward an economic model of the Japanese firm. Journal of Economie Literature, v. 28, p. 1-27, Mar. 1990.
  • 3. GERLACH, Michael L. The keiretsu: a primer. New York: Japan Society, 1992, p. 4.
  • 5. KAGONO, Tadao et al. Strategic versus evolucionary management: a US-Japan comparison of strategy and organization. Amsterdam: North Holland, 1985, 328 p., p. 272.
  • 7. KENNEY, Martin, FLORIDA, Richard. Beyond mass production: the Japanese systern and its transfer to the US. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993. 410 p., p.10.
  • 8 . CHALMERS, Norma. Industrial relations in Japan: the peripherical work-force. Tokyo: Tokyo University Press, 1989, 383p.
  • 9. ABEGGLEN, James G. The Japanese factory: aspects of its social organization. Glencoe: The Free Press, 1958. 142p., p.126.
  • 10. ITO, Takatoshi. The Japanese economy. Carnbridge: The MIT Press, 1992.455 p., p. 213.
  • 11. FRUIN. Mark W. The Japsaese enterprise system. competitive strategies and cooperative structures. Oxtord; Clarendon Press, 1992. 397 p.
  • 12. White paper on small and medium enterprise in Japarr. Tokyo: MITI, 1987.
  • 13. GERLACH, Michael. Alliance capitalism: the social organization of the Japanese business. Berkeley: University of California, 1992. 351 p., p. xviii.

Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    17 Jul 2012
  • Data do Fascículo
    Out 1995


  • Aceito
    Abr 1995
  • Recebido
    Fev 1995
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