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Detailed crystallization study of co-precipitated Y1.47Gd1.53Fe5O12 and relevant magnetic properties


The crystallization process of co-precipitated Y1.5Gd1.5Fe5O12 powder heated up to 1000 ºC at rate of 5 °C min-1 was investigated. Above 810 ºC crystalline Y1.47Gd1.53Fe5O12 was obtained with a lattice parameter of 12.41 Å and a theoretical density of 5.84 g cm-3. Dry pressed rings were sintered at 1270 and 1320 ºC, increasing the grain-size from 3.1 to 6.5 µm, the theoretical density by 87.6 to 95.3% and decreasing Hc from 2.9725 to 1.4005 Oe. Additionally, Hc increased when the frequency of the hysteresis graph varied from 60 Hz to 10 kHz, the curie temperature was 282.4 ºC and Ms equalled 9.25 emu g-1 (0.17 kG) agreeing well with the Bs-value of the hysteresis graph and literature values.

Y1.5Gd1.5Fe5O12; crystallization; magnetic properties


Detailed crystallization study of co-precipitated Y1.47Gd1.53Fe5O12 and relevant magnetic properties

Rogério Arving SerraI; Tsuneharu OgasawaraII, * * e-mail: ; Angélica Soares OgasawaraII

IInstituto de Criminalística Carlos Éboli, Rua Pedro I, 28, 20060-050 Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brasil

IIDepartamento de Engenharia Metalúrgica e de Materiais, Coordenação dos Programas de Pós-graduação de Engenharia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, CP 68505, Ilha do Fundão, 21941-972 Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brasil


The crystallization process of co-precipitated Y1.5Gd1.5Fe5O12 powder heated up to 1000 ºC at rate of 5 °C min-1 was investigated. Above 810 ºC crystalline Y1.47Gd1.53Fe5O12 was obtained with a lattice parameter of 12.41 Å and a theoretical density of 5.84 g cm-3. Dry pressed rings were sintered at 1270 and 1320 ºC, increasing the grain-size from 3.1 to 6.5 µm, the theoretical density by 87.6 to 95.3% and decreasing Hc from 2.9725 to 1.4005 Oe. Additionally, Hc increased when the frequency of the hysteresis graph varied from 60 Hz to 10 kHz, the curie temperature was 282.4 ºC and Ms equalled 9.25 emu g-1 (0.17 kG) agreeing well with the Bs-value of the hysteresis graph and literature values.

Keywords: Y1.5Gd1.5Fe5O12; crystallization; magnetic properties.


Both Yttrium Iron Garnet (YIG) and Gadolinium Iron Garnet (GdIG) continue to be studied due to diversified scientific and technological motivations, such as: magnetism1,2, thin films3,4, environmental stability5,6, structural defects and faults7, synthesis8, nanocrystals and nanocomposites9, magneto-optical properties and applications10-12, as well as wireless infrastructures13. Despite of this advanced status of science and technology on YIG and GdIG, there is still considerable lack of scientific knowledge on: crystallization of GdYIG from mixed gadolinium-yttrium hydroxides generated by means co-precipitation method of synthesis; and effects of sintering temperature on microstructure and magnetic properties of GdYIG. These points are evidenced in the concise literature review that follows below.

Synthesis by powder mixing method

Ristic et al.8 prepared YIG samples by powder mixing method using ball-milled reagent-grade mixture of Y2O3 and Fe2O3 in a 3:5 ratio. The fractions of Y2O3, a-Fe2O3, YFeO3 and YIG presented in the product depended on the calcination's temperature. Heating at 1200 ºC (for 2 h) conducted to the formation of YIG and small amounts of YFeO3, while heating at 1300 ºC (for 1 h) produced YIG containing smaller amount of YFeO3. Others calcination's temperatures and times were 900 ºC (for 1 h) and 1000ºC (for 2 h). In both cases the results were worse than in the 1200 ºC case.

Laval14 synthesized GdYIG by powder mixing method and calcinations in oxygen at 1235 ºC. It was then remilled (particle size <1 µm), cold-pressed (700 N/cm2) into small cylinders (7 mm in diameter by 10 mm high, about 2 g in weight) and sintered them at 1460 to 1480 ºC, obtaining sinters with 94% of theoretical density and mean grain size of 5 to 6 µm. The results showed that Gd3+ produces pre-transformed nuclei in the YIG matrix and promotes the exsolution of magnetite in the YIG's matrix.

Beregi et al.15 investigated the synthesis of YIG by powder mixing method and found out that formation of YFeO3 together with YIG had already begun at 700 ºC (traces of garnet and orthoferrite phases were detected at 800 ºC). The amount of YFeO3 reached its maximum at 1100 ºC. Just above this temperature a sharp increase of the YIG phase took place. Traces of Fe3O4 were found in samples sintered at 1000 and 1100 ºC.

Summarizing, it is difficult to produce a fine-grained homogeneous and single phase Y1.5Gd1.5Fe5O12 garnet powder by powder mixing method.

Synthesis by co-precipitation method

Ristic et al.8 synthesized YIG samples by co-precipitation using a Y2O3/Fe2O3 3/5 ratio. The calcination of the co-precipitated hydroxide at 900 ºC showed the formation of YIG as a dominant phase, and YFeO3 and Y2O3 as associated phases; whereas calcinations at 1200 ºC conducted to the formation of YIG and a small amount of YFeO3. The starting hydroxides were co-precipitated from an aqueous solution (pH = 10.4) of nitrates of yttrium and iron. The dried hydroxides were heated up to 600 ºC, cooled down and pressed into tablets, which were then heated up to 900 ºC (for 2, 6 or 8 h) or 1200 ºC (for 2 h).

Music et al.16 synthesized (1-x)Fe2O3•xGd2 O3 (0 < x < 1) by co-precipitation from aqueous solutions of iron and gadolinium nitrates, by adding ammonium hydroxide, and step-wise drying and heating of mixed hydroxide up to each of the following temperatures: 200, 300, 500, 600 °C, where it was kept for 1h, and heated up to 900 ºC where again it was kept for 4 h. While Fe(OH)3 converted to Fe2O3 at 200 ºC (for 1 h), Gd(OH)3 only converted entirely to Gd2O3 at 900 ºC (for 1 h), where the co-precipitate became entirely crystalline. Its phase constitution depended on the Gd content of the mixture, consisting of a mixture of Gd3Fe5O12, GdFeO3, Fe2O3 and Gd2O3, while GdFeO3 content decreased for Gd content above x = 0.50.

Godoi et al.17 co-precipitated yttrium and iron hydroxides from an aqueous solution of yttrium and iron chlorides, plus polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), pre-heated up to 90 ºC, by using urea and/or ammonium hydroxide as the precipitation agent, followed by ageing for 3 h at 90 ºC, filtering and drying, and calcination at 1100 ºC for 4 h to obtain cubic phase YIG. Crystallization of the mixed hydroxide/oxide started at 800ºC and resulted on orthorhombic phase up to 1000 ºC, being converted to cubic phase above 1100 ºC.

Cho et al.18 obtained successful hydrothermal synthesis of a cubic phase YIG at 200 ºC for 6 h from mixed hydroxides co-precipitated at pH = 10.5 and 25 ºC using ammonium hydroxide.

These literature data show that chemical co-precipitation method is a good way to produce fine-grained Y1.5Gd1.5Fe5O12 garnet powder, but also that there is not yet a precise definition of the minimum calcination temperature required for obtaining it as single phase. The motivation and original contribution of the present work are to provide a breakthrough answer to this question by means of detailed and well-documented x-ray diffraction patterns.


The experimental procedure for co-precipitation of mixed hydroxides of Gd, Y and Fe from nitrate solutions was based on the results of a previous thermodynamics analysis19. Aimed at producing co-precipitate of mixed oxides containing Gd, Y and Fe in stoichiometric amount to the Y1.5Gd1.5Fe5O12, the due concentrations of Gd, Y and Fe nitrates were dissolved in distilled water under intensive stirring and hot bath at 90 ºC. After cooling down to room temperature, this solution was supplied drop-wise into an intensively stirred KOH solution which concentration was enough to assure a final 10-12 pH range. The dark brown coprecipitate of Y(OH)3, Gd(OH)3 and Fe(OH)3 was vacuum filtered, washed with distilled water several times until complete elimination of K+ ions. The purified coprecipitated was dried inside a desiccator20 for 24 h and then dried by heating in an oven at 60 ºC for 1 h. Finely milled portions of the dried coprecipitate were used to carry out TGA and DTA (Shimadzu DTA-50 and TGA-50H). From those, it was extracted the necessary data to support the decision to perform batch calcination21 at 814 ºC for 5 h and convert the coprecipitate into a crystalline dark green YGdIG precursor. This product was characterized by SEM22, using Zeiss DSM 940-A instrument at 20 to 25 kV; by XRD22, using a Rigaku DMXA 2200 apparatus and Cu Ka (l = 1,542Å) and ICDD-PDF/2001 database; and by XRF22, using a Philips PW-2400 apparatus and Vibrating Sample Magnetometer.

Finely milled calcined powder (50 vol% of particles smaller than 4.47 µm, according to Malvern laser scattering) received addition of 2 wt% poyvynilalcohol (PVA) binder (as 15 wt% aqueous solution)23,24. Then, it was dry pressed with 500 kg/cm2 in a steel die in order to obtain rings with the following dimensions: 2 cm external diameter, 1 cm internal diameter and 0.4 cm height. The sintering process15, 25 was carried in air at atmospheric pressure and in 1270 and 1320 ºC temperatures. The heating schedule was designed with 3 ramps (one of them for cooling down) and 2 dwells. The first ramp arised to 480 ºC at 2.7 ºC/min rate, in order to allow the binder to volatize. This binder elimination process26 was completed during the 1 h interval in which it stayed at the 480 ºC dwells. Next stage was a ramp up to the sintering temperature, using a heating rate of 8 ºC/min. The total sintering time was 5 h for all the compacts. Cooling down was carried out in natural way, taking about 15 h.

Sintered samples were analyzed by hysteresisgrapher (where the sintered rings received a polymer coated copper winding [AW6-29]), vibrating sample magnetometer, SEM, EDS, and helium picnometer27.


Figure 1 presents the differential thermal analysis (DTA) and the thermal-gravimetric curve (TGA) of the dried co-precipitate powder. DTA curve contains an endothermic peak below 100 ºC and an exothermic one at about 810 ºC. The TGA curve contains a great weight loss (87.34 wt%) from 25 ºC until 500 ºC due to the initial moisture loss and to the dehydration loss in the conversion of hydroxide to mixed amorphous oxides of Gd, Y and Fe. A continuously decreasing rate of weight loss (12.66 wt% of the total mass lost) takes place in the 500 to 1000 ºC range, completing the thermal decomposition of mixed hydroxides, resulting in YGdIG. It may be concluded that exothermic peak at 810 ºC, as seen in Figure 1a, corresponds to crystallization of the mixed anhydrous oxide of yttrium, gadolinium and iron, obtaining crystalline yttrium-gadolinium-iron garnet.

Figures 2 and 3 present XRD patterns of the co-precipitate after calcinations at several increasing temperatures in the 200 – 814 ºC range, showing the evolution of the transformation from the amorphous co-precipitate (Figure 2a) to entirely crystalline material (Figure 3). The calcinations product is still amorphous up to 600 ºC (Figure 2e). Quite well defined peaks appear when calcination is carried out (at 700 ºC, Figure 2g). In Figure 3, XRD pattern of the sample calcined at 814 ºC has all the peaks indexed. Therefore, 810 ºC is indeed the answer to the question "what is the minimum calcination temperature required to get single phase crystalline Y1.47Gd1.53Fe5O12?".

Figures 4a and 4b show the SEM micrograph of the YGdIG powder calcined at 814 and 1200 ºC, respectively, displaying cubic grains, which diameter varies in the 0.5 nm- 1 µm range along the calcining temperature considered, while Figure 5a presents narrow hysteresis loop of the powder as calcined at 814 ºC, as determined by Vibrating Sample Magnetometer, where it is seen a coercive force equal to 100 Oe, which is too high for a soft ferrite. Of course, the high porosity and the very small grain size, typical of ferrite powders calcined at low temperature, explain well this result.

Figures 4c and 4d show the SEM micrograph of the YGdIG ceramic rings sintered at 1270 and 1320 ºC, respectively, where it is seen high densification and larger grain sizes. XRD patterns of the sintered rings determined the density and the lattice parameter values to be 5.84 g/cm3 and 12.41 Å, respectively. Figure 6 shows the XRD pattern of the Y1.47Gd1.53Fe5O12 sintered at 1320 ºC, and displays the indexed diffractions lines of this YGdIG as resulting from lattice parameter distortion relative to the simple rare-earth iron garnets from which it originates (Y3Fe5O12 and Gd3Fe5O12).

Table 1 presents some results of the magnetic properties of the ceramic rings, sintered at 1270 and 1320 ºC. They were determined by using Walker Scientific AMH-20 Hysteresisgrapher. Notice that increase in frequency produces increases of maximum induction, remanent induction, coercive force and hysteresis loss. Table 1 also shows the relationship between density and magnetic properties, arising from difference in the sintering temperature of the YGdIG rings: 1270 against 1320 ºC. It is also seen that the coercive force decreases as the sintering temperature increases, because it provides larger grain size and denser rings.

Figure 7 presents the hysteresis loop determined by Walker Scientific AMH-20 Hysteresisgraph. It is seen that both increase in sintering temperature and test frequency produce easier saturation induction.

In Figure 8 it is seen that Curie temperature is equal to 282.4 ºC for Y1.47Gd1.53Fe5O12 studied in this work, a value inside the 272-290 ºC range corresponding to those of pure YIG and GdIG28. Also, Figure 8 shows that saturation magnetization for the considered YGdIG is almost constant at the 34-50 ºC temperature range, fitting well what is pointed out by Moulson29and Harrison30.

Finally, Figure 5b or Figure 8 together with the density value of the Y1.47Gd1.53Fe5O12 easily allowed to find out the saturation magnetization of this YGdIG sintered at 1320 ºC as being equal to 0.17 kG, a value of the same order of magnitude of the values obtained from Walker's Hysteresigraph measurements (Table 1).

Vella-Coleiro, Smith and Uitert31 investigated at 25 ºC the radio frequency susceptibility of flux-grown crystals of Y3-xGdxFe5O12 in the frequency range 40 to 160 MHz and determined that 4 pMs = 0.205, 0.330, 0.740 and 1.370 kG, respectively, for x = 2.7, 2.4, 1.8 and 0.6. Saturation induction of 0.740 kG for x = 1.8 is very similar to that in Table 1 for x = 1.53 (0.79 to 0.80 kG for ceramic rings sintered at 1270 ºC). Dionne32 provides, per mole, the value 4 pM equal to 1.0 kG for Y1.5Gd1.5Fe5O12 at 300 K (26.85 ºC), which is another good fitness.

Patton33 reported saturation induction in hot-pressed YIG rings from conventional powder mixing method of synthesis as: 1.709, 1.752, 1.755, 1.810 and 1.815 kG for final product's grain-size equal to 1.0, 3.1, 3.4, 9.0, 10.1 µm, respectively. The comparison of these results with those of the present work points out the importance of a higher densification provided by hot pressing (nearly 100% of the theoretical density) while pressure-less sintering provided only 87.6 to 95.3% of the theoretical density in this work.


The minimum temperature required to convert co-precipitated mixed hydroxides of Y, Gd and Fe to a single phase crystalline Y1.47Gd1.53Fe5O12 is 810 ºC, precisely determined by x-ray difrraction patterns, from which it could also be obtained the 12.41243 ú lattice parameter and the density 5.8383 g/cm3 values for Y1.47Gd1.53Fe5O12. The coercive force of Y1.47Gd1.53Fe5O12 decreased with increasing sintering temperature from 1270 to 1320 ºC due to grain-growth and density increase. For sintered rings of Y1.47Gd1.53Fe5O12, increase in test frequency produced increases in maximum induction, remanent induction, coercive force and hysteresis loss. Curie temperature was equal to 282.4 ºC for YGdIG of this study. Ms was 9.25 emu/g (0.17 kG), which agreed well with the saturation induction achieved from Walkers's hysteresisgraph loops, whose values fitted well those provided by previously published works.


The authors are grateful to CNPq, CAPES, FINEP/PADCT for the financial support to the work done.

21. Halloran, J. W. In ref. 20, p. 109.

22. Malghan, S. G. In ref. 20, p. 65.

25. Pennisi, L. In ref. 20, p. 225.

26. Hermansson, L. In ref. 20, p. 135.

Recebido em 6/6/06; aceito em 15/3/07; publicado na web em 30/7/07

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  • Publication Dates

    • Publication in this collection
      11 Dec 2007
    • Date of issue


    • Accepted
      15 Mar 2007
    • Received
      06 June 2006
    Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), CP6154, 13083-0970 - Campinas - SP - Brazil