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The role of public health managers in a border region: a scoping review



To examine and map scientific evidence on the role of public health managers in a border region.


Scoping Review, based on the procedures recommended by the Joanna Briggs Institute. This method aims at mapping the main concepts, clarifying and identifying knowledge gaps, and achieving the significance and adequacy of the health care practice. Based on these perspectives, the guiding question was: “What is the scientific evidence on the role of managers towards the management of public health in border regions?”. Eight national and international databases were searched for papers published by August 2017. Of the 188 studies found, 13 were selected for their full reading, resulting in a final sample of seven studies analyzed.


The seven publications analyzed were published from 2005 to 2017. Selected studies on the subject are national and international and of quantitative, qualitative or quali-quantitative approaches. The subjects of the studies were similar, considering most of them covered cross-border patient care and increased public health expenditures in these regions.


The results of this review showed a shortage of national and international studies on the role of managers in health in border regions. The relevance of the theme and its complexity evidence the need for research on managers in these regions.

Health manager; Border health; Public health; Health administration



Examinar e mapear as evidências científicas sobre o papel do gestor de saúde pública em região de fronteira.


Scoping Review, baseado nos procedimentos recomendados pelo Instituto Joanna Briggs. Este método visa mapear os principais conceitos, clarificar e identificar lacunas do conhecimento, e obter a significância e a adequação da prática dos cuidados de saúde. Com base nestas perspectivas, estabeleceu-se a pergunta norteadora: “Quais são as evidências científicas sobre o papel do gestor na gestão em saúde pública nas regiões de fronteira?”. Foram realizadas buscas em oito bases de dados nacionais e internacionais, sobre trabalhos publicados até agosto de 2017. Dos 188 estudos encontrados, 13 foram selecionados para leitura na íntegra, resultando em uma amostra final de sete estudos analisados.


As sete publicações analisadas foram publicadas de 2005 a 2017. Os estudos selecionados sobre a temática são de âmbito nacional e internacional e de abordagens quantitativa, qualitativa ou qualiquantitativa. Os objetos dos estudos foram semelhantes, uma vez que a maioria retratava sobre o atendimento ao paciente transfronteiriço e o aumento dos gastos públicos em saúde nestas regiões.


Os resultados desta revisão mostraram uma escassez de estudos nacionais e internacionais sobre o papel do gestor em saúde na fronteira. A relevância do tema e sua complexidade evidenciam a necessidade de pesquisas sobre o gestor nestas regiões.

Gestor de saúde; Saúde na fronteira; Áreas de fronteira; Saúde pública; Administração em saúde



Examinar y mapear las evidencias científicas sobre el papel del gestor de salud pública en regiones de frontera.


Scoping Review, basado en los procedimientos recomendados por el Instituto Joanna Briggs. Este método tiene el fin de mapear los principales conceptos, clarificar e identificar vacíos de conocimiento y obtener la significación y adaptación de la práctica de los cuidados de la salud. Utilizando estas perspectivas como base, se estableció la pregunta orientadora: “¿cuáles son las evidencias científicas sobre el papel del gestor en la gestión de la salud pública en las regiones de frontera?”. Se realizaron búsquedas en ocho bases de datos nacionales e internacionales sobre trabajos publicados hasta agosto de 2017. De los 188 estudios encontrados, se seleccionaron 13 para lectura completa, que dio como resultado una muestra final de siete estudios analizados.


Las siete publicaciones analizadas fueron publicadas de 2005 a 2017. Los estudios seleccionados sobre la temática son de ámbito nacional e internacional y de enfoque cuantitativo, cualitativo o cuali-cuantitativo. Los objetos de los estudios fueron semejantes, dado que la mayoría describía la atención al paciente transfronterizo y el aumento de los gastos públicos de salud en estas regiones.


Los resultados de esta revisión demostraron una escasez de estudios nacionales e internacionales sobre el papel del gestor de salud en la frontera. La relevancia del tema y su complejidad ponen en evidencia la necesidad de investigación sobre los gestores en estas regiones.

Gestor de salud; Salud fronteriza; Salud pública; Administración en salud


Management is known as the management of the set of strategic actions in institutions, in a holistic way, aiming to achieve the objectives of each institution. Thus, being a manager requires continuous professional, social and cultural learning, besides demanding a state of alert, so to avoid changes from involving this professional in a negative way and without prior notice.(11. Martins MI, Carneiro CC. Política da gestão do trabalho e a atenção em saúde: um estudo de caso sobre a experiência de contratualização da atenção básica do município do Rio de Janeiro. ENSP Fiocruz. 2014. p. 101-11.)

Therefore, occupying a management position within the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS) requires constant conflict management and negotiations, always aiming for quality and consolidation of the principles of the system(22. Gil CR, Luiz IC, Gil MC. Gestão pública em saúde: o processo de trabalho na gestão do SUS. São Luís: EDUFMA; 2016.): 1) Universality: guaranteeing health for all, regardless of color, race, gender and religion; 2) Equity: treating inequalities unequally, that is, increasing health investments where needs are greater; 3) Comprehensiveness: considering individuals as a whole; 4) Insurance of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of health according to intersectoral care.(11. Martins MI, Carneiro CC. Política da gestão do trabalho e a atenção em saúde: um estudo de caso sobre a experiência de contratualização da atenção básica do município do Rio de Janeiro. ENSP Fiocruz. 2014. p. 101-11.)

Given this context, management means dealing with the set of strategic actions, in an integrated way, seeking to achieve the institution's objective. Being a manager demands continuing professional learning, and knowing beforehand about the changes in the social and cultural contexts.(33. Brasil. Leis e Decretos. Lei n° 8080, de 19 de setembro de 1990. Brasília (DF): Presidência da República; 1990.) However, to be a manager in SUS, knowledge and practices in health are essential to fulfill the functions and duties. It is important to have some defined skills, knowledge and experience in public administration. In addition, governance, planning and health care are indispensable to adequately address public health care policies.(44. Conselho Nacional de Secretários Municipal de Saúde (CONSEMS). Manual do (a) gestor (a) municipal do SUS: Diálogos no cotidiano. Rio de Janeiro: CONSEMS; 2016.)

Brazil is the only country in South America that has a public health system and international borders with nine countries: French Guiana, Suriname, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina and Uruguay.(55. Brasil. Ministério da Justiça e Cidadania. Secretária Nacional de Segurança Pública. Mapeamento das políticas públicas federais na faixa de fronteira: Interfaces com o plano estratégico de fronteiras e a estratégia nacional de segurança pública nas fronteiras. Brasília (DF): Ministério de Justiça e Cidadania. Secretária Nacional de Segurança Pública; 2016.) The Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) was created in 1991, as from the Treaty of Asunción, and consists mainly of bilateral economic agreements between Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay.(66. MERCOSUL. Reunião de Saúde 2016. [Internet]. [citado 2019 Mar 3]. Disponível em:

Particularly in Brazil, as to the management in health in border regions, the municipalities that belong to them, although being different from other regions, they also share common characteristics, such as a large-scale service to a floating population of foreigners, deficits in public expenditures related to the care of patients, lack of professionals to serve due to the increase in demand, among others.(77. Silva VR, Ugoski DR, Dravanz GMG. Negação dos direitos sócio assistênciais para transfronteiriços indocumentados: desafios para as cidades gêmeas. Texto Contexto (Porto Alegre). 2017;16(1):231-43.,88. Giovanella L, Guimarães L, Nogueira VM, Lobato LV, Damacena GM. Saúde nas fronteiras: acesso e demandas de estrangeiros e brasileiros não residentes ao SUS nas cidades de fronteiras com países do MERCOSUL na perspectiva dos secretários municipais de saúde. Cad Saúde Pública. 2007; 23 (Supl 2):S251-S266.)

Despite the challenges, the composition of part of the SUS management teams continues to be a political position, and these positions are assigned to commissioned employees who, for the most part, do not have the knowledge and ability to carry out such a function, and may lead to losses in health management.(22. Gil CR, Luiz IC, Gil MC. Gestão pública em saúde: o processo de trabalho na gestão do SUS. São Luís: EDUFMA; 2016.) Thus, it is necessary to understand in greater depth the magnitude of this topic in national and international scope, since it involves the managerial role of public health in border region.

In this sense, this study aims to examine and map the scientific evidence on the role of public health managers in a border region.


This is a Scoping Review study, according to the review method proposed by the Jonna Briggs Institute (JBI). This method allows mapping the main concepts, clarifying research areas and identifying knowledge gaps.(99. Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI). Methodology for JBI Scoping Reviews - Joanna Briggs 2015. [Internet]. Australia: JBI; c2015. [cited 2015 Jul 10]. Available from:

To define the research question, the Population, Concept and Context (PCC) strategy was used for a scoping review.(99. Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI). Methodology for JBI Scoping Reviews - Joanna Briggs 2015. [Internet]. Australia: JBI; c2015. [cited 2015 Jul 10]. Available from:
) The following were defined: P-managers; C- public health management; and C- in a border region, as long as it considers management in public health in border regions. Studies that addressed only public health management or public health managers, without addressing the border region topic were excluded. Based on these definitions, the guiding question was: “What is the scientific evidence on the manager's role in public health management in border regions?”.

Seen this, bibliographic survey was carried out from August to October 2017, firstly, with the keywords health manager and health in border regions in the Scientific Electronic Library (SCIELO) and National Library of Medicine (PubMed) databases. Initially, the words contained in the titles, abstracts and descriptors were analyzed. The selected studies that responded to the guiding question of this review were read in full and their references were analyzed to find more studies.

Subsequently, searches were also conducted in the Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS), The Cochrane Library, The Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) (via EBSCO platform), Academic Search Premier (via EBSCO platform), Web of Science and Embase. For suitability with other databases and platforms, the Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCs) were also used for the bases in Portuguese: gestor de saúde and saúde na fronteira; for LILACS, they were: gestor de salud and salud fronteriza; and for the English databases the descriptors of the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) were used: health manager and border health.

Along with the descriptors, Boolean operators were used: AND, OR and NOT(1010. Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI). Joanna Briggs Reviewers' Manual: 2014 edition 2014a. Australia: JBI; 2014. [cited 2014 Jan 24]. Available from:
1212. Santos CM, Pimenta CA, Nobre MR. A estratégia PICO para construção da pergunta de pesquisa e busca de evidências. Rev Lat Am Enfermagem. 2007;15(3):508-11.) to compose the search keys for searches in the databases. As for Gray Literature,(1010. Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI). Joanna Briggs Reviewers' Manual: 2014 edition 2014a. Australia: JBI; 2014. [cited 2014 Jan 24]. Available from:
) it was researched on dissertations and national theses through the thesis bank of CAPES and Google Scholar. The references listed in the studies found were also researched to identify additional potential documents.(99. Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI). Methodology for JBI Scoping Reviews - Joanna Briggs 2015. [Internet]. Australia: JBI; c2015. [cited 2015 Jul 10]. Available from:
,1111. Melnyk BM, Fineout-Overholt E. Making the case for evidence-based practice. In: Melnyk BM, Fineout-Overholt E. Evidence based practice in nursing & healthcare. A guide to best practice. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincot Williams & Wilkins. 2011. p.3-24.)

From the studies found, those included were in English, Spanish and Portuguese; with quantitative, qualitative and quantitative approach; primary studies; systematic reviews, meta-analyzes and/or meta-syntheses; books; and guidelines, published or made available by October 2017.

This study is part of the master's thesis entitled “Mapping of competencies of managers of public health care in border municipalities”, of the master's Program in Public Health in a Border Region of the State University of Western Paraná (Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná).


Of the 188 studies found, after exhaustive reading of the titles and abstracts of articles, 13 were selected because they met all the established inclusion criteria. Among those selected, three were excluded because they were published in more than one database and eight because they did not fully address the issue, referring only to public health management or to border health. The remaining two studies were analyzed and included in the study. After the analysis of references, five studies were added. In this review, the final sample totaled seven selected studies.

The process of searching and selecting the studies of this review is presented in the flowchart below (Figure 1), according to the recommendations by JBI and the adapted checklist of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyzes (PRISMA).(99. Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI). Methodology for JBI Scoping Reviews - Joanna Briggs 2015. [Internet]. Australia: JBI; c2015. [cited 2015 Jul 10]. Available from:

Figure 1
Flowchart of the process of study selection, adapted from PRISMA

The seven studies included in this review were published and/or made available between 2005 and 2017. Three of them were scientific articles, two manuals and two master's dissertations (Chart 1).

Chart 1
Studies found according to year of publication, authorship, journal/institution, title, country of study and type of publication, 2018

Studies on the subject covered quantitative, qualitative or qualitative-quantitative studies, and similar study subjects on cross-border patient care and increased public spending in these regions. In this sense, chart 2 presents the difficulties found by managers and the resolutions presented by the authors to improve the situation of the role of public health managers in the border region.

Chart 2
Description of the difficulties found by public health managers in the border region

Among the selected studies, health policies discussed as universal health rights, accessibility for patients in border regions, and comprehensiveness of access to services are also highlighted. From the Manuals of the Brazilian Ministry of Health found, guidelines discussed financing these patients' health care and possible bilateral agreements between bordering countries of Brazil. The government program reported in the studies was SIS-Fronteira, one of the solutions Brazil found to solve the problem of the border population.


In Brazil, border regions are singular when compared to other regions in relation to health care, because residents of other countries consider Brazilian health care with higher quality than other neighboring countries. This movement brings foreigners to the border regions of Brazil, which causes an overload in Brazilian health establishments. That happens because, in addition to foreigners, there are the Brazilian citizens who live in other countries that come to receive health care in the Brazilian territory.(1313. Zaslavsky R, Goulart BN. Migração pendular e atenção à saúde na região de fronteira. Ciênc Saúde Colet. 2017;22(12):3981-6.)

Among the studies selected in this review, most of them (2,3,5 and 7) dealt with border regions between Brazil and its neighboring countries, as well as a study on this situation in the European continent (4), the rest (1 and 6) are manuals related to the theme (Chart 1). As for the review question, it should be noted that the role of public health managers in border regions was not addressed; this was done only for municipal managers. In this sense, the role of municipal managers can be defined as agents of actions in public health services, who participate in the planning and organization of the regionalized and hierarchical networks according to the principles and guidelines by SUS together with the state. In addition, they participate, control, execute and evaluate services of epidemiological surveillance, sanitary surveillance, food and dietetics, basic sanitation and worker health under municipal responsibility. Municipal managers also collaborate with the federal and state government to monitor sanitary surveillance of ports, airports and borders.(11. Martins MI, Carneiro CC. Política da gestão do trabalho e a atenção em saúde: um estudo de caso sobre a experiência de contratualização da atenção básica do município do Rio de Janeiro. ENSP Fiocruz. 2014. p. 101-11.)

In this context, the problems of municipal public health managers in border regions and the difficulties found were similar aspects raised by all studies of this review (Chart 2). The facilitated flow among land borders, for example, causes overloading of the Brazilian public health system, in addition to high deficits in the public expenditures of the municipalities of this region, which are most harmed by this practice. According to Studies 2 and 5,(77. Silva VR, Ugoski DR, Dravanz GMG. Negação dos direitos sócio assistênciais para transfronteiriços indocumentados: desafios para as cidades gêmeas. Texto Contexto (Porto Alegre). 2017;16(1):231-43.,88. Giovanella L, Guimarães L, Nogueira VM, Lobato LV, Damacena GM. Saúde nas fronteiras: acesso e demandas de estrangeiros e brasileiros não residentes ao SUS nas cidades de fronteiras com países do MERCOSUL na perspectiva dos secretários municipais de saúde. Cad Saúde Pública. 2007; 23 (Supl 2):S251-S266.) the cross-border population is seeking care in SUS in Brazil, because health care is predominantly private or lacks access for most of this population in neighboring countries.

Due to the logistics and quality of health care in Brazilian territory, foreigners seek first services in Brazil, which harms health services in several ways: work overload, gap in labor provided for both the populations, absence of health programs in border regions, social precariousness of neighboring countries, among others. This large contingent is not accounted by the federal government; that is why public health managers cannot justify providing more money and more employees to these places. On the other hand, in the selected studies, one refers to the European reality of a bilateral health agreement between Malta and the United Kingdom, signed in 1975, updated in 1989 and most recently in 2006. It is based on a quota of Maltese patients who go to the UK to treat rare diseases and specialties and, in exchange, British residents who are temporarily in Malta receive free health care.(1414. Saliba V, Muscat NA, Vella M, Montalto SA, Fenech C, McKee M, et al. Clinicians, ‘policy makers and patients’ views of pediatric cross-border care between Malta and the UK. J Health Serv Res Policy. 2014;9(3):153-60.)

Managers who work in border regions serve foreign patients who seek urgency and emergency services in Brazil, and care in basic health and specialized units. In Study 2 of this review, health secretaries report that bilateral cooperation between countries could ensure comprehensive care for Brazilians and foreigners. These regions are far from large cities where health centers are located and the closest health care services for Brazilian and foreigners are placed in neighboring countries.(77. Silva VR, Ugoski DR, Dravanz GMG. Negação dos direitos sócio assistênciais para transfronteiriços indocumentados: desafios para as cidades gêmeas. Texto Contexto (Porto Alegre). 2017;16(1):231-43.) A recent review study that addresses the integration of health across international borders concludes that binational agreements between neighboring countries have been minimizing disparities between large urban centers and these regions.(1515. Santos-Melo GZ, Andrade SR, Ruoff AB. A integração de saúde entre fronteiras internacionais: uma revisão integrativa. Acta Paul Enferm. 2018; 31(1):102-7.)

In this context, according to chart 2, the solutions pointed out by authors, in general, are binational agreements among countries, which would improve the accessibility of citizens to SUS, for example. They also discuss cross-border citizenship to provide conditions to legally serve them, considering these services occur routinely. However, it is emphasized that money transfer is one of the major problems of bilateral agreements; besides that, both the Brazilian government and that of neighboring countries do not have any public health programs that exclusively meet the demands of these regions.

However, a study conducted in a border region with mothers living outside Brazil showed that from 2006 to 2012, of the 34,456 children born in Brazil, 95.7% of the pregnant women reported they lived in Brazil, and 4.3%, in Paraguay.(1616. Melo F, Victoria CG, Gonçalves H. Saúde nas fronteiras: análise quantitativa e qualitativa da clientela do Centro Materno Infantil de Foz do Iguaçu, Brasil. Ciênc Saúde Colet. 2015; 20(7):2135-45.) Such data corroborates the results found in this scoping review, considering that patients in border regions migrate to another country to seek scheduled care, especially for urgency and emergency cases. Another study in a border municipality shows that there is a lack of professionals, of centers for specialized care, and means of transportation to outpatient facilities; according to research, these problems are not related with cross-border care, but rather with the lack of organization of local management.(1717. Silva-Sobrinho RA, Zilly A, Monroe AA, Pinto ES, Silva R, Villa TC. Ambivalência das ações de controle da tuberculose na atenção básica à saúde. Rev Rene. 2014;15(4):605-12.) Therefore, it is not only possible to attribute the deficits of public expenditures of these municipalities only to foreign patients, because there are also problems regarding municipal management.

The so-called “floating population” is a problem of all municipalities in border regions. Research conducted in the Brazilian municipality of Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná State, points out that besides having a large number of tourists that visit the city, the municipality also has to deal mostly with Paraguayan and some Argentinian people who cross the borders to use the Brazilian health system. The author states that money transfer is made according to the number of inhabitants of each municipality, which does not include the number of visitors in the city.(1818. Albuquerque GL. Limites e paradoxo na cidadania no território fronteiriço: o atendimento dos brasiguaios no sistema público de saúde em Foz do Iguaçu (Brasil). Geopolíticas (s). 2012; 3 (2): 185-205.)

In this context, one of the solutions for health expenditures with tourists in this region was the program known as Traveler's Health (Saúde do Viajante) in the state of Paraná, whose main objective is to promote, prevent and rehabilitate the health of foreigners who come tourist cities.(1919. Paraná (Estado) Secretária de Saúde. Programa saúde do viajante (PESV). SESA. Paraná: Secretaria de Saúde; 2015.) However, this program only aims to reimburse health expenditures with tourists, not with cross-border population. This remains a constant problem for the health secretaries of these municipalities, because there are no specific public policies for these border regions, reaffirming the data found in this review.

Regarding public policies by the Brazilian federal government to improve the health situation of these regions, the government implemented a project known as the Unified Border Health System (SIS-Fronteira) in 2005, which was in force until 2014.(2020. Ferreira CM, Mariani MA, Oliveira Neto AF. O projeto sistema integrado de saúde das fronteiras em Corumbá-MS, Brasil. Rev. GeoPantanal. 2015; (8):78-92.) The objective of this project was to expand the service capacity of 121 municipalities located within 10 kilometers from the border, through a financial reimbursement system, since the itinerant population was not accounted for purposes of money transfers from the federal government. The project had three steps of implementation: 1) Performing a situational diagnosis of health, infrastructure, characterization of users and presentation of a local operational strategy, in partnership with the Federal University of the state; 2) Qualifying management, services, actions and implementations of health service networks in border municipalities; 3) Introducing and consolidating initiatives in border municipalities.(2121. Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Portaria n° 1.120, de 6 de julho de 2005. Elaboração do Sistema Integrado de Saúde das Fronteiras - SIS Fronteiras. Diário Oficial da República Federativa do Brasil; 2005 jul. 7; Seção 1.p 48-49.,2222. Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Portaria n° 622, de 23 de abril de 2014: Elaboração dos Prazos para conclusão das ações previstas no Sistema Integrado de Saúde das Fronteiras (SIS Fronteira) e sobre o repasse e incentivo financeiro. Diário Oficial da República Federativa do Brasil. 2014 mai. 24; Seção 1. p 27.)

Nonetheless, managers from fifteen municipalities bordering Paraguay in western Paraná held a meeting, in 2017, to send a proposal for the federal government to reactivate or organize a border project like SIS-Fronteira, arguing that there is no way of maintaining this situation in these regions. They also informed that there are thousands of SUS registrations in the name of foreign users in ghost residences in the municipalities of this regions, thus causing the overload of the corresponding public health system.(2323. Eberhart JV. Lindeiros reivindicam sistema diferenciado para saúde na fronteira [Internet]. Noticiar Comunicação. 12 de junho de 2016. [citado 2019 Mar 2019]. Disponível em:

As for the solutions to this problem, in the triple Brazil-Paraguay-Argentina border, city of Foz do Iguaçu, the team of Itaipu Binacional organized a working group called Working-Health Group (GT-Saúde), which aims to improve the quality of health initiatives at the border, thus favoring an articulation of the managers of these regions.(2424. Bontempo CG. Cooperação em saúde em fronteiras internacionais: a busca da igualdade em saúde. Cad Iber Amer Direito. Sanit. 2013;2(2):908-19.) Binational agreements were one of the solutions found in this review. One of the selected studies showed how the bi-national specialized health agreement between Malta and the United Kingdom in the European Union works in an effective way.(1414. Saliba V, Muscat NA, Vella M, Montalto SA, Fenech C, McKee M, et al. Clinicians, ‘policy makers and patients’ views of pediatric cross-border care between Malta and the UK. J Health Serv Res Policy. 2014;9(3):153-60.) In the Brazilian context, the government program reported in the studies was SIS-Fronteira, one of the solutions found by Brazil to solve the problem of the border population. It is an exclusively national program with no help from its neighboring countries and definition of the role of health managers. Thus, binational agreements, citizenship of foreigners, and leading programs/policies on cross-border care are ways of improving the effectiveness of health services, building and directing the role of public health managers in the public health region.

In this sense, public health management lacks trained professionals to rationalize health actions, assess expenditures and reduce damage caused by investments.(2525. Ribeiro RBA, Reis RP, Bezerra DG. Gestão em saúde pública: Um enfoque no papel do enfermeiro. Rev Bras Ciên Saúde. 2015;19(3):247-52.) Nurses normally manage with creativity and innovation. These professionals are often required to provide care and have administrative and political skills to perfect their roles in health management processes.(2525. Ribeiro RBA, Reis RP, Bezerra DG. Gestão em saúde pública: Um enfoque no papel do enfermeiro. Rev Bras Ciên Saúde. 2015;19(3):247-52.) These professionals have some sort of undergraduate training to hold managerial positions, however, continuing education courses must be held periodically so that they are always updated within management contexts.(2626. Soares MI, Camelo SH, Resck ZM, Terra FS. Saberes gerenciais do enfermeiro em ambiente hospitalar. Rev Bras Enferm. 2016 69(4):676-83.)


Being a manager in a border region becomes a complex task, given the difficulties found in dealing with countries that do not have health agreements or specific programs for the population of such region. The results of this Scoping Review demonstrate that a viable solution for managers of these regions would be bilateral health integration agreements. Such strategies refer to government policies and programs as well as the involvement of health actors, especially the public health manager in the border region. It is noticed that the study field of study is little explored by the national and international literature, reflecting a great gap to be filled with further research.


  • 1
    Martins MI, Carneiro CC. Política da gestão do trabalho e a atenção em saúde: um estudo de caso sobre a experiência de contratualização da atenção básica do município do Rio de Janeiro. ENSP Fiocruz. 2014. p. 101-11.
  • 2
    Gil CR, Luiz IC, Gil MC. Gestão pública em saúde: o processo de trabalho na gestão do SUS. São Luís: EDUFMA; 2016.
  • 3
    Brasil. Leis e Decretos. Lei n° 8080, de 19 de setembro de 1990. Brasília (DF): Presidência da República; 1990.
  • 4
    Conselho Nacional de Secretários Municipal de Saúde (CONSEMS). Manual do (a) gestor (a) municipal do SUS: Diálogos no cotidiano. Rio de Janeiro: CONSEMS; 2016.
  • 5
    Brasil. Ministério da Justiça e Cidadania. Secretária Nacional de Segurança Pública. Mapeamento das políticas públicas federais na faixa de fronteira: Interfaces com o plano estratégico de fronteiras e a estratégia nacional de segurança pública nas fronteiras. Brasília (DF): Ministério de Justiça e Cidadania. Secretária Nacional de Segurança Pública; 2016.
  • 6
    MERCOSUL. Reunião de Saúde 2016. [Internet]. [citado 2019 Mar 3]. Disponível em:
  • 7
    Silva VR, Ugoski DR, Dravanz GMG. Negação dos direitos sócio assistênciais para transfronteiriços indocumentados: desafios para as cidades gêmeas. Texto Contexto (Porto Alegre). 2017;16(1):231-43.
  • 8
    Giovanella L, Guimarães L, Nogueira VM, Lobato LV, Damacena GM. Saúde nas fronteiras: acesso e demandas de estrangeiros e brasileiros não residentes ao SUS nas cidades de fronteiras com países do MERCOSUL na perspectiva dos secretários municipais de saúde. Cad Saúde Pública. 2007; 23 (Supl 2):S251-S266.
  • 9
    Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI). Methodology for JBI Scoping Reviews - Joanna Briggs 2015. [Internet]. Australia: JBI; c2015. [cited 2015 Jul 10]. Available from:
  • 10
    Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI). Joanna Briggs Reviewers' Manual: 2014 edition 2014a. Australia: JBI; 2014. [cited 2014 Jan 24]. Available from:
  • 11
    Melnyk BM, Fineout-Overholt E. Making the case for evidence-based practice. In: Melnyk BM, Fineout-Overholt E. Evidence based practice in nursing & healthcare. A guide to best practice. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincot Williams & Wilkins. 2011. p.3-24.
  • 12
    Santos CM, Pimenta CA, Nobre MR. A estratégia PICO para construção da pergunta de pesquisa e busca de evidências. Rev Lat Am Enfermagem. 2007;15(3):508-11.
  • 13
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    10 June 2019
  • Date of issue
    Mar-Apr 2019


  • Received
    27 Sept 2018
  • Accepted
    07 Mar 2019
Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo R. Napoleão de Barros, 754, 04024-002 São Paulo - SP/Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 11) 5576 4430 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil