Open-access Variations spatio-temporelles des matieres en suspension dans I'estuaire du Sinnamary, Guyane française: influence du barrage hydroélectrique de Petit Saut

Space-time variations of suspended material in the Sinnamary estuary, French Guiana: influence of Petit Saut electric dam


The coast of Prench Guiana is subjected to the Amazon dispersal system, which is influenced by oceanic currents and trade winds ruled by the position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone. The Sinnamary is one of the major French Guiana rivers. Since 1994, the hydroelectric dam of "Petit Saut" has modified the hydrological regime and the ecological functioning of the estuary. Variations in suspended material (organic and inorganic) concentr&tions, and parllffieters such as salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll has been foUowed up trom measurement carried out between December 1996 and February 1998 in the estuary. The load varied seasonally and according to the tide. To establish space-time variability, three. variation factofs (depth, time and tidal variation) have been tested. The effects were significant for síllinity, chlorophyll and the total particulate matter load. Suspended material is four times higher near the bQttom than in the surface, with a 13 % organic matter percentage. Net total particulate material exportation was estimated to 0,05x10(6) t.y-1 for Sinnamary. Modifications of hyçlrological parameters related to petit Saut hydroelectric dam operation mainly affect sediment transport, salinity and oxygen concentration. Significant biological effects are observed in the estuary.

Estuary; Suspended matter; Salinity; Chlorophyll; Tidal cyclo; French Guyana

O litoral da Guiana Francesa sotre a influência do sistema de dispersão de sedimentos do rio Amazonas, sob ação dos Alísios, das correntes e da posição da Zona Intertropical de Convergência. A partir de 1994, o rio Sinnamary foi modificado com a construção da bmagem hidroelétrica de IIPetit Saut". A variação das concentrações de materiais em suspensão (orgânico e inorgânico) e a dos parâmetros tais como salinidade, temperatura, oxigênio dissolvido e clorofila foram estudados entre dezembro 1996 e fevereiro 1998, em seu estuário. Os parâmetros variaram segundo a hora da maré e a estação, permitindo visualizar sua variabilidade espaço-temporal: 3 fatores (níveis, datas e marés) foram testados. Esses efeitos revelaram-se significativos para a salinidade, clorofila e seston. A concentração dos materiais em suspensão (MES) é 4 vezes maior no fundo em relação à superficie, sendo o total constituído de 13 % orgânico. Estitna-se a O,05x10(6) t.ano-1 o total de MES que foram exportados pelo Sinnamary. As modificações dos parâmetros hidrológicos ligadas ao funcionamento da barragem hidroelétrica de Petit Saut afetam o transporte de sedimentos, a salinidade e a concentração do oxigênio. Observou-se significativos efeitos biológicos no seu estuário.

Estuário; Material em suspensão; salinidade; Clorofila; Ciclo de maré; Guiana Francesa

Estuary; Suspended matter; Salinity; Chlorophyll; Tidal cyclo; French Guyana

Estuário; Material em suspensão; salinidade; Clorofila; Ciclo de maré; Guiana Francesa


Variations spatio-temporelles des matieres en suspension dans I'estuaire du Sinnamary, Guyane française. Influence du barrage hydroélectrique de Petit Saut

Space-time variations of suspended material in the Sinnamary estuary, French Guiana. Influence of Petit Saut electric dam

Carlos J. Maia de OliveiraI; Jacques ClavierII

IM.N.H.N. - Laboratoire de Cryptogamie (12 rue Buffon 75005 Paris, France)

IICentre IRD de Bretagne & IUEM-UMR 6539 (Place N. Copernic, 29280 Plouzané)


The coast of Prench Guiana is subjected to the Amazon dispersal system, which is influenced by oceanic currents and trade winds ruled by the position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone. The Sinnamary is one of the major French Guiana rivers. Since 1994, the hydroelectric dam of "Petit Saut" has modified the hydrological regime and the ecological functioning of the estuary. Variations in suspended material (organic and inorganic) concentr&tions, and parllffieters such as salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll has been foUowed up trom measurement carried out between December 1996 and February 1998 in the estuary. The load varied seasonally and according to the tide. To establish space-time variability, three. variation factofs (depth, time and tidal variation) have been tested. The effects were significant for síllinity, chlorophyll and the total particulate matter load. Suspended material is four times higher near the bQttom than in the surface, with a 13 % organic matter percentage. Net total particulate material exportation was estimated to 0,05x106 t.y-1 for Sinnamary. Modifications of hyçlrological parameters related to petit Saut hydroelectric dam operation mainly affect sediment transport, salinity and oxygen concentration. Significant biological effects are observed in the estuary.

Descriptors: Estuary, Suspended matter, Salinity, Chlorophyll, Tidal cyclo, French Guyana.


O litoral da Guiana Francesa sotre a influência do sistema de dispersão de sedimentos do rio Amazonas, sob ação dos Alísios, das correntes e da posição da Zona Intertropical de Convergência. A partir de 1994, o rio Sinnamary foi modificado com a construção da bmagem hidroelétrica de IIPetit Saut". A variação das concentrações de materiais em suspensão (orgânico e inorgânico) e a dos parâmetros tais como salinidade, temperatura, oxigênio dissolvido e clorofila foram estudados entre dezembro 1996 e fevereiro 1998, em seu estuário. Os parâmetros variaram segundo a hora da maré e a estação, permitindo visualizar sua variabilidade espaço-temporal: 3 fatores (níveis, datas e marés) foram testados. Esses efeitos revelaram-se significativos para a salinidade, clorofila e seston. A concentração dos materiais em suspensão (MES) é 4 vezes maior no fundo em relação à superficie, sendo o total constituído de 13 % orgânico. Estitna-se a O,05x106 t.ano-1 o total de MES que foram exportados pelo Sinnamary. As modificações dos parâmetros hidrológicos ligadas ao funcionamento da barragem hidroelétrica de Petit Saut afetam o transporte de sedimentos, a salinidade e a concentração do oxigênio. Observou-se significativos efeitos biológicos no seu estuário.

Descritores: Estuário, Material em suspensão, Salinidade, Clorofila, Ciclo de maré, Guiana Francesa.

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Allison, M. A.; Nittrouer, C. A. & Faria Jr., L. E. C. 1995. Rates and mechanisms of shoreface progradation and retreat downdrift ofthe Amazon river mouth. Mar. Geol., 125(3-4):373-392.

Allison, M. A.; Nittrouer, C. A.; Faria, Jr., L. E. C. Silveira, O. M. & Mendes, A. C. 1996. Sources and sinks of sediment to the Amazon margin: The Amapa coast. Geo-Mar. Lett., 16(1):36-40.

Anonyme. 1975. Bilan de vingt-cinq années d'études hydrologiques en Guyane Française. Document interne. ORSTOM, Section Hydrologique. p. 1­85.

Anonyme. 1998. Bulletin climatologique annuel, météo-france. Département de la Guyane. p.1-5.

Antoine, D.; André, J.-L. & Morei, A. 1996. Oceanic primary production. 2. Estimation at global scale from satellite (coastal zone color scanner) chlorophyll. Global biogeochem. Cycles, 10 (1):57-69.

Betoulle, J.-L. 1998. Variations spatio-temporelles de la production de litiere et des apports au sol en éléments minéraux dans 5 facies d'une mangrove en Guyane &ançaise. Tese de doutorado. Paris, Université de Toulouse. 150p.

Boto, K. G. & Wellington, J. T. 1988. Seasonal variations in concentrations and fluxes of dissolved organic and inorganic materiais in a tropical, tidally-dominated, mangrove waterway. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 50(1-2):151-160.

Bouysse, P.; Kudrass, R. R. & Le Lann, F. 1977. Reconnaissance sédimentologique du plateau continental de la Guyane &ançaise (Mission Guyamer 1975). Bull. B.R.G.M., 2 (IV,2):141­179.

Briand, G.; Scribe, P.; Pepe, c.; Saliot, A.; Mariotti, A. & Bruchet, A. 1993. Transfert de la matiere organique des sols aux matiêres en suspension: caractérisation et évolution en fonction de la pédologie de petits bassins versants du nord de Manaus (Brésil). In: COLLOQUES ET SEMINAIRES, GRANDS BASSINS FLUVIAUX. Paris, 1993. p.425-436.

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Charron, C.; Betoulle, l-L.; Panechou, K.; Gardel, A.; Prost, M. T. & Loubry, D. 1997. Étude et suivi de l'évolution géomorphologique et botanique de l'estuaire du Sinnamary par Télédétection. Rapport Final R2-R3. Cayenne, ORSTOM. p.1-64.

Colonnello, G. & Medina, E. 1998. Vegetation changes induced by dam construction in tropical estuary : the case of the Mánamo ri ver, Orinoco Delta (Venezuela). Plant Ecol., 139(2):145-154.

Dessier, A. 1990. L'impact des effluents fluviatiles sur les écosystemes marins - L'Arnazone et l'Atlantique tropical nord-ouest. Document interne. Brest, ORSTOM. p.1-44.

Botero, L. & Mancera-Pineda, J E. 1996. Sintesis de los cambios de origen antrópico ocurridos en los últimos 40 afios en la Cieénaga de Santa Maria (Colombia). Revta Acad. colomb. Cienc., 20:465­474.

Botero, L. 1990. Massive mangrove mortality on the Caribbean coast of Colombia. Vida Silvestre Neotropical, 2:77-78.

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Eisma, D.; Augustinus, P. G. E. F. & Alexander, C. 1991. Recent and subrecent changes in the dispersal of Amazon mudo Neth. J. Sea Res., 28(3):181-192.

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Froidefond, J. M.; Griboulard, R.; Prud'homme, J. & Pujos, M. 1987. Déplacements des bancs de vase et variation du littoral de Guyane française. Bull. Inst. Géol. Bassin d'Aquitaine, 42:67-83.

Froidefond, J. M.; Pujos, M. & Andre, X. 1988. Migration of mud banks and changing coastlines in French Guiana. Mar. Geol., 84(1-2):19-30.

Fromard, F.; Puig, H.; Peltier, A.; Betoulle, J-L.; Mougin, E. & Marty, G. 1996. Structure, dynamique et biomasse des mangroves de Guyane française. Bol. Mus. Para. Emilio Goeldi, sér. Ciênc. da Terra, 8:5-29.

Frouin, 1997. Revue des connaissances sur la zone côtiere de Guyane Française. Rapport Interne PNOC. p.1-86.

Gosse, P. H. & Grégoire, A. 1997. Dispositif de réoxygénation artificielle du Sinnamary à l'aval du barrage de Petit-Saut (Guyane). Hydroécol. Appl.,9(1-2):23-56.

Granville, J-J. de 1986. Les formations végétales de la bande côtiere de Guyane française. In: CONGRES REGIONAL DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT, 1er. Cayenne, 1985. p.47-63

Hartley, H. 0.1962 Analysis ofvariance. In: Ralston, A. & Wilf, H. S. eds Mathematical methods for digital computers. New York, Wiley. p. 221-230.

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Lointier, M. 1990. Evolution de la qualité des eaux et dynamique de l'intrusion saline dans I'estuaire du Sinnamary. Rapport Convention ORSTOM ­EDF - CNEH. p.1-50.

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Nogues, J-L. 1984. Étude de l'intrusion saline dans l'estuaire du Sinnamary (Guyane Fr.). Mémoire de D.E.A. Université de Provence, ORSTOM. p.1-45.

Odum, W. E.; McIvor, C. C. & Smith, T. J. 1982. The ecology of the mangroves of south Florida: a community profile. Washington, D. C., US. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Biological Services. FWS/OBS-81/24.

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Winter, P. E. D.; Schlacher, T. A. & Baird, D. 1996. Carbon flux between an estuary and the ocean: a case for outwelling. Hydrobiologia, 337(1­3): 123-132.

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(Manuscript receive 10 May1999; revised 03 July 2000; accepted 21 Septembre 2000)


  • Allison, M. A.; Nittrouer, C. A. & Faria Jr., L. E. C. 1995. Rates and mechanisms of shoreface progradation and retreat downdrift ofthe Amazon river mouth. Mar. Geol., 125(3-4):373-392.
  • Allison, M. A.; Nittrouer, C. A.; Faria, Jr., L. E. C. Silveira, O. M. & Mendes, A. C. 1996. Sources and sinks of sediment to the Amazon margin: The Amapa coast. Geo-Mar. Lett., 16(1):36-40.
  • Anonyme. 1975. Bilan de vingt-cinq années d'études hydrologiques en Guyane Française. Document interne. ORSTOM, Section Hydrologique. p. 1­85.
  • Anonyme. 1998. Bulletin climatologique annuel, météo-france. Département de la Guyane. p.1-5.
  • Antoine, D.; André, J.-L. & Morei, A. 1996. Oceanic primary production. 2. Estimation at global scale from satellite (coastal zone color scanner) chlorophyll. Global biogeochem. Cycles, 10 (1):57-69.
  • Betoulle, J.-L. 1998. Variations spatio-temporelles de la production de litiere et des apports au sol en éléments minéraux dans 5 facies d'une mangrove en Guyane &ançaise. Tese de doutorado. Paris, Université de Toulouse. 150p.
  • Boto, K. G. & Wellington, J. T. 1988. Seasonal variations in concentrations and fluxes of dissolved organic and inorganic materiais in a tropical, tidally-dominated, mangrove waterway. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 50(1-2):151-160.
  • Bouysse, P.; Kudrass, R. R. & Le Lann, F. 1977. Reconnaissance sédimentologique du plateau continental de la Guyane &ançaise (Mission Guyamer 1975). Bull. B.R.G.M., 2 (IV,2):141179.
  • Briand, G.; Scribe, P.; Pepe, c.; Saliot, A.; Mariotti, A. & Bruchet, A. 1993. Transfert de la matiere organique des sols aux matiêres en suspension: caractérisation et évolution en fonction de la pédologie de petits bassins versants du nord de Manaus (Brésil). In: COLLOQUES ET SEMINAIRES, GRANDS BASSINS FLUVIAUX. Paris, 1993. p.425-436.
  • Cadée, G. C. 1984. Particulate and dissolved organic carbon and chlorophyll a in the Zaíre river, estuary and plume. Neth. J. Sea Res., 17(24):426-440.
  • Castaing, P. & Pujos, M. 1976. Interprétation de mesures hydrologiques effectuées sur le plateau continental de la Guyane française. Bull. Inst. Géol. Bassin d'Aquitaine, 20:99-106.
  • Charron, C.; Betoulle, l-L.; Panechou, K.; Gardel, A.; Prost, M. T. & Loubry, D. 1997. Étude et suivi de l'évolution géomorphologique et botanique de l'estuaire du Sinnamary par Télédétection. Rapport Final R2-R3. Cayenne, ORSTOM. p.1-64.
  • Colonnello, G. & Medina, E. 1998. Vegetation changes induced by dam construction in tropical estuary : the case of the Mánamo ri ver, Orinoco Delta (Venezuela). Plant Ecol., 139(2):145-154.
  • Dessier, A. 1990. L'impact des effluents fluviatiles sur les écosystemes marins - L'Arnazone et l'Atlantique tropical nord-ouest. Document interne. Brest, ORSTOM. p.1-44.
  • Botero, L. & Mancera-Pineda, J E. 1996. Sintesis de los cambios de origen antrópico ocurridos en los últimos 40 afios en la Cieénaga de Santa Maria (Colombia). Revta Acad. colomb. Cienc., 20:465474.
  • Botero, L. 1990. Massive mangrove mortality on the Caribbean coast of Colombia. Vida Silvestre Neotropical, 2:77-78.
  • Eisma, D. & Van Der Marel, H. M. 1971. Marine muds along the Guyana Coast and their origin from Amazon Basin. Contr. Miner. Petrology, 321-324.
  • Eisma, D.; Augustinus, P. G. E. F. & Alexander, C. 1991. Recent and subrecent changes in the dispersal of Amazon mudo Neth. J. Sea Res., 28(3):181-192.
  • Froidefond, J. M.; Griboulard, R.; Prud'homme, J. & Pujos, M. 1987. Déplacements des bancs de vase et variation du littoral de Guyane française. Bull. Inst. Géol. Bassin d'Aquitaine, 42:67-83.
  • Froidefond, J. M.; Pujos, M. & Andre, X. 1988. Migration of mud banks and changing coastlines in French Guiana. Mar. Geol., 84(1-2):19-30.
  • Fromard, F.; Puig, H.; Peltier, A.; Betoulle, J-L.; Mougin, E. & Marty, G. 1996. Structure, dynamique et biomasse des mangroves de Guyane française. Bol. Mus. Para. Emilio Goeldi, sér. Ciênc. da Terra, 8:5-29.
  • Frouin, 1997. Revue des connaissances sur la zone côtiere de Guyane Française. Rapport Interne PNOC. p.1-86.
  • Gosse, P. H. & Grégoire, A. 1997. Dispositif de réoxygénation artificielle du Sinnamary à l'aval du barrage de Petit-Saut (Guyane). Hydroécol. Appl.,9(1-2):23-56.
  • Granville, J-J. de 1986. Les formations végétales de la bande côtiere de Guyane française. In: CONGRES REGIONAL DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT, 1er Cayenne, 1985. p.47-63
  • Hartley, H. 0.1962 Analysis ofvariance. In: Ralston, A. & Wilf, H. S. eds Mathematical methods for digital computers. New York, Wiley. p. 221-230.
  • Hobbie, J E.; Copeland, B. J. & Harrison, W. G. 1975. Sources and fates of nutrients in the Pamlico River estuary, North Carolina. In: Cronin, L. E. ed. Estuarine Research. New Y ork, Academic Press, 2:287-302.
  • Ketchum, B. H. 1954. Relation between circulation and planktonic populations in estuaries. Ecology, 35:191-200.
  • Lescure, J. P. 1977. La mangrove guyanaise: architecture des jeunes stades et vie avienne. Cahiers O.R.S.T.O.M., sér. Biol., 12:361-375.
  • Lhomme, F. 1994. Le recrutement des postlarves de Penaeus subtilis et de Xiphopenaeus kroyeri dans l'estuaire du Sinnamary. Rev. Hydrobiol. trop., 27(4):385-406.
  • Lindsay, P.; Balls, P. W. & West, J. R. 1996. Influence of tidal range and river discharge on suspended particulate matter fluxes in the Forth estuary (Scotland). Estuar. coast. Shelf Sci., 42(1):63-82.
  • Lointier, M. 1990. Evolution de la qualité des eaux et dynamique de l'intrusion saline dans I'estuaire du Sinnamary. Rapport Convention ORSTOM EDF - CNEH. p.1-50.
  • Meade, R. H.; Dunne, T.; Richey, J. E.; Santos, U. M. & Salati, E. 1985. Storage and remobilisation of suspended sediment in the lower Amazon river of Brazil. Science, 228(4698):488-490.
  • Meybeck, M. 1982. Carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus transPort by world rivers. Am. J. Sci., 282(4):401-450.
  • Nixon, S. M.; Fumas, B. N.; Lee, V.; Marshall, N.; Ong, J. E.; Wong, C. H.; Cong, W. K. & Sasekumar, A. 1984. The role of the mangroves in the carbon and nutrient dynamics of Malaysia estuairies. In: Soepadmoi, E.; Rao, A. N. & Macintosh, D. J. eds. University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. p.535544.
  • Nogues, J-L. 1984. Étude de l'intrusion saline dans l'estuaire du Sinnamary (Guyane Fr.). Mémoire de D.E.A. Université de Provence, ORSTOM. p.1-45.
  • Odum, W. E.; McIvor, C. C. & Smith, T. J. 1982. The ecology of the mangroves of south Florida: a community profile. Washington, D. C., US. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Biological Services. FWS/OBS-81/24.
  • Orange, D.; Olivry, J. C. & Censier, C. 1993. Variations et bilans de matieres particulaires et dissoutes de I'Oubangui à Bangui. In: COLLOQUES ET SEMINAIRES, GRANDS BASSINS FLUVIAUX. Paris, 1993. p. 147158.
  • Parsons, T. R. & Strickland, J. D. H. 1972. A practical handbook of seawater analyses. Bull. Fish. Res. Bd Can., 167: 1-311.
  • Peltier, A. 1993. Caractérisation et dynamique des mangroves de Guyane française. DEA d'écologie générale et productivité végétale. Paris, Université de Paris VI. p.1-39.
  • Prost, M. T. 1990. Coastal dynamics and cheniers sands in French Guiana. Mar. Geol., 90(4):259267.
  • Puig, H. & Delobelle, J. P. 1988. Production de litiere, nécromasse, apports minéraux au sol par la litiere en forêt guyanaise. Rev. Ecol- Terre Vi e, 43:99-124.
  • Riaux-Gobin, C. 1987. Phytoplancton, tripton et microphytobenthos : échanges au cours de la marée, dans un estuaire du Nord-Finistere. Cab. Biol. mar., 28(2):159-184.
  • Rojas-Beltran, R. 1986. Rôle de la mangrove comme nourricerie de crustacés et de poissons en Guyane. In: CONGRES REGIONAL DE LA SEPANGUY: LE LITTORAL GUYANAIS. FRAGILITE DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT. Cayenne, 1986. p. 97-110.
  • Twilley, R.; Snedaker, S. C.; Arancibia, E. & Medina, E. 1995. Mangrove systems. In: Heywood, V. H. ed. Global biodiversity assessment. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
  • Vauchel, P. 1995. Intrusion saline sur l'estuaire du fleuve Sinnamary. Rapport Final. ORSTOM, HCI. p.1-45.
  • Winter, P. E. D.; Schlacher, T. A. & Baird, D. 1996. Carbon flux between an estuary and the ocean: a case for outwelling. Hydrobiologia, 337(13): 123-132.
  • Woodroffe, C. D. 1985. Studies of a mangrove basin, Tuff Crater, New Zealand: m. The flux of organic and inorganic particulate matter. Estuar. coast. ShelfSci., 20(4):447-461.
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    23 Apr 2013
  • Date of issue


  • Accepted
    21 Sept 2000
  • Reviewed
    03 July 2000
  • Received
    10 May 1999
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