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More sources of specialized africanity information subsidies for new and radical epistemologies



Specialized information sources are artifacts constructed by human beings that organize a series of informational elements about a particular cutout/specialty of everyday existence. These artifacts serve to solve a specific informational demand and, not necessarily, can point out new paths as a result of the act of enforcing these mechanisms.


To present a new set of specialized information sources on Africanities, aiming to contribute to increasing knowledge about the existence of these sources by gathering essential information about each one of them, through librarianship parameters.


The methodological procedures adopted were: a) contact with researchers in the field of Africanities; b) identification of theoretical texts to delimit the concept of Africanities; c) verification of availability of access to sources; d) collection of information to describe the selected information sources; e) grouping, when possible, of sources by subject area; and f) consolidation of results in the form of a source guide.


23 sources of information were identified, gathered and described, distributed into five categories.


It is believed that the list of informational artifacts presented works as a strategic guide to support the strengthening of new and radical epistemologies, based on ethical and welcoming precepts of knowledge erected primarily in counter-hegemonic spaces.

Expert information sources - Africa; Guide to information sources - Africanities; Information Science



As fontes de informação especializada são artefatos construídos por seres humanos que agenciam uma série de elementos informacionais sobre determinado recorte / especialidade da existência cotidiana. Esses artefatos se prestam a sanar uma demanda informacional específica e, não obrigatoriamente, podem apontar novos caminhos em virtude do que resultar o ato de compulsar esses mecanismos.


Apresentar novo conjunto de fontes de informação especializada em africanidades almejando contribuir para ampliar o conhecimento sobre a existência dessas fontes através da reunião de informações essenciais sobre cada uma delas, mediante parâmetros biblioteconômicos.


Os procedimentos metodológicos adotados foram: a) contato com pesquisadores do campo das africanidades; b) identificação de textos teóricos para delimitação do conceito africanidades; c) verificação da disponibilidade de acesso às fontes; d) recolha de informações para descrição das fontes de informação selecionadas; e) agrupamento, quando possível, das fontes por área temática; e f) consolidação dos resultados em forma de guia de fontes.


Foram identificadas, reunidas e descritas 23 fontes de informação, distribuídas em cinco categorias.


Acredita-se que o rol de artefatos informacionais apresentado funciona como um estratégico guia a subsidiar o fortalecimento de epistemologias novas e radicais, fundamentadas em preceitos éticos e acolhedores dos saberes erigidos, prioritariamente, em espaços contra-hegemônicos.

Fontes de informação especializada - África; Guia de fontes de informação - africanidades; Ciência da Informação


[...] "we would not proclaim Africanity if it had not been denied or degraded..."

Archie Mafeje, South African social scientist (2000)

In August 2019, it was published in the journal PontodeAcesso, of the Institute of Information Science of the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), specifically in volume 13, number 1, an article that communicated the results of extensive research carried out, in the scope of Librarianship and Information Science, to identify sources of information specialized in africanities1 1 The article entitled "Sources of specialized information on African-ness" can be found at .

At that time, Brazilian theoreticians who are reference for the understanding of the concept of information sources, such as Paulo da Terra Caldeira (2008), Beatriz Valadares Cendón (2003CENDÓN, Beatriz Valadares. Bases de dados de informação para negócios no Brasil. Ciência da Informação, Brasília, v. 32, n. 2, p 17-36, maio/ago. 2003. Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 dez. 2020.
) and Murilo Bastos da Cunha (2010CUNHA, Murilo Bastos da. Manual de fontes de informação. Brasília: Briquet de Lemos, 2010. 182 p.), among others, provided the substrate for the proposition of what we call specialized information sources. Anchored in part of the reflections of those theorists, we arrived at the following conceptual delimitation:

Specialized information sources are artifacts built by human beings that bring together a series of informational elements about a certain cut / specialty of everyday existence. These artifacts are designed, at least for this purpose, to meet a specific informational demand and, not necessarily, may point new paths by virtue of what results the act of consulting these mechanisms. (CARVALHO; REZENDE; GOMES, 2019CARVALHO, Wellington Marçal de; REZENDE, Angerlânia; GOMES, Gracielle Mendonça Rodrigues. Fontes de informação especializada em africanidades. PontodeAcesso, Salvador, v.13, n.1, p. 174-201, ago. 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 out. 2020.
, p. 175).

This conceptualization was thought with the intention of expanding, as much as possible, the incorporation of artifacts of any kind, provided that they were gathered into collections, from the librarianship perspective, fostered by a theme, the africanities. As necessary as it was to delineate what was meant by specialized information sources, was the fact of demarcating, with greater precision, what the notion of African-ness intended to mean. To this end, the article also revisited information shared by Professor Dr. Maria Nazareth Soares Fonseca, a Brazilian scholar of African literature in Portuguese, as well as researchers Valéria Aparecida Algarve (2004ALGARVE, Valéria Aparecida. Cultura negra na sala de aula: pode um cantinho de africanidades elevar a autoestima de crianças negras e melhorar o relacionamento entre crianças negras e brancas? Orientadora: Petronilha Beatriz Gonçalves e Silva. 2004. 271 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, 2004.) and Paulo César Antonini de Souza (2010SOUZA, Paulo César Antonini de. Educar-se ao mundo: percepções acerca das africanidades. Revista Espaço Acadêmico, n. 106, p. 149-159, mar. 2010. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 dez. 2020.
), which allowed us to align the following explanation:

The expression "africanities" would refer to "the way of being, of living, [...] the marks of African culture that [...] are part of their daily lives" (SILVA, 2003, p. 26 cited by SOUZA, 2010SOUZA, Paulo César Antonini de. Educar-se ao mundo: percepções acerca das africanidades. Revista Espaço Acadêmico, n. 106, p. 149-159, mar. 2010. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 dez. 2020.
, p 149-150). The term wants to translate the cultural multiplicity of the African continent and emphasize the existence of different cultures and not a single culture. The concept "has a cultural dimension of knowledge production and, therefore, political. [... Africanities are based on the culture and history of African people and their descendants" (ALGARVE, 2004ALGARVE, Valéria Aparecida. Cultura negra na sala de aula: pode um cantinho de africanidades elevar a autoestima de crianças negras e melhorar o relacionamento entre crianças negras e brancas? Orientadora: Petronilha Beatriz Gonçalves e Silva. 2004. 271 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, 2004., p. 46, 48) and, it could be added, the multiple unfoldings of these manifestations in the production of knowledge in all areas of knowledge. (CARVALHO; REZENDE; GOMES, 2019CARVALHO, Wellington Marçal de; REZENDE, Angerlânia; GOMES, Gracielle Mendonça Rodrigues. Fontes de informação especializada em africanidades. PontodeAcesso, Salvador, v.13, n.1, p. 174-201, ago. 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 out. 2020.
, p. 178).

The continuity of the research movement undertaken took us to the reflections produced by the Nigerian-British writer, feminist and academic Amina Mama, professor of Ethnic Studies since 2008 at Mills College in Oakland, California, United States. In a chapter entitled "Is it ethical to study Africa? Preliminary considerations on academic research and freedom", which is part of the book Epistemologies of the South, organized by Boaventura de Sousa Santos and Maria Paula Meneses, Mama, while problematizing the challenges of understanding identity processes, presents an interesting and refined elaboration of the concept of africanities, through the lens of Africans. According to Amina Mama

Today Africans understand 'Africanity' as something that is multiple, fluid, historically and institutionally constructed according to the various dimensions of difference, and constantly contested and redefined as a result of social processes and struggles. They see themselves as being the product of both 'internal' cultural divisions and dynamics (related to sexual difference, sexuality, class, ethnicity, religion, etc.) and 'external' influences originating from a global cultural space that, notwithstanding the problematic way it constructs Africans, has guaranteed them a cosmopolitan history (MAMA, 2010MAMA, Amina. Será ético estudar a África? considerações preliminares sobre pesquisa académica e liberdade. In: SANTOS, B. de S.; MENESES, M. P. (org.). Epistemologias do sul. São Paulo: Cortez, 2010. p. 604-637., p. 622.623).

In the same way we think it is interesting to revisit parts of the article published in 2000 by the South African social scientist, Archie Mafeje, inspired by the 1999 Out of one, many Africas, edited by William Martin and Michael West, in which the meaning embraced by the concept pursued here can be compared, as can be seen below:

[...] Africanity has emotional force. Its connotations are ontological and therefore exclusivist [...]. Africanity has developed into something greater than a simple social and spiritual state of being. It has become a pervasive ontology that confuses time and space. Rather than being limited to continental Africans, it extends to all descendants of Africans in the diaspora, especially African Americans. [...] his intellectual project is much broader. Among other things, it seeks to garner respectability and recognition for Africans by establishing the true identity of the historical and cultural African. [...] it refers to what is considered to be the essence of Africa, as opposed to the distorted images imposed on the continent by others (i.e. Europeans and Americans). The reference point is the underlying history and culture of contemporary African societies. It is hoped that a genuine understanding of this heritage will enable African intellectuals to develop theories and paradigms that will assist Africans, in general, to counter foreign domination and forge an independent Pan-African identity. In other words, the emphasis on Africanity is the struggle for a second African independence or an African renaissance and has more to do with African metanationalism than with race or skin color. [...] Africanity is the affirmation of an identity that has been denied; it is a Pan-Africanist repulsion to external imposition or refusal to the dictatorship of others. In this sense, it is a political and ideological reflection dedicated to inaugurate an African renaissance. (MAFEJE, 2008, p. 318, 319, 320).

Although the elaborations presented above probably do not exhaust the discussion around the concept, we consider the contribution that this group of thinkers, from different areas and spaces in the world, offers to face the complexity inherent to the field of meaning that the term "Africanness" carries as a key issue. This challenge had already been pointed out by Henning Melber, German-Namibian political scientist:

To no surprise, the issues of [...] “Africanity” provoke a wide range of views and convictions. [...] The notion and concepto f “Africanity” brings us back to the early days of Pan-Africanism and Negritude, as well as “Afrocentris”, and the criticism of such concepts and ideologies from both within and outside the continent. (MELBER, 2001MELBER, Henning. Beyond africanity: an introduction. In: DIAGNE, S. B. et al. Identity and beyond: rethinking africanity. Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 2001. p. 5-8. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 abr. 2021.
, p. 6).

It remains to be seen, furthermore, when taking up Souleymane Bachir Diagne's perspective that the notion of Africanity is an open question. In the terms of Diagne, a Senegalese philosopher:

[...] under the title “Conversation: Race and Identity in Africa”, [no CODESRIA BULLETIN] Archie Mafeje’s “Africanity: a Combative Ontology” appears to be the perfect counterpoint to Mbembe’s text. Thus, on the one hand, Africanity is thought of as substance by Archie Mafeje, who uses the philosophical category of ontology to define it, while, on the other hand, Achille Mbembe’s contention is to de- substantialise it, to say that Africanity is not a pre-constituted self expressed afterwards in writing, but rather is continuously created through the very process of writing. To use an analogy (which is not an identification) with Negritude and Creoleness, this opposition is reproduced in different terms. And in this debate, the issue of language is known to be central. [...]The notion of Africanity as performed (after the notion of its creation through the poetical experience of language) appears as characteristic of Ngugi wa Thiongo’s positions on what authentic self-writing means. Ngugi would agree with Sartre on two essential points. First, he would applaud what Sartre says about Irish nationalism and would draw the conclusion that to be Kikuyu is to think Kikuyu, and that means, above all, to think in Kikuyu. Second, in some ways and on his own terms, he agrees also that identity is less a datum, some preconstituted self, than a dynamic construction. His decision not to write any more fiction except in his own “mother” tongue, Kikuyu, is an effect of his discovering the fact that the literary act is also the construction of a moving identity. (DIAGNE, 2001DIAGNE, Souleymane Bachir. Africanity as na open question. In: DIAGNE, S. B. et al. Identity and beyond: rethinking africanity. Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 2001. p. 19-24. Disponível em: Acesso em: 03 abr. 2021.
, p. 19, 22, destaques no original).

As can be seen in the sampling presented above, when thinking about the conceptual category "africanities" one operates in a notably political, afro-centered dimension. One must pay attention to the dynamic character of the notion resulting from its permanent multiplicity, fluidity and coupling to intense social clashes that will unfold in a reflective project/program of broad spectrum. In this sense, this paper postulates the relevance of information professionals, especially librarians, to know informational artifacts about Africanness as familiarity with these tools will allow them to align, in the field of scientific production, to the knowledge that subsidizes the African renaissance and, at the same time, a fight against epistemological domination2 2 Moreover, by coming into contact and becoming familiar with such specialized information sources, it is believed to be possible to add to the scope of librarians, in their mediation activity, a negritudinist facet that can greatly contribute to change the view of society in general and part of the academia, in particular, about the people of the African continent. This nuance in the professional posture is a political act and configures a Negritudinist stance, in the terms of the Martiniquan Aimé Césaire. For this theorist, Negritude: "Results from a proactive and combative attitude of the spirit. It is an awakening; an awakening of dignity. It is a rejection, a rejection of oppression. It is a struggle, that is, struggle against inequality. It is also revolt. [...] against what I called European reductionism." (CÉSAIRE, 2010, p. 109-110). .

These incursions are of great value for the work of searching, identifying and describing sources of information specialized in the theme and, as this is a branch of library science, there is no way not to research and reflect, in depth, about it.

It was with this care that the article published in the UFBA journal analyzed, on that occasion, 19 sources, grouped by area of knowledge coverage, in the following categories: social information and humanities with 9 sources (Africa Resources - Dag Hammarskjold Library; Africa-Wide Information; Portal of Memories of Africa and the East; Slave Voyages - Slave Trade Database; Center for African Studies - Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG); General History of Africa Collection - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO); African Online Journals (AJOL); African American Biographical Database (AABD); African Education Research Database); finance, statistics and economic indicators with 4 sources (African Business Guide - Library of Congress; DataBank Africa - The World Bank; Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR); Index to South African Periodicals (Sabinet)); sustainable environmental development with 5 sources (The Nordic Africa Institute; The Essential Electronic Agriculture Library (TEEAL); The Mediterranean Ammophiletea Database; African Plant Database; The Northern African Natural Products Database (NANPDB)) and finally health with 1 source (African Index Medicus Database (AIM)).

Although this was a very reasonable result, we were bothered by the fact that only 4 sources out of the set of 19 analyzed were from African countries, specifically South Africa and Congo. Thus, since mid-2019, we decided to continue the research in search of more sources, with reinforced efforts to identify those managed and maintained by African critical mass, obviously not excluding those that belonged to other spaces of the world.

That said, the present article aims to present a new set of information sources specialized in Africanities, aiming to contribute to broadening the knowledge about the existence of these sources through the gathering of essential information about each of them, through librarianship descriptive parameters. It is believed that the list of informational artifacts that will be presented can work as a strategic guide to support the strengthening of new and radical epistemologies, based on ethical precepts and welcoming of knowledge erected primarily in counter-hegemonic spaces (MAMA, 2010MAMA, Amina. Será ético estudar a África? considerações preliminares sobre pesquisa académica e liberdade. In: SANTOS, B. de S.; MENESES, M. P. (org.). Epistemologias do sul. São Paulo: Cortez, 2010. p. 604-637., p. 633).

1.1 Repercussion of the Access Point article in academia and beyond

It seems very providential to us to report, even if briefly, the good reception that the article published in the UFBA journal got, both in the sphere of Librarianship and Information Science and also outside the walls of this community of practice. Unless we better judge, this reverberation, notably for an audience other than that of professionals and researchers in the area of training and development of collections reinforces the urgency of moving the research and description of these sources a permanent action3 3 The unusual character worked in this research led to the invitation to one of the authors to join the scientific program of the XXI National Seminar on University Libraries, scheduled to take place in December 2021, in "conversation circle" in the thematic axis "Innovation" with the title "The university library and africanities: reflections on non-hegemonic sources of information". The XXI SNBU is chaired by the librarian-director of the Library System of the Federal University of Goiás, Maria de Souza Lima Santos and provides all the information about the event on the website .

As soon as the article was published, part of the team from the Biblioo Cultura Informacional site sought out the authors for an interview. The resulting article, entitled "Meet nineteen reliable sources of information about Africa and African-ness", was published on January 27, 2020, and, according to a verification carried out in February 2021, has already been viewed more than 3,800 times and 94 times shared on social networks4 4 The report can be accessed at . This article was reproduced in the blog of the Regional Council of Librarianship of the 8th Region (jurisdiction of the State of São Paulo) and also in the Instagram profiles of "Biblioteconomia para Concurseiros" (Librarianship for Contestants), of "Estante Bibliotecária" (Librarian Bookshelf) and of Ana Patrícia, responsible for the "Estratégia Concurso Biblioteconomia" (Librarianship Contest Strategy).

There was mention of the article, also, on the website maintained by librarian Professor Pedro Andretta, of the Department of Information Science / Librarianship of the Federal University of Rondônia (DEPCI/UNIR), in a post dated November 21, 2019, within the content curation project "Informe-CI", whose goal is to inform information professionals and students about topics related to the field of Information Science5 5 According to the Brazilian professor and researcher Andretta (2020) "Informe-CI is an initiative to integrate digital platforms and social networks for the mediation of information, in the form of curated content, in favor of the (in)training of librarians and also archivists and museologists. This project seeks to bring new knowledge and experiences to information professionals, through the dissemination of selected daily reports to keep them well informed about news, articles and current publications related to Information Science, with national and international coverage. In this expectation, the name itself: "Informe-CI", plays with the meaning and sounds of "Informe-se" and at the same time, with the idea of communication "Informe" and the acronym of Information Science". Accessed at .

We have also identified rebroadcasting in the following vehicles: the FaceBook profile of "Quilombo Intelectual", which shares scientific information on issues of the black population, LGBTQI+, indigenous people and human rights, under the responsibility of the librarian and doctoral student in Information Science in the Graduate Program in Information Science at the School of Information Science of UFMG, the Brazilian Franciéle Carneiro Garcês da Silva6 6 Access from ; on the FaceBook profile of the "Comissão Pró-Índio de São Paulo", a non- governmental organization, with more than 30 years of existence, which fights to guarantee territorial, cultural and political rights to Indians and quilombolas7 7 Access from ; on the FaceBook profile of "Papo de Preta - Black Woman's Health and Well-Being", a channel created to talk about topics of interest to black women8 8 Access from ; on the Twitter profile of "Combate Racismo", a collective that fights for the reduction of social and environmental injustices directed to ethnical groups and communities made vulnerable because of their race, origin or color9 9 Access from .

Some portals, websites and blogs also reported or echoed the work, such as "Notícia Preta", whose mission is to report news through an antiracist and non-violent perspective of information, after interviewing the authors, published, on February 02, 2020, an article entitled "Brazilian researchers provide collection with nineteen sources of reliable information on Africa and African-ness10 10 Access the text of the report at " ; Geledés", a space that celebrates contributions "from Africans, blacks and/or afro-descendants, in the most varied forms of cultural expressions" (OLIVEIRA, 2021OLIVEIRA, Maria Sylvia Aparecida de. Sobre o Portal Geledés. Portal Geledés. [s.l.], 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 fev. 2021.
), replicated the article on the site Biblioo Cultura Informacional and received, among the comments at the foot of the article, that of Professor Dr. Petronilha Beatriz Gonçalves. Petronilha Beatriz Gonçalves e Silva11 11 Access the text of the report and comments at ; the portal "Other Words", which seeks to rescue and reinvent journalism also reproduced the Biblioo12 12 Acess from article; the same was done by the news portal " To the Current 13 13 Acess from " and the site of the "Projeto Saúde Pop Rua". Finally, the blog "Navigating the frontiers of thought", under the responsibility of Professor Dr. José de Sousa Miguel Lopes,

Mozambican, linked to the master's degree in Education of the University of the State of Minas Gerais, whose vehicle intends to establish dialogues and confrontations with the common place, also made notes on the article14 14 Acess from: .


2.1 Strategy for data search, collection and treatment

The route adopted for the search and data collection went through the following steps: a) contact with researchers in the field of africanities from different parts of the world who made indications of artifacts that were later framed as sources of specialized information in this work; b) identification of possible sources through reading theoretical texts of africanists, regardless of the academic field to which they are linked. As an illustration, we highlight the chapter written by Professor Amina Mana (2010), already mentioned in the introductory part of this work; c) verification of the availability of access to sources of information, primarily through the Internet; d) collection of information to fill out the set of labels defined for the description of each source; e) grouping, when possible, of information sources by main thematic area covered; and finally, f) consolidation of the results in the form of a guide of sources of specialized information on African studies.

2.2 Criteria for the identification and description of information sources

As already explained in the first part of this paper, the research movement and the results that will be presented in the next section can be read as a new effort to find more specialized information sources on africanities, in the perspective proposed since the publication, in 2019, in PontodeAcesso of UFBA. The set of sources of this last publication was obtained in a research period that began in mid 2019 and extended until February 2021. This justifies the fact that we use, once again, the framework constructed from Cendón (2003CENDÓN, Beatriz Valadares. Bases de dados de informação para negócios no Brasil. Ciência da Informação, Brasília, v. 32, n. 2, p 17-36, maio/ago. 2003. Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 dez. 2020.
), as seen below:

Table 1
Criteria for identification and description of information sources


The information sources collected were organized into five categories named: 1) Information Sources in Gender Studies; 2) Information Sources in Afro-Brazilian Literature and Black Epistemologies; 3) Information Sources in Agricultural Sciences; 4) Information Sources in Culture, History, Memory, and Philosophy; and 5) Information Sources in Social Sciences.

3.1 Category 01 - Information Sources in Gender Studies

In category 01, 03 sources containing information about Genderized Studies were found. These are sources that show the struggle of African and Afro-Brazilian women for their rights and empowerment within science, as well as the development of social policies and the confrontation of machismo and other forms of violence in these regions.

Table 2
Centre for Women Studies and Intervention - CWSI

At the Centre for Women Studies and Intervention (CWSI), based in Abuja, Nigeria, social work is carried out in partnership with several other African countries, such as Mozambique, Kenya, and Sierra Leone, with the aim of promoting women's empowerment.

Table 3
Women's & Gender Studies Research Network - WGSRN

The Women's & Gender Studies Research Network - WGSRN is seen in this paper as a source of information dedicated to creating tools that enhance the workflow and productivity of Black women researchers. The themes are varied and focus on reflections on gender and also on the struggle for equal rights for African women.

Table 4
Biography of African Women - UFRGS

The Biography of African Women - UFRGS results from the creation of a scientific initiation project, with the purpose of making visible information about the life of the largest possible number of women born on the African continent, at different times, in order to offer teaching and research subsidies about the history of these African women at all levels of education, in Portuguese.

3.2 Category 02 - Information Sources on Afro-Brazilian Literature and Black Epistemologies

In category 02, 05 sources containing information on Afro-Brazilian Literature and Black Epistemologies were found, built to highlight and enhance the visibility of the knowledge elaborated by black researchers and, also, by writers from the black diaspora, especially Afro- Brazilians.

Table 5
Literafro - NEIA - UFMG

Literafro - NEIA - UFMG is the result of the inter-institutional research group Afrodescendências na Literatura Brasileira, established in 2001 and based at the Núcleo de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Alteridade (NEIA), at the School of Letters, UFMG. The site is very complete in terms of architecture and organization. In December 2020, a new tab was added to the Literafro Portal, called "LiterÁfricas", under the responsibility of the Grupo de Estudos Estéticas Diaspóricas (GEED), coordinated by researcher Maria Nazareth Soares Fonseca15 15 "In 2020, the GEED took over the LiterÁfricas tab in the Literafro portal managed by the Núcleo de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Alteridade (NEIA), of FALE/UFMG. In this new site, GEED will be responsible for posting texts about African literatures in Portuguese, in particular, and about other literatures from the African continent, as well as about works by Afro-Brazilian authors from different countries, without interfering with the objectives of Literafro, which is responsible for publishing critical texts about Afro-Brazilian literature. Due to the strong bond of GEED with the literatures of Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique and São Tomé and Príncipe, we have decided to post, starting in 2021, in the Literafricas Tab/Section, more general texts about the history of African literatures written in Portuguese, as well as specific articles about authors from those countries. There will also be posted critical texts written by GEED members, already published in national and foreign journals on the themes and issues discussed by the researchers. With the purpose of offering online texts that help students and researchers of African literatures in Portuguese language, as well as literatures from the African continent written in English and French, the LiterÁfricas tab will seek to produce and disseminate research that express the seriousness and enthusiasm that foster the various activities of GEED throughout its trajectory" (FONSECA; ALVES; CARVALHO, 2021). To learn more about the first decade of GEED's work see (FONSECA, 2020) and also (ALVES; CARVALHO, 2020). .

Table 6
Intellectual Quilombo

The Intellectual Quilombo gathers and disseminates theses, dissertations, course completion papers, as well as lives, documentaries and lectures aiming to provide information about the black population, LGBTQI+, indigenous and human rights, on its FaceBook page. It is a very relevant and strategic source of information for the action of freeing "subjects from the bonds of colonial thought, from the moment it highlights the black-Afrodiasporic thought and combats the epistemicide promoted in the intellectual academic environment" (SILVA; GARCEZ; ALMEIDA, 2020SILVA, Franciéle Carneiro Garcês da; GARCEZ, D. C.; ALMEIDA, B. Quilombo Intelectual e a promoção da autoria e protagonismos negros: a experiência do Momento Griôt com pessoas bibliotecárias negras. In: SILVA, F. C. G. da (org.) Bibliotecári@s negr@s: pesquisas e experiências de aplicação da Lei 10.639/2003 na formação bibliotecária e nas bibliotecas. Florianópolis: Nyota, 2020. p. 381-403., p. 399). An electronic site is being finalized and can be accessed at

Table 7
IdentidÁfrica - Virtual Library of African and related Literature

IdentidÁfrica makes available various information and documents in its collection, covering aspects of African cultures ranging from studies on food, arts, female empowerment, culture, etc. It has partnerships with African and European countries.

Table 8
Brazilian Association of Black Researchers - ABPN

The Brazilian Association of Black Researchers - ABPN, here understood as a source of specialized information, aims at the development of academic-scientific research and/or related spaces, carried out primarily by Black researchers, on themes of direct interest to Black populations in Brazil and all other themes pertinent to the construction and expansion of human knowledge.

Table 9
Ethnic and Racial Education

The source Ethnic-Racial Education is the result of the professional master's degree in Vocational and Technological Education of Germano de Oliveira Menezes (2020MENEZES, Germano de Oliveira. Educação para as relações étnico-raciais: percepção dos professores de história do ensino médio integrado do IF Sudeste MG - campus Muriaé e campus Rio Pomba. Orientador: Natalino da Silva de Oliveira. 2020. 118 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação Técnica e Tecnológica) - Instituto Federal do Sudeste de Minas Gerais, Rio Pomba, 2020.), developed under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Natalino da Silva de Oliveira, who aimed to verify which education for ethnic-racial relations is promoted in technical courses of the IF Southeastern MG, explaining the look of history teachers, as well as conducting content analysis of the Pedagogical Projects of Courses (PPCs) of two units of that institution. It works as a repository of digital content, providing teaching material that assists in the development of new pedagogical practices that allow the promotion of an education for ethnic-racial relations and, therefore, bring information about the African and Afro-Brazilian history and culture.

3.3 Category 03 - Sources of Information in Agricultural Sciences

In category 03, 02 sources containing information about Agricultural Sciences were identified. These sources provide knowledge for agricultural development and related areas.

Table 10
Sam Moyo African Institute of Agrarian Studies - SMAIAS

The Sam Moyo African Institute of Agrarian Studies (SMAIAS) provides relevant and rigorous analysis supported by empirical research into the different dimensions of social issues of food production. Noteworthy is the investment in a research movement that leads to the formulation of ways to address landowner conflicts. It also covers the areas of environment, climate change, health and well-being, natural sciences, politics and governance, and social sciences and humanities.

Table 11
African Academy of Science - AAS

The African Academy of Science - AAS puts into perspective the improvement and development of soil for food production on the African continent, through intense preparation and dissemination of publications on this topic.

3.4 Category 04 - Information Sources on Culture, History, Memory, and Philosophy

In category 04, 05 sources containing knowledge production in the areas of Culture, History, Memory, and Philosophy were grouped. Of distinct nature and geographic belonging, the informational artifacts presented below are linked to the Brazilian states of Bahia and São Paulo, and also to Ghana, an African nation and the United States.

Table 12
Afro-Digital Museum of African and Afro-Brazilian Memory

The Afro-Digital Museum of African and Afro-Brazilian Memory is a source of information with the purpose of making available copies of documents gathered in a digital collection, preserving and conserving African and Afro-Brazilian history, promoting recognition of the importance of this cultural heritage. It has a partnership with UFBA and makes available subjects related to the publication of African and Afro-Brazilian memory and history.

Table 13
African Newspapers

African Newspapers is an information source that aims to bring together and provide access to various newspaper titles that bring aspects of the history and memory of several African countries in a digital collection. These are important and carefully selected collections of primary sources with the theme of Africanness. It is possible to view some newspaper clippings without being a subscriber, however, to have contact with all the documentation requires payment.

Table 14
University of Ghana Institute of African Studies

The Institute of African Studies at the University of Ghana, considered here as a source of information under the responsibility of the University of Ghana, gathers and provides access, free of charge, to a vast set of historical documents, including issues related to the African territory, as well as to the territory and society of that country and its relations with other African spaces and the rest of the world.

Table 15
African Philosophy - UNB

The source Filosofia Africana - UNB aims to provide access to texts by African philosophers, in addition to reflections on African philosophy generated elsewhere in the world, and is of great value in deconstructing illusions about the non-existence of this field of knowledge on the African continent.

Table 16
Brazilian Association of African Studies - AbeAfrica

The source Associação Brasileira de Estudos Africanos - AbeÁfrica (Brazilian Association of African Studies) evidences the growth of the field of work and of African and Afro-Brazilian studies in aspects related to public policies and social movements for the affirmation of the identity and historical values of the afrodescendant population in Brazil, its relations with the African continent and the struggle against racism and other forms of discrimination.

3.5 Category 05 - Sources of Information on Social Sciences

In category 05, we grouped 08 sources containing information on Social Sciences, provided by research groups, public policy makers, and related areas.

Table 17
Forum for Social Studies - FSS

The Forum for Social Studies - FSS is an independent, non-profit institution dedicated to social research for the development and democratization of the local political space. The bilingual nature of the contents: Amharic and English.

Table 18
INEP's Archive/Library - Guinea-Bissau

The Archive/Library of INEP - Guinea-Bissau fulfills the function of being the Guinean National Library. The Institute presents a very diverse set of documentary information. It is worth noting that the Institute, at its headquarters in Bissau, "on the upper floor of the Library [maintains] a section of the collection dedicated to gathering, treating, preserving, and franchising access to publications of the most varied typologies, which take as a substrate of reflection facets of what could be called 'Guineanities'" (CARVALHO, 2019CARVALHO, Wellington Marçal de; REZENDE, Angerlânia; GOMES, Gracielle Mendonça Rodrigues. Fontes de informação especializada em africanidades. PontodeAcesso, Salvador, v.13, n.1, p. 174-201, ago. 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 out. 2020.
, p. 162).

Table 19
Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa - CODESRIA

The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa - CODESRIA is a source with a user-friendly interface in terms of architecture and layout, and has as its main objective social science research in Africa. It is recognized not only as the pioneering African social research organization, but also as the leading non-governmental center for social knowledge production on the continent.

Table 20
Southern East African Social Science Research Organization - OSSREA

The Southern East African Social Science Research Organization - OSSREA is a source of information that makes available a range of materials such as articles, proceedings of events, lectures, and the projects that have taken place or are active and running. The institution aims at research and capacity building for its members and is supported by donors, whose mission is to promote dialogue and interaction between researchers and policy makers in East and Southern Africa with a view to their development.

Table 21
Angolan Political Science Association AACP

The Angolan Association of Political Science - AACP is, in this work, considered an information source that disseminates social and humanistic political works and studies of Angola.

Table 22
United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in Guinea-Bissau - UNIOGBIS

The United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in Guinea-Bissau - UNIOGBIS is an independent, non-profit institution focused on maximizing the individual and collective impact of UN actions, focusing on activities necessary for peacebuilding. It has some thematic subdivisions: (1) Political Affairs Section; (2) Rule of Law and Security Institutions Section; (3) Human Rights and Gender Section and, which also represents the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and, finally, (4) Public Unit Information Unit.

Table 23
African Political Science Association - APSA - JSTOR

The African Political Science Association - APSA - JSTOR is a pan-African organization of scholars whose goal is to promote the study and application of political science in and about Africa. It is open to "scholars" of African descent specializing in political science, public policy and related disciplines. It welcomes students and admits scholars of non-African descent and institutions as associate and corporate members respectively.

Table 24
Center for Basic Research - CBR

The Center for Basic Research - CBR is a prominent institute in Uganda, established in 1987 as an educational trust and later registered in 1988 as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO). Fellows at the center research various topics in the following areas: social and labor movements and democratic struggles; civil society and governance. The whole of this intellectual production available on the website allows its framing, in the present work, as a source of specialized information.


The development of this work made it possible to meet the proposed goal of presenting a new set/guide of sources of information specialized in Africanities, in addition, it continued the research started in 2019 that resulted in the organization of the first guide presenting sources of information specialized in Africanities, which had a relevant and satisfactory repercussion both in the sphere of Librarianship and Information Science, and outside the walls of this community.

From this new Guide of Specialized Information Sources on Africanities, described in this work, diversified and relevant African information sources were organized and displayed for students, researchers, specialists and the general public. Therefore, in category 01 - Sources of Information in Gender Studies the sources (Centre for Women Studies and Intervention - CWSI, Women's & Gender Studies Research Network - WGSR, and Biography of African Women - UFRGS) were presented. In category 02 - Information Sources on Afro-Brazilian Literature and Black Epistemologies, the sources found were (Literafro - NEIA - UFMG, Quilombo Intelectual, IdentidÁfrica, Ethnic and Racial Education, and the Brazilian Association of Black Researchers - ABPN). In category 03 - Sources of Information on Agricultural Sciences, the Sam Moyo African Institute of Grarian Studies - SMAIAS and the African Academy of Science - AAS were identified. In category 04 - Information Sources in Culture, History, Memory and Philosophy the sources (Museu Afro-Digital da Memória Africana e Afro-Brasileira, African Newspapers, Institute of African Studies of the University of Ghana and Filosofia Africana - UNB) were presented. In category 05 - Information Sources in Social Sciences the sources described were (Forum for Social Studies - FSS, Archive/Library of INEP - Guinea-Bissau, Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa - CODESRIA, Southern East African Social Science Research Organization - OSSREA, Angolan Political Science Association - AACP, United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in Guinea-Bissau - UNIOGBIS, African Political Science Association - APSA - JSTOR and Center for Basic Research - CBR).

At first, we had a total of 27 possible sources of information specialized in African studies obtained during the survey stage; however, during the methodological process of searching and describing the data, 23 sources were analyzed, which were later organized and described in this work. The others were not included because their electronic addresses were unavailable in several attempts to access them. This happened, for example, with the Feminist Studies Network; the Association of African Universities; the Center for Advanced Social Studies in Port Harcout, etc.

It is necessary to register that this new set of sources presents artifacts built and maintained by the following countries of the African continent: Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Ghana, Ethiopia, Guinea-Bissau, Senegal, Angola, Tanzania, Uganda, and South Africa. In addition to Brazilian and American sources. Despite the difficulties in locating this material, which requires a detailed research view through paths not so widespread in the academic space and in the literature of Information Science, it was a good strategy to investigate the reflections published by Africanists. By reading texts produced by this diasporic intellectuality, it was possible to compare clues that led to the identification of several of the 23 sources presented here. It is believed that perseverance in this direction will result in the expansion of the set and, to this end, the work of librarians, with a negritudinist bias in their research movement, will be of great value.

Finally, this informational apparatus on specialized sources of information on Africanities, presented in guides I, of 2019, and now, in this second guide, of 2021, aims to function as a mechanism of visibility, strengthening and counter-hegemonic16 16 In proposing this guide, we articulate a possible alignment to what was problematized by Cláudio Alves Furtado, Cape Verdean sociologist, professor at UFBA, in a 2020 article, from which the following passage is extracted: [...] "the knowledge of Africa, in a new socio-historical and political context, gains dynamism outside and inside the continent. It can no longer be said that it is necessary to know in order to dominate, but rather to know in order to better inform political and investment decisions. Mutatis mutandis, it is change to stay! We can, however, in this process, find fissures and interstices in the knowledge production system that indicate interests not linked to the hegemonic system. Contestations, first in the United States of America, and later in Brazil, to the theoretical paradigms that formed the basis of studies on the African Diasporas and the search for the construction of a new paradigm that may form the basis of Afro-American and Afro-Brazilian studies have made possible new looks, new studies and research on Africa and its multiple diasporic communities, not only in the Americas, but also in Europe and Asia" (FURTADO, 2020, p. 20). epistemological resistance, by endorsing the access of researchers, teachers, students and others interested in informational content that promotes the construction of new and radical knowledge.


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  • ANDRETTA, Pedro Ivo Silveira. Sobre o Informe-CI. Informe-CI. [s.l.], 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 fev. 2021.
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  • CARVALHO, Wellington Marçal de. Nesse angu tem mosquitos: algumas considerações sobre o Boletim Cultural da Guiné Portuguesa. In: SANTOS, V. S. et al. (org.). Cultura, história intelectual e patrimônio na África Ocidental (séculos XV-XX). Curitiba: Brazil Publishing, 2019. Cap. 6. p. 161-182.
  • CARVALHO, Wellington Marçal de; REZENDE, Angerlânia; GOMES, Gracielle Mendonça Rodrigues. Fontes de informação especializada em africanidades. PontodeAcesso, Salvador, v.13, n.1, p. 174-201, ago. 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 out. 2020.
  • CENDÓN, Beatriz Valadares. Bases de dados de informação para negócios no Brasil. Ciência da Informação, Brasília, v. 32, n. 2, p 17-36, maio/ago. 2003. Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 dez. 2020.
  • CÉSAIRE, Aimé. Discurso sobre a Negritude. Belo Horizonte: Nandyala, 2010. 119 p. (Vozes da diáspora negra, 3).
  • CUNHA, Murilo Bastos da. Manual de fontes de informação. Brasília: Briquet de Lemos, 2010. 182 p.
  • DIAGNE, Souleymane Bachir. Africanity as na open question. In: DIAGNE, S. B. et al. Identity and beyond: rethinking africanity. Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 2001. p. 19-24. Disponível em: Acesso em: 03 abr. 2021.
  • FONSECA, Maria Nazareth Soares. Estéticas diaspóricas e sua força desestabilizante: mobilidades, trânsitos e ressignificações. In: ALVES, R. M. F.; CARVALHO, W. M. de. (org.). Deslocamentos estéticos. Florianópolis: Nyota, 2020. p. 11-28.
  • FONSECA, Maria Nazareth Soares; ALVES, Roberta Maria Ferreira; CARVALHO, Wellington Marçal de. Apresentação aba LiterÁfricas. Belo Horizonte, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 03 abr. 2021.
  • FURTADO, Cláudio Alves. Pesquisa em e sobre África no século XXI: África, africanos e africanistas. AbeÁfrica: Revista da Associação Brasileira de Estudos Africanos, v. 4, n. 4, p. 14-36, out. 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 nov. 2020.
  • MAFEJE, Archibald. Africanidade: uma ontologia combativa. Tradução de Paulo Ricardo Müller a partir de: MAFEJE, Archie. Africanity: a combative ontology. CODESRIA Bulletin, n. 3 & 4, 2008, pp. 106-110 [Republicado de CODESRIA Bulletin, n. 1 & 4, 2000, pp. 66-71). AbeÁfrica: Revista da Associação Brasileira de Estudos Africanos, v. 3, n. 3, p. 315-326, out. 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 nov.2020.
  • MAMA, Amina. Será ético estudar a África? considerações preliminares sobre pesquisa académica e liberdade. In: SANTOS, B. de S.; MENESES, M. P. (org.). Epistemologias do sul. São Paulo: Cortez, 2010. p. 604-637.
  • MELBER, Henning. Beyond africanity: an introduction. In: DIAGNE, S. B. et al. Identity and beyond: rethinking africanity. Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 2001. p. 5-8. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 abr. 2021.
  • MENEZES, Germano de Oliveira. Educação para as relações étnico-raciais: percepção dos professores de história do ensino médio integrado do IF Sudeste MG - campus Muriaé e campus Rio Pomba. Orientador: Natalino da Silva de Oliveira. 2020. 118 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação Técnica e Tecnológica) - Instituto Federal do Sudeste de Minas Gerais, Rio Pomba, 2020.
  • OLIVEIRA, Maria Sylvia Aparecida de. Sobre o Portal Geledés. Portal Geledés. [s.l.], 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 fev. 2021.
  • RODRIGUES, Tatiane Cosentino; ABRAMOWICZ, Anete. O debate contemporâneo sobre a diversidade e a diferença nas práticas e pesquisas em educação. Educação e Pesquisa, São Paulo, v. 39, n. 1, p. 15-30, jan./mar. 2013. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 jun. 2021.
  • SILVA, Franciéle Carneiro Garcês da; GARCEZ, D. C.; ALMEIDA, B. Quilombo Intelectual e a promoção da autoria e protagonismos negros: a experiência do Momento Griôt com pessoas bibliotecárias negras. In: SILVA, F. C. G. da (org.) Bibliotecári@s negr@s: pesquisas e experiências de aplicação da Lei 10.639/2003 na formação bibliotecária e nas bibliotecas. Florianópolis: Nyota, 2020. p. 381-403.
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  • 18
    JITA: HP. e-resources.
  • 1
    The article entitled "Sources of specialized information on African-ness" can be found at
  • 2
    Moreover, by coming into contact and becoming familiar with such specialized information sources, it is believed to be possible to add to the scope of librarians, in their mediation activity, a negritudinist facet that can greatly contribute to change the view of society in general and part of the academia, in particular, about the people of the African continent. This nuance in the professional posture is a political act and configures a Negritudinist stance, in the terms of the Martiniquan Aimé Césaire. For this theorist, Negritude: "Results from a proactive and combative attitude of the spirit. It is an awakening; an awakening of dignity. It is a rejection, a rejection of oppression. It is a struggle, that is, struggle against inequality. It is also revolt. [...] against what I called European reductionism." (CÉSAIRE, 2010, p. 109-110).
  • 3
    The unusual character worked in this research led to the invitation to one of the authors to join the scientific program of the XXI National Seminar on University Libraries, scheduled to take place in December 2021, in "conversation circle" in the thematic axis "Innovation" with the title "The university library and africanities: reflections on non-hegemonic sources of information". The XXI SNBU is chaired by the librarian-director of the Library System of the Federal University of Goiás, Maria de Souza Lima Santos and provides all the information about the event on the website
  • 4
    The report can be accessed at
  • 5
    According to the Brazilian professor and researcher Andretta (2020) "Informe-CI is an initiative to integrate digital platforms and social networks for the mediation of information, in the form of curated content, in favor of the (in)training of librarians and also archivists and museologists. This project seeks to bring new knowledge and experiences to information professionals, through the dissemination of selected daily reports to keep them well informed about news, articles and current publications related to Information Science, with national and international coverage. In this expectation, the name itself: "Informe-CI", plays with the meaning and sounds of "Informe-se" and at the same time, with the idea of communication "Informe" and the acronym of Information Science". Accessed at
  • 6
    Access from
  • 7
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  • 9
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  • 10
    Access the text of the report at
  • 11
    Access the text of the report and comments at
  • 12
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  • 13
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  • 14
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  • 15
    "In 2020, the GEED took over the LiterÁfricas tab in the Literafro portal managed by the Núcleo de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Alteridade (NEIA), of FALE/UFMG. In this new site, GEED will be responsible for posting texts about African literatures in Portuguese, in particular, and about other literatures from the African continent, as well as about works by Afro-Brazilian authors from different countries, without interfering with the objectives of Literafro, which is responsible for publishing critical texts about Afro-Brazilian literature. Due to the strong bond of GEED with the literatures of Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique and São Tomé and Príncipe, we have decided to post, starting in 2021, in the Literafricas Tab/Section, more general texts about the history of African literatures written in Portuguese, as well as specific articles about authors from those countries. There will also be posted critical texts written by GEED members, already published in national and foreign journals on the themes and issues discussed by the researchers. With the purpose of offering online texts that help students and researchers of African literatures in Portuguese language, as well as literatures from the African continent written in English and French, the LiterÁfricas tab will seek to produce and disseminate research that express the seriousness and enthusiasm that foster the various activities of GEED throughout its trajectory" (FONSECA; ALVES; CARVALHO, 2021). To learn more about the first decade of GEED's work see (FONSECA, 2020) and also (ALVES; CARVALHO, 2020).
  • 16
    In proposing this guide, we articulate a possible alignment to what was problematized by Cláudio Alves Furtado, Cape Verdean sociologist, professor at UFBA, in a 2020 article, from which the following passage is extracted: [...] "the knowledge of Africa, in a new socio-historical and political context, gains dynamism outside and inside the continent. It can no longer be said that it is necessary to know in order to dominate, but rather to know in order to better inform political and investment decisions. Mutatis mutandis, it is change to stay! We can, however, in this process, find fissures and interstices in the knowledge production system that indicate interests not linked to the hegemonic system. Contestations, first in the United States of America, and later in Brazil, to the theoretical paradigms that formed the basis of studies on the African Diasporas and the search for the construction of a new paradigm that may form the basis of Afro-American and Afro-Brazilian studies have made possible new looks, new studies and research on Africa and its multiple diasporic communities, not only in the Americas, but also in Europe and Asia" (FURTADO, 2020, p. 20).

Data availability

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    09 June 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    25 Oct 2021
  • Accepted
    07 Dec 2021
  • Published
    12 Dec 2021
Universidade Estadual de Campinas Rua Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, 421 - 1º andar Biblioteca Central César Lattes - Cidade Universitária Zeferino Vaz - CEP: 13083-859 , Tel: +55 19 3521-6729 - Campinas - SP - Brazil