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The effectiveness of current informative material in improving awareness and opinion of undergraduate students towards organ donation: a comparative, randomized survey study



Despite the contribution of awareness campaigns to the rise of organ donation rates in Brazil, younger folks are subject to few awareness actions. Records on the effect of informative campaigns at improving opinion and knowledge of undergraduates about organ donation are scarce. This study aimed to assess the effect of informative material about organ donation on changes in the trend of answers to a questionnaire compared to the answers of a control group.


Two randomized groups were compared, receiving the same standardized questionnaire. One group was supplied informative material on the subject, while the other was not. The questionnaire was sent to undergraduate students from two Brazilian universities. Statistical analysis was performed using Student’s t-test, Chi-square test and multinomial regression tests. Adopted significance was 5%.


There were 739 responses to the questionnaire. Mean age was 22 years, with a majority of women. Six of 14 questions displayed a change in the answer pattern of the experimental group compared to controls (p<0.05). Opinion on organ donation had changes in 2 of 7 analyzed questions (p<0.05). Knowledge on the subject had a shift in answer patterns in 4 of 7 questions. Regression demonstrated 3 items that were not influenced by respondents’ age.


There is controversy regarding the benefit of exposure to informative material. Negative changes were noted in the trust in transplantation as a safe treatment. Positive results regarding technical knowledge were obtained. Better results may be obtained by designing informative material tailored towards the student’s specific concerns.

Transplantation; Education; Tissue and Organ Procurement


Individuals from 18 to 35 years of age make up approximately a fifth of all registered post mortem donors in Brazil (11. Barcellos FC, Araujo CL, da Costa JD. Organ donation: a population-based study. Clin Transplant. 2005;19(1):33-7,
). They also comprise the age group that is most willing to donate organs after death (11. Barcellos FC, Araujo CL, da Costa JD. Organ donation: a population-based study. Clin Transplant. 2005;19(1):33-7,
). Yet, awareness campaigns about organ donation are rarely aimed at the younger public.

Despite displaying a large willingness to donate in this age group – up to 89% of those inquired stated that they intended to donate their organs (22. Tessmer MG, Mielke GI, Barcellos FC, Moraes BP, Gatto CS. Doação de órgãos: opinião e entendimento sobre morte encefálica de estudantes universitários. J Bras Transpl. 2011;14:1449-94.,33. Galvao FH, Caires RA, Azevedo-Neto RS, Mory EK, Figueira ER, Otsuzi TS, et al. [Attitude and opinion of medical students about organ donation and transplantation]. Rev Assoc Med Bras. 2007;53(5):401-6,
) – young adults most of the time fail to become post-mortem donors upon their deaths (44. Brazilian Organ Transplant Association (ABTO). National campaign for organ and tissue donation. São Paulo: ABTO; 2016. p 1.), possibly due to miscommunication with family members, divergence of opinion on the matter or lack of knowledge on how to properly state the will to become and organ donor (55. Camatta JA, Berti HW, Ayres JA, Tonete V. Motivos da recusa è doação de órgãos apontados por familiares de pessoas com morte encefálica. J Bras Transpl. 2012;14(3):1579-85.). Literature evidence on the knowledge of undergraduates about organ donation shows that educational systems fail to provide information to students on this matter (66. Akgun S, Tokalak I, Erdal R. Attitudes and behavior related to organ donation and transplantation: a survey of university students. Transplant Proc. 2002;34(6):2009-11,
,77. Boland KP, Baker KQ, Nicholson AB. College students perceptions about organ donation. J Heart Lung Transplant. 2005;24(2S):S133,

The failure to convert willingness into donation is evidenced by the number of effective donors nationwide in 2017 (44. Brazilian Organ Transplant Association (ABTO). National campaign for organ and tissue donation. São Paulo: ABTO; 2016. p 1.). The value is much lower than the intent to donate, mostly due to family members denying extraction of the deceased’s organs. In 2017, the rate of denial to donate reached 42% of all family interviews of potential donors. Regionally, the number drops slightly but is still high at 37% of denial to donate (44. Brazilian Organ Transplant Association (ABTO). National campaign for organ and tissue donation. São Paulo: ABTO; 2016. p 1.).

Upon such impacts caused by misinformation in potential donation rates – namely along younger demographic groups – it is crucial to try to establish the effectiveness of current informative materials on organ donation.

Such act is essential not only to assess its adequateness to mitigate current doubts about the matter displayed by the younger public but also to gauge its capacity to inform one about the technical aspects of transplantation displaying a favorable opinion about the process.

This study aimed to assess the effect of informative material about organ donation to shifts in the trend of answers undergraduates to a questionnaire, comparatively to the answers of a control group.


The authors e-mailed a 20 multiple-choice question questionnaire to all 17,895 undergraduate students from two Brazilian universities (Sao Leopoldo Mandic Faculty – SLMANDIC - and Campinas State University - UNICAMP). The questionnaire assessed opinions and knowledge on organ donation. A consent form, previously approved by the Ethics Committees of Human Experimentation of the enrolled universities, was also sent to all participants.

Individuals were randomly assigned to either the experimental or control groups by the SurveyMonkey software program (SurveyMonkey, San Mateo, CA, USA). Randomization was performed in a 1:1 manner and included only individuals who accepted the consent form. Non-responders were not randomized, but individuals with incomplete responses to the questionnaire were. Researchers were blinded to the randomization and had no control over the process.

Members of the experimental group were sent informative material about organ donation before starting the survey. The material was collected from non-profit organizations that promote organ donation in Brazil: the National Council of Donor Families (88. National Council of Donor Families. Understanding brain death. 1st ed. São Paulo: National Council of Donor Families; 2018. p 1.) and the Brazilian Association for Organ Donation (99. Brazilian Organ Transplant Association(ABTO). Brazillian Registry for Transplantation(RBT). São Paulo (BR): Brazilian Organ Transplant Association(ABTO); 2017. p 104.). Both materials are of free access and distribution and have been used in campaigns about organ donation in the past.

The referred questionnaire comprised 7 items assessing data on the respondent (gender, age, educational level of closest relatives, religion, field of study, acquaintance with organ or donor recipient relatives and the intention to be and organ donor). Another 7 items assessed the respondent’s opinion on organ donation, followed by 6 more items assessed knowledge on the subject – with scenarios raging from which type of deceased individuals qualify to be organ donors, to the correct way to express one's will to become an organ donor upon death. Individual questions are displayed in Table 1.

Table 1
Comparative analysis performed on the answers of the experimental and control groups to the standardized questionnaire. Chosen statistical test for each question is displayed after the p value in each row: t-stud=t-Student; C=Chi squared.

The distribution of age between study groups was assessed by the t-student test for independent samples. Other demographic data (gender, religion, educational level of closes relative, field of study, willingness to donate and proximity with an organ donor or receptor) were assessed by chi-square tests.

The impact of the informative material on the answer patterns of each study group was established by analyzing each question separately, also by chi-square tests. Questions that presented significance in the chi-squared tests were also submitted to multinomial logistic regressions accounting for age.

Response patterns were also compared according to collected demographic data. In these comparisons, respondents from both groups were analyzed together, being compared only by their demographic profile.

The adopted significance value was 5% for all tests. The Statistical Analysis System for Windows, version 9.4, was employed for analysis (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA).


This study was aproved by the Ethics cometee’s of both participating universities. All participants were provided with a consent form, which had to be signed in order to participate in the study.


Seven hundred and twenty-two complete answers to the questionnaire were received, of which 340 were from the experimental group and 382 were from the controls. There were also 17 partial responses, 7 from the experimental group and 10 from controls. Non-responders were not randomized and not included in the analysis because randomization was performed solely upon completing demographic data collection. Individuals younger than 18 or older than 34 years of age (N=24) were also excluded from the analysis because the focus of this study is the younger demographics in the university setting. The way respondents were distributed is shown in Figure 1, and the number of valid answers for each question in both study groups can be seen in Table 1.

Figure 1
Selection of valid responses and randomization of participants in experimental and control groups.

The mean age of respondents was 22.15 years old, with a median of 21. Age was distributed normally, as denoted by a standard deviation lower than 4 years and very close values of means and medians. Controls had a lower median age than the experimental group when compared by the student t-test (p=0.043), most likely due to the method of randomization being 1:1 and not accounting for compensation for any specific demographic variables in the sample. The authors observed no hazardous matter that could influence such distribution. This age difference was disregarded because it represented only 0.48 years and was not practically distinguishing between the study groups.

The majority of respondents were women (65.1% of total), which is an accurate gender distribution for the academic environment (1010. Office for Educational Statistics (DEED). Higher education census - 2017. 1st ed. Brasília: Office for Educational Statistics (DEED); 2017. p 1.). Controls had a higher number of women than the experimental group, as demonstrated by chi-square tests (p=0.063) (p<0.05).

Field of study, educational level of closest relative, religion and acquaintance with an organ donor or receptor relative were evenly distributed between both groups (p>0.05). Overall, respondents were mainly from the formal and applied sciences field (48.5%), had close relatives with a university degree (44%), were Catholics (30%) and had no acquaintance to organ donor or receiver relatives (90%). Detailed demographic data are displayed in Table 1.

Six of the 14 analyzed items in the questionnaire presented changes in the answer patterns of the experimental group when compared to controls. The respective p values for the chi-square tests in each question are displayed in Table 2.

Table 2
Multinomial logistic regressions accounting for age – Items 13, 14 and 18

The experimental group demonstrated different answer patterns in regard to opinion and knowledge about organ donation when compared to controls in 3 out of 7 questions on the section that assessed opinion and 3 out of 7 in the section that assessed knowledge.

The opinion on organ donation showed differences in the experimental group’s answer pattern compared to controls in items 12 (p=0.021) and 13 (p<0.001). The knowledge of the process of organ donation showed differences in the experimental group’s answer patterns in items 14 (p<0.0001), 18 (p<0.0001) and 20 (p=0.006) when compared to controls.

A multinomial logistic regression for age was performed in the items that showed significance in the chi-square tests, and 3 out of six showed maintained significance and no influence of respondents’ age the answer patterns: 12 (p=0.021); 16 (p=0.016); 20 (p=0.006) (Table 2). Items 13, 14 and 18 demonstrated that age influenced answer choices but still maintained statistical significance.

Women tended to express a more favorable opinion about organ donation when compared to men. Additionally, the majority of respondents stated that religious choice did not influence their beliefs on organ donation (85% in item 11 of the questionnaire).

Comparing respondents by age groups, broad fields of study and educational level of relatives showed no shift in answer patterns. A high educational level background, which tended to be one of such important factors for adults (1111. Yazar MA, Açikgöz MB. Knowledge levels and attitudes of people living in the city centre of Nevsehir on organ donation and transplantation. Turk J Anaesthesiol Reanim. 2016;44(5):250-7,

12. Inthorn J, Wohlke S, Schmidt F, Schicktanz S. Impact of gender and professional education on attitudes towards financial incentives for organ donation: results of a survey among 755 students of medicine and economics in Germany. BMC Med Ethics. 2014;15:56,

13. Vijayalakshmi P, Sunitha TS, Gandhi S, Thimmaiah R, Math SB. Knowledge, attitude and behaviour of the general population towards organ donation: an Indian perspective. Natl Med J India. 2016;29(5):257-61.
-1414. Krupic F, Sayed-Noor AS, Fatahi N. The impact of knowledge and religion on organ donation as seen by immigrants in Sweden. Scand J Caring Sci. 2017;31(4):687-94,
), did not influence the willingness of respondents to donate.

Although age was unequally distributed across study groups, its low absolute mean difference has led the authors to consider all variables equally distributed, as randomization was performed correctly. In doing so, we can attribute the changes of answer patterns between the two groups to the presence of absence of the offered informative materials – which is a strong indication of their effectiveness.


Data gathered from this survey study demonstrated important features of the use of the current informative materials on the field of organ donation, namely, its particular strengths and weaknesses. The large number of participants from varying academic backgrounds, religions, and socioeconomic conditions contributed to the quality of the gathered data.

The changes observed between the two study groups in regards to opinion related to organ donation show a possibly grave flaw of the provided informative material: answer patterns in the experimental group were less trusting in the clinical value of transplantation compared to controls.

Additionally, fewer respondents in the experimental group declared that transplantation was a safe and effective treatment method (item 12). The authors attribute such decline in opinion to both a sense of cautiousness associated with the expose to information about organ donation and a possible flaw in the provided informative material in emotionally appealing towards the reader. This behavior was demonstrated to be unrelated to respondents’ ages upon multinomial regression.

Differences in the preferred method to reach reliable information about organ donation between study groups were denoted in item 13: members of the experimental group more often chose ‘Internet’ as the main instrument of information about organ donation, against other means of communication. Upon multinomial regression, age was found to influence response patterns while maintaining statistical significance: older individuals tended to prefer academic books and television rather than the Internet to inform themselves about organ donation.

In regards to the changes in answer pattern observed in the section related to technical knowledge about organ donation, the exposure was truly beneficial to the experimental group. Respondents from the experimental group stated that they were well informed about the matter of organ donation much more than respondents from the control group (question 14). Additionally, respondents proved to be qualified to know how to properly state the will to be an organ donor in the future and to educate others to do so properly (question 18).

Multinomial regression of items 14 and 18 demonstrated that age did have an influence on the answer patterns: in item 14, older respondents tended to more often report being sufficiently informed about organ donation, while in item 18, younger respondents tended to more often answer correctly to the question and proving to be capable of orienting someone on how to declare their will to donate organs.

The average age of the sample was quite low – only 23 years old. This finding is comparable to studies in other university settings nationally and worldwide (1010. Office for Educational Statistics (DEED). Higher education census - 2017. 1st ed. Brasília: Office for Educational Statistics (DEED); 2017. p 1.,1515. Santos Z, Capistrano AP, Oliveira V. Doação de órgãos sob a óptica do estudante universitário. J Bras Transpl. 2005;8(1):320-4.,1616. Terbonssen T, Settmacher U, Wurst C, Dirsch O, Dahmen U. Effectiveness of organ donation information campaigns in Germany: a facebook based online survey. Interact J Med Res. 2015;4(3):e16,
). The low mean age of respondents could be influential in the shaping of response patterns, as this age group presents with different values regarding organ donation compared to older populations. Its impact is better assessed in the limitations of this study.

Women made up 65% of the total number of participants in our study, which is comparable with gender distributions in other works in university settings (1010. Office for Educational Statistics (DEED). Higher education census - 2017. 1st ed. Brasília: Office for Educational Statistics (DEED); 2017. p 1.,1515. Santos Z, Capistrano AP, Oliveira V. Doação de órgãos sob a óptica do estudante universitário. J Bras Transpl. 2005;8(1):320-4.

16. Terbonssen T, Settmacher U, Wurst C, Dirsch O, Dahmen U. Effectiveness of organ donation information campaigns in Germany: a facebook based online survey. Interact J Med Res. 2015;4(3):e16,
-1717. Terbonssen T, Settmacher U, Wurst C, Dirsch O, Dahmen U. Attitude towards organ donation in German medical students. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2016;401(8):1231-9,
). Other studies that addressed the general population presented a more homogeneous distribution between genders (11. Barcellos FC, Araujo CL, da Costa JD. Organ donation: a population-based study. Clin Transplant. 2005;19(1):33-7,
,22. Tessmer MG, Mielke GI, Barcellos FC, Moraes BP, Gatto CS. Doação de órgãos: opinião e entendimento sobre morte encefálica de estudantes universitários. J Bras Transpl. 2011;14:1449-94.,55. Camatta JA, Berti HW, Ayres JA, Tonete V. Motivos da recusa è doação de órgãos apontados por familiares de pessoas com morte encefálica. J Bras Transpl. 2012;14(3):1579-85.,1111. Yazar MA, Açikgöz MB. Knowledge levels and attitudes of people living in the city centre of Nevsehir on organ donation and transplantation. Turk J Anaesthesiol Reanim. 2016;44(5):250-7,

12. Inthorn J, Wohlke S, Schmidt F, Schicktanz S. Impact of gender and professional education on attitudes towards financial incentives for organ donation: results of a survey among 755 students of medicine and economics in Germany. BMC Med Ethics. 2014;15:56,
-1313. Vijayalakshmi P, Sunitha TS, Gandhi S, Thimmaiah R, Math SB. Knowledge, attitude and behaviour of the general population towards organ donation: an Indian perspective. Natl Med J India. 2016;29(5):257-61.,1812. Inthorn J, Wohlke S, Schmidt F, Schicktanz S. Impact of gender and professional education on attitudes towards financial incentives for organ donation: results of a survey among 755 students of medicine and economics in Germany. BMC Med Ethics. 2014;15:56,
,1919. Chung J, Choi D, Park Y. Knowledge and opinions of deceased organ donation among middle and high school students in Korea. Transplant Proc. 2015;47(10):2805-9,

Such demographic disposition may be of special interest due to literature evidence suggesting that women are usually more willing to authorize organ donations of deceased relatives or become organ donors themselves (1212. Inthorn J, Wohlke S, Schmidt F, Schicktanz S. Impact of gender and professional education on attitudes towards financial incentives for organ donation: results of a survey among 755 students of medicine and economics in Germany. BMC Med Ethics. 2014;15:56,
,1818. Schirmer J, Roza Bde A. Family, patients, and organ and tissue donation: who decides? Transplant Proc. 2008;40(4):1037-40,
). This evidence is in par with the findings in our study, in which women tended to have a more positive response on the will to become an organ donor. Vijayalakshmi et al. (1313. Vijayalakshmi P, Sunitha TS, Gandhi S, Thimmaiah R, Math SB. Knowledge, attitude and behaviour of the general population towards organ donation: an Indian perspective. Natl Med J India. 2016;29(5):257-61.), however, displayed different results in their studies conducted in India – women were more reluctant than men to sign a donor’s card, which may be explained by local religious and cultural practices.

We evidenced a predominance of respondents with close relatives with university degrees. Many studies in the literature had samples with individuals with university degrees or undergraduate university courses (22. Tessmer MG, Mielke GI, Barcellos FC, Moraes BP, Gatto CS. Doação de órgãos: opinião e entendimento sobre morte encefálica de estudantes universitários. J Bras Transpl. 2011;14:1449-94.,33. Galvao FH, Caires RA, Azevedo-Neto RS, Mory EK, Figueira ER, Otsuzi TS, et al. [Attitude and opinion of medical students about organ donation and transplantation]. Rev Assoc Med Bras. 2007;53(5):401-6,
,66. Akgun S, Tokalak I, Erdal R. Attitudes and behavior related to organ donation and transplantation: a survey of university students. Transplant Proc. 2002;34(6):2009-11,
,1212. Inthorn J, Wohlke S, Schmidt F, Schicktanz S. Impact of gender and professional education on attitudes towards financial incentives for organ donation: results of a survey among 755 students of medicine and economics in Germany. BMC Med Ethics. 2014;15:56,
,1515. Santos Z, Capistrano AP, Oliveira V. Doação de órgãos sob a óptica do estudante universitário. J Bras Transpl. 2005;8(1):320-4.

16. Terbonssen T, Settmacher U, Wurst C, Dirsch O, Dahmen U. Effectiveness of organ donation information campaigns in Germany: a facebook based online survey. Interact J Med Res. 2015;4(3):e16,
-1717. Terbonssen T, Settmacher U, Wurst C, Dirsch O, Dahmen U. Attitude towards organ donation in German medical students. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2016;401(8):1231-9,
). Chung et al. (1919. Chung J, Choi D, Park Y. Knowledge and opinions of deceased organ donation among middle and high school students in Korea. Transplant Proc. 2015;47(10):2805-9,
) addressed individuals in primary and middle school, and others have focused on individuals outside an academic setting (11. Barcellos FC, Araujo CL, da Costa JD. Organ donation: a population-based study. Clin Transplant. 2005;19(1):33-7,
,55. Camatta JA, Berti HW, Ayres JA, Tonete V. Motivos da recusa è doação de órgãos apontados por familiares de pessoas com morte encefálica. J Bras Transpl. 2012;14(3):1579-85.,1111. Yazar MA, Açikgöz MB. Knowledge levels and attitudes of people living in the city centre of Nevsehir on organ donation and transplantation. Turk J Anaesthesiol Reanim. 2016;44(5):250-7,
,1313. Vijayalakshmi P, Sunitha TS, Gandhi S, Thimmaiah R, Math SB. Knowledge, attitude and behaviour of the general population towards organ donation: an Indian perspective. Natl Med J India. 2016;29(5):257-61.,1818. Schirmer J, Roza Bde A. Family, patients, and organ and tissue donation: who decides? Transplant Proc. 2008;40(4):1037-40,
,2020. Aykas A, Uslu A, Simsek C. Mass media, online social network, and organ donation: old mistakes and new perspectives. Transplant Proc. 2015;47(4):1070-2,
,2121. De Groot J, van Hoek M, Hoedemaekers C, Hoitsma A, Smeets W, Vernooij-Dassen M, et al. Decision making on organ donation: the dilemmas of relatives of potential brain dead donors. BMC Med Ethics. 2015;16(1):64,

Although having a majority of respondents from a relatively high socioeconomic and educational standpoint, such status did not influence the respondent’s willingness to donate in our study, which might be due to the importance of one being in a university background having greater influence than the educational background of parents or relatives.

Most studies, from both Europe and Asia, had samples with a majority of religious individuals (11. Barcellos FC, Araujo CL, da Costa JD. Organ donation: a population-based study. Clin Transplant. 2005;19(1):33-7,
,1313. Vijayalakshmi P, Sunitha TS, Gandhi S, Thimmaiah R, Math SB. Knowledge, attitude and behaviour of the general population towards organ donation: an Indian perspective. Natl Med J India. 2016;29(5):257-61.

14. Krupic F, Sayed-Noor AS, Fatahi N. The impact of knowledge and religion on organ donation as seen by immigrants in Sweden. Scand J Caring Sci. 2017;31(4):687-94,
-1515. Santos Z, Capistrano AP, Oliveira V. Doação de órgãos sob a óptica do estudante universitário. J Bras Transpl. 2005;8(1):320-4.,2222. Vetterli DC, Lava SA, Essig S, Milosevic G, Cajori G, Uehlinger DE, et al. Risk behavior and reciprocity of organ donation attitudes in young men. Transplant Proc. 2015;47(6):1560-6,
). Terbonssen et al. (1717. Terbonssen T, Settmacher U, Wurst C, Dirsch O, Dahmen U. Attitude towards organ donation in German medical students. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2016;401(8):1231-9,
) showed that among German medical students, a higher willingness to donate was associated, in many aspects, with a lack of religion, especially towards the belief in afterlife. Vijayalakshmi et al. (1313. Vijayalakshmi P, Sunitha TS, Gandhi S, Thimmaiah R, Math SB. Knowledge, attitude and behaviour of the general population towards organ donation: an Indian perspective. Natl Med J India. 2016;29(5):257-61.) displayed results in which half of the analyzed sample thought most religions opposed organ donation.

Conversely, in our study, most participants displayed some religious belief, mostly Christian Catholicism. However, when asked about the influence of religious beliefs on the decision to be an organ donor, 85% of participants (regardless of being on the experimental or control group) stated that such decisions were not influenced by religious beliefs.

Studies assessing a sample’s general knowledge about organ donation (11. Barcellos FC, Araujo CL, da Costa JD. Organ donation: a population-based study. Clin Transplant. 2005;19(1):33-7,
,22. Tessmer MG, Mielke GI, Barcellos FC, Moraes BP, Gatto CS. Doação de órgãos: opinião e entendimento sobre morte encefálica de estudantes universitários. J Bras Transpl. 2011;14:1449-94.,1111. Yazar MA, Açikgöz MB. Knowledge levels and attitudes of people living in the city centre of Nevsehir on organ donation and transplantation. Turk J Anaesthesiol Reanim. 2016;44(5):250-7,
,1313. Vijayalakshmi P, Sunitha TS, Gandhi S, Thimmaiah R, Math SB. Knowledge, attitude and behaviour of the general population towards organ donation: an Indian perspective. Natl Med J India. 2016;29(5):257-61.,1414. Krupic F, Sayed-Noor AS, Fatahi N. The impact of knowledge and religion on organ donation as seen by immigrants in Sweden. Scand J Caring Sci. 2017;31(4):687-94,
,1616. Terbonssen T, Settmacher U, Wurst C, Dirsch O, Dahmen U. Effectiveness of organ donation information campaigns in Germany: a facebook based online survey. Interact J Med Res. 2015;4(3):e16,
,1717. Terbonssen T, Settmacher U, Wurst C, Dirsch O, Dahmen U. Attitude towards organ donation in German medical students. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2016;401(8):1231-9,
) have demonstrated misinformation on the same subjects as the control group in our study. Terbossen et al. (1717. Terbonssen T, Settmacher U, Wurst C, Dirsch O, Dahmen U. Attitude towards organ donation in German medical students. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2016;401(8):1231-9,
) showed that German medical students who did not carry a donor’s card feared feeling pain during organ extraction procedures.

Such misconceptions were also found in our study (item 16), albeit having a much lower prevalence in the group exposed to informative material (p<0.001). The fear of not being dead upon organ extraction showed a significant decrease in the previously informed participants compared to controls. Such behavior was maintained even upon multinomial regression accounting for age.

Despite the quality of the gathered data and its comparability to other works, this study had relevant limitations. One of the most prominent of them is the use of a non-validated questionnaire to assess the impact of informative material. This was due to the lack of a standardized questionnaire for such purposes in the current literature. The fact that the material is free for access over the Internet is also a limitation to the study.

Other limitations of the study are the inheritant traits of online, impersonal questionnaires. The rate of response of this method of distribution tends to be low, reaching approximately 5 to 6% response rates (2323. So R, Shinohara K, Aoki T, Tsujimoto Y, Suganuma AM, Furukawa TA. Effect of recruitment methods on response rate in a web-based study for primary care physicians: factorial randomized controlled trial. J Med Internet Res. 2018;20(2):e28, doi:
). Be that as it may, the demographic profile of respondents was comparable to the usual profile seen in university environments (1010. Office for Educational Statistics (DEED). Higher education census - 2017. 1st ed. Brasília: Office for Educational Statistics (DEED); 2017. p 1.).

Respondent gender might have influenced the outcomes in our study, as women are more favorable to organ donation, as previously shown. However, the majority of women in our sample reflect the gender distribution in the university environment as whole, where women comprise the majority of undergraduates (1010. Office for Educational Statistics (DEED). Higher education census - 2017. 1st ed. Brasília: Office for Educational Statistics (DEED); 2017. p 1.,1717. Terbonssen T, Settmacher U, Wurst C, Dirsch O, Dahmen U. Attitude towards organ donation in German medical students. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2016;401(8):1231-9,

Based on our findings and their comparison to the existing works in the literature, we can conclude that the informative material that participants were offered was dichotomous in its effect – providing excellent technical knowledge about the donation process but causing harmful impacts in the opinion towards organ donation.

Results displayed the important untapped potential in establishing better awareness of younger folks towards the matter of organ donation, as they may forward such knowledge as future trendsetters, or even use the acquired information when faced with personal situations that involve organ donation.

Upon such evidence and untapped potential, it is clear that better and more comprehensive informative campaigns have to be developed and carried out, with regards to the specific concerns and doubts of individuals from each age group and its demographic characteristics, especially towards improving opinion and emotionally conveying a positive message about organ donation.


  • 1
    Barcellos FC, Araujo CL, da Costa JD. Organ donation: a population-based study. Clin Transplant. 2005;19(1):33-7,
  • 2
    Tessmer MG, Mielke GI, Barcellos FC, Moraes BP, Gatto CS. Doação de órgãos: opinião e entendimento sobre morte encefálica de estudantes universitários. J Bras Transpl. 2011;14:1449-94.
  • 3
    Galvao FH, Caires RA, Azevedo-Neto RS, Mory EK, Figueira ER, Otsuzi TS, et al. [Attitude and opinion of medical students about organ donation and transplantation]. Rev Assoc Med Bras. 2007;53(5):401-6,
  • 4
    Brazilian Organ Transplant Association (ABTO). National campaign for organ and tissue donation. São Paulo: ABTO; 2016. p 1.
  • 5
    Camatta JA, Berti HW, Ayres JA, Tonete V. Motivos da recusa è doação de órgãos apontados por familiares de pessoas com morte encefálica. J Bras Transpl. 2012;14(3):1579-85.
  • 6
    Akgun S, Tokalak I, Erdal R. Attitudes and behavior related to organ donation and transplantation: a survey of university students. Transplant Proc. 2002;34(6):2009-11,
  • 7
    Boland KP, Baker KQ, Nicholson AB. College students perceptions about organ donation. J Heart Lung Transplant. 2005;24(2S):S133,
  • 8
    National Council of Donor Families. Understanding brain death. 1st ed. São Paulo: National Council of Donor Families; 2018. p 1.
  • 9
    Brazilian Organ Transplant Association(ABTO). Brazillian Registry for Transplantation(RBT). São Paulo (BR): Brazilian Organ Transplant Association(ABTO); 2017. p 104.
  • 10
    Office for Educational Statistics (DEED). Higher education census - 2017. 1st ed. Brasília: Office for Educational Statistics (DEED); 2017. p 1.
  • 11
    Yazar MA, Açikgöz MB. Knowledge levels and attitudes of people living in the city centre of Nevsehir on organ donation and transplantation. Turk J Anaesthesiol Reanim. 2016;44(5):250-7,
  • 12
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  • Errata

    CLINICS 2019;74:e743
    In the article The effectiveness of current informative material in improving awareness and opinion of undergraduate students towards organ donation: a comparative, randomized survey study, on page 1, the author’s name:
    “Ilka Santana de Fátima Ferreira Boin”
    should read:
    “Ilka de Fátima Santana Ferreira Boin”
    where it reads
    “Riccetto E, Boin IS. The effectiveness of current informative material in improving awareness and opinion of undergraduate students towards organ donation: a comparative, randomized survey study. Clinics. 2019;74:e743”
    it should read:
    “Riccetto E, Boin IF. The effectiveness of current informative material in improving awareness and opinion of undergraduate students towards organ donation: a comparative, randomized survey study. Clinics. 2019;74:e743”
    and on page 6, where it reads:
    “Riccetto E was responsible for the study design, data collection, analysis/interpretation, statistics, manuscript drafting. Boin IS was responsible for the study design, data analysis/interpretation, manuscript drafting and critical revision.”
    “Riccetto E was responsible for the study design, data collection, analysis/interpretation, statistics, manuscript drafting. Boin IF was responsible for the study design, data analysis/interpretation, manuscript drafting and critical revision.”

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    25 Apr 2019
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    12 Sept 2018
  • Accepted
    8 Jan 2019
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