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Non-invasive ventilation in a university hospital intensive care unit: aspects related to success and failure


The objective of this study was to describe the aspects of success and failure of the use of non-invasive ventilation (NIV) in the intensive care unit (ICU) of a university hospital. This is a prospective observational study that included 75 patients, with 58.3±18.8 years as the mean age. Of these, 12 required the use of NIV more than once, for 92 uses in total. Among these, the success rate was 60.9% (56). The failure group had more males (p=0.006) and a higher number of patients diagnosed with extrapulmonary infection (p=0.012). No differences were found between success and failure groups for the variables mode, model, mask, total length of stay and reasons for NIV installation. In the failure group, inspiratory positive airways pressure (Ipap) and flow volume (FV) were higher (p=0.029 and p=0.011, respectively). Peripheral oxygen saturation (p=0.047), pH (p=0.004), base excess (p=0.006) and bicarbonate (p=0.013) presented lower values. This study concluded that male individuals diagnosed with extrapulmonary infection and whose picture evolved with metabolic acidosis evolved with more failure in NIV use. These patients required higher Ipap and FV parameters.

Critical Care; Artificial Breathing; Lung Ventilation


O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever características de sucesso e insucesso do uso da ventilação não invasiva (VNI) na unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI) de um hospital universitário. Trata-se de um estudo observacional prospectivo no qual foram incluídos 75 pacientes, com idade média de 58,3±18,8 anos. Desses, doze necessitaram do uso da VNI por mais de uma vez, totalizando 92 utilizações. Evidenciou-se que, delas, a taxa de sucesso foi de 60,9% (56). O grupo insucesso apresentou mais indivíduos do sexo masculino (p=0,006) e número maior de pacientes com diagnóstico de infecção extrapulmonar (p=0,012). Não foram encontradas diferenças entre os grupos de sucesso e insucesso nos quesitos de modo, modelo, máscara, tempo total de permanência e razões para a instalação da VNI. No grupo insucesso, a pressão positiva inspiratória nas vias aéreas (Ipap) e o volume corrente (VC) foram superiores (p=0,029 e p=0,011, respectivamente). A saturação periférica de oxigênio (p=0,047), o pH (p=0,004), base excess (p=0,006) e o bicarbonato (p=0,013) apresentaram valores inferiores. Concluiu-se que os indivíduos do sexo masculino com diagnóstico de infecção extrapulmonar e que evoluíram com acidose metabólica evoluíram com mais insucesso na utilização da VNI. Esses, necessitaram de parâmetros elevados de Ipap e VC.

Cuidados Críticos; Respiração Artificial; Ventilação Pulmonar


El objetivo de este estudio fue desarrollar las características del éxito y del fracaso con el uso de la ventilación no invasiva (VNI) en la unidad de terapia intensiva (UTI) de un hospital universitario. Se trata de un estudio observacional prospectivo en el cual fueron incluidos 75 pacientes, con edad media de 58,3±18,8 años. De estos, 12 necesitaron utilizar la VNI por más de una vez, que totalizó 92 utilizaciones. Se evidenció que, de estas, el índice de éxito fue del 60,9% (56). El grupo que no obtuvo el éxito esperado presentó más individuos del sexo masculino (p=0,006) y número mayor de pacientes con diagnóstico de infecciones extrapulmonares (p=0,012). No fueron encontradas diferencias entre los grupos con éxito y sin éxito en las cuestiones de modo, modelo, máscara, tiempo total de permanencia y razones para la instalación de la VNI. En el grupo sin éxito, la presión positiva inspiratoria en las vías aéreas (Ipap) y el volumen corriente (VC) fueron superiores (p=0,029 y p=0,011, respectivamente). La saturación periférica de oxígeno (p=0,047), el pH(p=0,004), base excess (p=0,0006) y el bicarbonato (p=0,013) presentaron valores inferiores. De este modo, se concluye que los individuos del sexo masculino con diagnóstico de infecciones extrapulmonares y que progresaron con acidose metabólica avanzaron más sin tener éxito en la utilización de la VNI. Además, necesitaron de parámetros elevados de Ipap y VC.

Palabras clave
Cuidados Críticos; Respiración Artificial; Ventilación Pulmonar


The use of non-invasive ventilation (NIV) for the treatment of patients with acute respiratory failure or acute chronic respiratory failure disease has been growing, being under growing development and having great importance in the field of mechanical ventilation11. Ozyilmaz E, Ugurlu A, Nava S. Timing of noninvasive ventilation failure: causes, risk factors, and potential remedies. BMC Pulm Med. 2014;14(1):19. doi:10.1186/1471-2466-14-19

NIV use in patients with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (22. Balami JS, Packham SM, Gosney MA. Non-invasive ventilation for respiratory failure due to acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in older patients. Age Ageing. 2006;35(1):75-9. doi:10.1093/ageing/afi211
)- (55. Díaz GG, Alcaraz AC, Talavera JCP, Pérez PJ, Rodriguez AE, Cordoba FG et al. Noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation to treat hypercapnic coma secondary to respiratory failure. Chest. 2005;127(3):952-60. doi:10.1378/chest.127.3.952
and acute pulmonary edema (APE) (66. Winck JC, Azevedo LF, Costa-Pereira A, Antonelli M, Wyatt JC. Efficacy and safety of non-invasive ventilation in the treatment of acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema - a systematic review and meta-analysis. Crit Care. 2006;10(2):R69. doi:10.1186/cc4905
)- (99. Nava S, Carbone G, DiBattista N, Bellone A, Baiardi P, Cosentini R et al. Noninvasive ventilation in cardiogenic pulmonary edema: a multicenter randomized trial. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2003;168(12):1432-7. doi:10.1164/rccm.200211-1270OC
is responsible for decreasing the need for orotracheal intubation (OTI), mortality, and therapy costs1010. Hess DR. The role of noninvasive ventilation in the ventilator discontinuation process. Respir Care. 2012;57(10):1619-25. doi:10.4187/respcare.01943
)- (1212. Ferrer M, Valencia M, Nicolas JM, Bernadich O, Badia JR, Torres A. Early noninvasive ventilation averts extubation failure in patients at risk: a randomized trial. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2006;173(2):164-70. doi:10.1164/rccm.200505-718OC
. Moreover, NIV is used as a weaning strategy in patients with repeated failures in the spontaneous breathing test and as a preventive way to prevent extubation failure in patients with risk factors1313. Esteban A, Frutos-Vivar F, Ferguson ND, Arabi Y, Apezteguía C, González M, et al. Noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation for respiratory failure after extubation. N Engl J Med. 2004;350(24):2452-60. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa032736
), (1414. Ornico SR, Lobo SM, Sanches HS, Deberaldini M, Tófoli LT, Vidal AM, et al. Noninvasive ventilation immediately after extubation improves weaning outcome after acute respiratory failure: a randomized controlled trial. Crit Care. 2013;17(2):R39. doi:10.1186/cc12549

Searching for an effective, preventive and not as risky therapy for patients, studies in large hospitals have been developed to identify the profile of patients who use NIV1515. Antonelli M, Conti G, Moro ML, Esquinas A, Gonzalez-Diaz G, Confalonieri M, et al. Predictors of failure of noninvasive positive pressure ventilation in patients with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure: a multi-center study. Intensive Care Med. 2001;27(11):1718-28. doi:10.1007/s00134-001-1114-4
)- (2121. Azevedo LCP, Park M, Salluh JIF, Rea-Neto A, Souza-Dantas VC, Varaschin P, et al. Clinical outcomes of patients requiring ventilatory support in Brazilian intensive care units: a multicenter, prospective, cohort study. Crit Care. 2013;17(2):R63. doi:10.1186/cc12594
, in addition to those with a strong recommendation for use (COPD and APE patients). The daily observation of the use of NIV in clinical practice and its limitations are potential targets for improving results in intensive care units (ICU), to improve the therapy offered to patients and to enable future research. Given this context, this study aimed to describe aspects of success and failure of the use of NIV in the ICU of a university hospital.


This is a prospective observational study conducted from May to October 2014. Inclusion criteria were: patients older than 18 years old, of both sexes, who used NIV in the ICU of the University Hospital of Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (HU/UFSC). The exclusion criterion was the lack of data in patients’ records.

Patients were evaluated and observed daily from admission to discharge from the ICU and hospital, or even death. Individuals who used NIV more than once during the hospitalization period were considered as a new individual, i.e., data analysis considered the total number of NIV uses. The decision for indicating and setting the NIV, and its parameters, was made by the multiprofessional team of this ICU.

Participants and/or responsible family members signed an informed consent form. This research was approved by the Research Ethics Committee on Human Beings of UFSC under CAAE no. 25677213.5.0000.0121.

Data were obtained from the filling of an evaluation form prepared by the authors and based on the literature. The analyzed variables were age, sex, origin, consciousness level, severity score, and clinical diagnosis. Regarding NIV: reason for use, total length of stay, modes, model, masks and parameters, arterial blood gas and vital signs.

Success in the use of NIV was considered as OTI prevention and not using NIV for more than 72 hour after discontinuation2020. Yamauchi LY, Travaglia TCF, Bernardes SRN, Figueiroa MC, Tanaka C, Fu C. Noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation in clinical practice at a large university-affiliated Brazilian hospital. Clinics. 2012;67(7):767-72. doi:10.5935/0103-507X.20150046
. The need for OTI, regardless of the time of NIV use, was defined as failure2020. Yamauchi LY, Travaglia TCF, Bernardes SRN, Figueiroa MC, Tanaka C, Fu C. Noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation in clinical practice at a large university-affiliated Brazilian hospital. Clinics. 2012;67(7):767-72. doi:10.5935/0103-507X.20150046

Continuous variables were expressed as mean and standard deviation (SD). Categorical variables were presented in frequency. Data normality was tested by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Significant difference between groups was analyzed by the independent t-test for the normal variables and by Mann-Whitney’s U test for non-parametric variables. The association between the categorical variables was analyzed using the Chi-square test or Fisher’s exact test. A p-value ≤0.05 was considered. All analyses were performed using the software SPSS Statistics, version 22.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).


During the study period (five months), 328 patients were admitted to the ICU, of whom 80 used NIV. Five patients were excluded due to lack of information in their medical records. Twelve patients used NIV more than once during the hospitalization period, totaling 92 uses.

Figure 1
Study design flowchart

Table 1 presents the values referring to sample characterization. The failure group had more males (p=0.006) and a higher number of patients diagnosed with extrapulmonary infection (p=0.012).

Table 1
Sample characterization

The success rate of NIV use was 60.9%. No differences were found between success and failure groups for the variables mode, model, mask, total length of stay and reasons for NIV installation. The most used mode was Bilevel (94.6%), on the Synchrony model (77.2%) and V60 (12.0%) with total face mask (98.9%). Most subjects were kept for less than 24 hours on NIV (51.1%), followed by those who used NIV for more than 48 hours (35.9%). Regarding the initial NIV parameters, it was observed that inspiratory positive airway pressure (Ipap) and flow volume (FV) were higher in the failure group (p=0.029 and p=0.011), with an overall Ipap 15.9±2,8cmH2O mean and FV 575.6±165.2mL mean.

Table 2 shows the analyses of arterial gases (n=83) and vital signs (n=92) prior to NIV use. Peripheral oxygen saturation value (p=0.047); pH, base excess and bicarbonate values were lower in the failure group (p=0.004, p=0.006 and p=0.013, respectively). The three later variables indicate metabolic disturbances.

Table 2
Analysis of arterial gases and vital signs prior to NIV use


This study showed the use of NIV in different clinical conditions in the daily practice of an ICU, with a 60.9% success rate, confirming data found in other studies, which present success rates between 60 and 70%1515. Antonelli M, Conti G, Moro ML, Esquinas A, Gonzalez-Diaz G, Confalonieri M, et al. Predictors of failure of noninvasive positive pressure ventilation in patients with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure: a multi-center study. Intensive Care Med. 2001;27(11):1718-28. doi:10.1007/s00134-001-1114-4
), (1717. Schettino G, Altobelli N, Kacmarek RM. Noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation in acute respiratory failure outside clinical trials: experience at the Massachusetts General Hospital. Crit Care Med. 2008;36(2):441-7. doi:10.1097/01.CCM.0000300084.67277.90
), (2020. Yamauchi LY, Travaglia TCF, Bernardes SRN, Figueiroa MC, Tanaka C, Fu C. Noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation in clinical practice at a large university-affiliated Brazilian hospital. Clinics. 2012;67(7):767-72. doi:10.5935/0103-507X.20150046
), (2222. Carlucci A, Richard J-C, Wysocki M, Lepage E, Brochard L. Noninvasive versus conventional mechanical ventilation. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2001;163(4):874-80. doi:10.1164/ajrccm.163.4.2006027
)- (2525. Girault C, Briel A, Hellot M-F, Tamion F, Woinet D, Leroy J, et al. Noninvasive mechanical ventilation in clinical practice: a 2-year experience in a medical intensive care unit. Crit Care Med. 2003;31(2):552-9. doi: 10.1097/01.CCM.0000050288.49328.F0

Regarding the general characteristics of individuals, Yamauchi et al. (2020. Yamauchi LY, Travaglia TCF, Bernardes SRN, Figueiroa MC, Tanaka C, Fu C. Noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation in clinical practice at a large university-affiliated Brazilian hospital. Clinics. 2012;67(7):767-72. doi:10.5935/0103-507X.20150046
identified that age was greater in individuals who evolved with NIV failure (p=0.003). This mean is similar to the one found in our study, however, we did not find differences between the groups.

Like Azevedo et al. (2121. Azevedo LCP, Park M, Salluh JIF, Rea-Neto A, Souza-Dantas VC, Varaschin P, et al. Clinical outcomes of patients requiring ventilatory support in Brazilian intensive care units: a multicenter, prospective, cohort study. Crit Care. 2013;17(2):R63. doi:10.1186/cc12594
, Yamauchi et al. (2020. Yamauchi LY, Travaglia TCF, Bernardes SRN, Figueiroa MC, Tanaka C, Fu C. Noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation in clinical practice at a large university-affiliated Brazilian hospital. Clinics. 2012;67(7):767-72. doi:10.5935/0103-507X.20150046
demonstrated that a high severity score at ICU admission is associated with NIV failure (SAPS II>34), but this was not found in our study.

The main diagnoses were post-operative of abdominal surgery, pulmonary infection, COPD and extrapulmonary infection. Similar rates of pulmonary and extrapulmonary infection, APE and COPD have been found in other studies2121. Azevedo LCP, Park M, Salluh JIF, Rea-Neto A, Souza-Dantas VC, Varaschin P, et al. Clinical outcomes of patients requiring ventilatory support in Brazilian intensive care units: a multicenter, prospective, cohort study. Crit Care. 2013;17(2):R63. doi:10.1186/cc12594
), (2626. Sinuff T, Cook D, Randall J, Allen C. Noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation: a utilization review of use in a teaching hospital. Can Med Assoc J. 2000;163(8):969-73.. We must highlight that patients admitted to the ICU with a extrapulmonary infection diagnosis evolved with NIV failure, probably due to the severity of the clinical picture.

In this study, there was no difference in the mean number of hospitalization days in the ICU and in the general hospital between groups, achieving results similar to those found by other authors2121. Azevedo LCP, Park M, Salluh JIF, Rea-Neto A, Souza-Dantas VC, Varaschin P, et al. Clinical outcomes of patients requiring ventilatory support in Brazilian intensive care units: a multicenter, prospective, cohort study. Crit Care. 2013;17(2):R63. doi:10.1186/cc12594
), (2525. Girault C, Briel A, Hellot M-F, Tamion F, Woinet D, Leroy J, et al. Noninvasive mechanical ventilation in clinical practice: a 2-year experience in a medical intensive care unit. Crit Care Med. 2003;31(2):552-9. doi: 10.1097/01.CCM.0000050288.49328.F0
. However, some prospective studies have found that individuals who progressed with NIV failure remained hospitalized for longer periods in the ICU1515. Antonelli M, Conti G, Moro ML, Esquinas A, Gonzalez-Diaz G, Confalonieri M, et al. Predictors of failure of noninvasive positive pressure ventilation in patients with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure: a multi-center study. Intensive Care Med. 2001;27(11):1718-28. doi:10.1007/s00134-001-1114-4
), (1919. Delgado M, Marcos A, Tizón A, Carrillo A, Santos A, Balerdi B et al. Impact of noninvasive ventilation failure upon patient prognosis. Subanalysis of a multicenter study. Med Intensiva. 2012;36(9):604-10. doi:10.1016/j.medine.2012.12.001
), (2020. Yamauchi LY, Travaglia TCF, Bernardes SRN, Figueiroa MC, Tanaka C, Fu C. Noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation in clinical practice at a large university-affiliated Brazilian hospital. Clinics. 2012;67(7):767-72. doi:10.5935/0103-507X.20150046
. In the study by Antonelli et al., (1515. Antonelli M, Conti G, Moro ML, Esquinas A, Gonzalez-Diaz G, Confalonieri M, et al. Predictors of failure of noninvasive positive pressure ventilation in patients with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure: a multi-center study. Intensive Care Med. 2001;27(11):1718-28. doi:10.1007/s00134-001-1114-4
it was demonstrated that NIV failure was related to a high risk of remaining in the ICU for more than seven days, as well as developing complications and progress to death in the ICU.

In most cases, NIV was used in a preventive measure to OTI (48.9%). As the first treatment option, NIV was used in 71% of the cases in the study by Girault. et al. (2525. Girault C, Briel A, Hellot M-F, Tamion F, Woinet D, Leroy J, et al. Noninvasive mechanical ventilation in clinical practice: a 2-year experience in a medical intensive care unit. Crit Care Med. 2003;31(2):552-9. doi: 10.1097/01.CCM.0000050288.49328.F0
. On the other hand, other studies have shown rates ranging from 15 to 20%2121. Azevedo LCP, Park M, Salluh JIF, Rea-Neto A, Souza-Dantas VC, Varaschin P, et al. Clinical outcomes of patients requiring ventilatory support in Brazilian intensive care units: a multicenter, prospective, cohort study. Crit Care. 2013;17(2):R63. doi:10.1186/cc12594
), (2222. Carlucci A, Richard J-C, Wysocki M, Lepage E, Brochard L. Noninvasive versus conventional mechanical ventilation. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2001;163(4):874-80. doi:10.1164/ajrccm.163.4.2006027
. NIV as prevention measure for OTI is being used mainly in COPD patient, due to recommendations made for this population2727. Barbas CSV, Ísola AM, Farias AM de C, Cavalcanti AB, Gama AMC, Duarte ACM, et al. Brazilian recommendations of mechanical ventilation 2013. Part I. Rev Bras Ter Intensiva. 2014;26(2):89-121. doi:10.5935/0103-507X.20140017
. However, NIV use in different clinical conditions has also been observed2828. Keenan SP, Sinuff T, Burns KEA, Muscedere J, Kutsogiannis J, Mehta S, et al. Clinical practice guidelines for the use of noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation and noninvasive continuous positive airway pressure in the acute care setting. Can Med Assoc J. 2011;183(3):E195-214. doi:10.1503/cmaj.100071
, such as in post-operative abdominal surgery, extrapulmonary infection and onco-hematologic diseases.

Literature presents great variation regarding the time of use of NIV. Some studies have shown a time of use from five hours to periods that exceed 72 hours2424. Alsous F, Amoateng-Adjepong Y, Manthous CA. Noninvasive ventilation: experience at a community teaching hospital. Intensive Care Med. 1999;25(5):458-63.)- (2626. Sinuff T, Cook D, Randall J, Allen C. Noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation: a utilization review of use in a teaching hospital. Can Med Assoc J. 2000;163(8):969-73.. In this study, NIV use for less than 24 hours was predominant and no differences in time of use were found between groups.

Regarding the initial NIV parameters, the failure group required mean Ipap values and higher FV values than the success group. Likewise, Yamauchi et al. (2020. Yamauchi LY, Travaglia TCF, Bernardes SRN, Figueiroa MC, Tanaka C, Fu C. Noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation in clinical practice at a large university-affiliated Brazilian hospital. Clinics. 2012;67(7):767-72. doi:10.5935/0103-507X.20150046
identified higher Ipap values in the failure group (14-16cmH2O), similar to this study. Probably due to more severe cases such as individuals who required higher values in NIV in an attempt to avoid OTI or reintubation.

Regarding gasometry prior to NIV use, the failure group presented acidotic pH, similar to that found in Carlucci et al. (2222. Carlucci A, Richard J-C, Wysocki M, Lepage E, Brochard L. Noninvasive versus conventional mechanical ventilation. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2001;163(4):874-80. doi:10.1164/ajrccm.163.4.2006027
. However, these authors attributed the low pH to high partial CO2 pressure values. Differently from the findings of our study, in which acidosis was due to low bicarbonate values. Base excess and bicarbonate values were lower in the failure group. Rana et al. (1616. Rana S, Jenad H, Gay PC, Buck CF, Hubmayr RD, Gajic O. Failure of non-invasive ventilation in patients with acute lung injury: observational cohort study. Crit Care. 2006;10(3):R79. doi:10.1186/cc4923
suggest that patients with low bicarbonate levels may be more susceptible to NIV failure.

Vital signs such as respiratory rate, heart rate, and systolic blood pressure found in this study were similar or lower, when compared to other findings in the literature1616. Rana S, Jenad H, Gay PC, Buck CF, Hubmayr RD, Gajic O. Failure of non-invasive ventilation in patients with acute lung injury: observational cohort study. Crit Care. 2006;10(3):R79. doi:10.1186/cc4923
), (1717. Schettino G, Altobelli N, Kacmarek RM. Noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation in acute respiratory failure outside clinical trials: experience at the Massachusetts General Hospital. Crit Care Med. 2008;36(2):441-7. doi:10.1097/01.CCM.0000300084.67277.90
), (2929. Thille AW, Contou D, Fragnoli C, Córdoba-Izquierdo A, Boissier F, Brun-Buisson C. Non-invasive ventilation for acute hypoxemic respiratory failure: intubation rate and risk factors. Crit Care. 2013;17(6):R269. doi:10.1186/cc13103
. The oxygenation analysis of the individuals in this study was performed through peripheral oxygen saturation, which was lower in the failure group. Rana et al. (1616. Rana S, Jenad H, Gay PC, Buck CF, Hubmayr RD, Gajic O. Failure of non-invasive ventilation in patients with acute lung injury: observational cohort study. Crit Care. 2006;10(3):R79. doi:10.1186/cc4923
used the gas exchange index and, likewise, showed that the failure group had lower values when compared to the success group.

NIV failure incidence (39.1%) found in this study was similar to the rates described by other authors1515. Antonelli M, Conti G, Moro ML, Esquinas A, Gonzalez-Diaz G, Confalonieri M, et al. Predictors of failure of noninvasive positive pressure ventilation in patients with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure: a multi-center study. Intensive Care Med. 2001;27(11):1718-28. doi:10.1007/s00134-001-1114-4
), (1717. Schettino G, Altobelli N, Kacmarek RM. Noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation in acute respiratory failure outside clinical trials: experience at the Massachusetts General Hospital. Crit Care Med. 2008;36(2):441-7. doi:10.1097/01.CCM.0000300084.67277.90
), (2020. Yamauchi LY, Travaglia TCF, Bernardes SRN, Figueiroa MC, Tanaka C, Fu C. Noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation in clinical practice at a large university-affiliated Brazilian hospital. Clinics. 2012;67(7):767-72. doi:10.5935/0103-507X.20150046
), (2222. Carlucci A, Richard J-C, Wysocki M, Lepage E, Brochard L. Noninvasive versus conventional mechanical ventilation. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2001;163(4):874-80. doi:10.1164/ajrccm.163.4.2006027
), (2424. Alsous F, Amoateng-Adjepong Y, Manthous CA. Noninvasive ventilation: experience at a community teaching hospital. Intensive Care Med. 1999;25(5):458-63.), (2525. Girault C, Briel A, Hellot M-F, Tamion F, Woinet D, Leroy J, et al. Noninvasive mechanical ventilation in clinical practice: a 2-year experience in a medical intensive care unit. Crit Care Med. 2003;31(2):552-9. doi: 10.1097/01.CCM.0000050288.49328.F0
. On the other hand, some studies describe higher rates, such as 50-74%1616. Rana S, Jenad H, Gay PC, Buck CF, Hubmayr RD, Gajic O. Failure of non-invasive ventilation in patients with acute lung injury: observational cohort study. Crit Care. 2006;10(3):R79. doi:10.1186/cc4923
), (1919. Delgado M, Marcos A, Tizón A, Carrillo A, Santos A, Balerdi B et al. Impact of noninvasive ventilation failure upon patient prognosis. Subanalysis of a multicenter study. Med Intensiva. 2012;36(9):604-10. doi:10.1016/j.medine.2012.12.001
), (2121. Azevedo LCP, Park M, Salluh JIF, Rea-Neto A, Souza-Dantas VC, Varaschin P, et al. Clinical outcomes of patients requiring ventilatory support in Brazilian intensive care units: a multicenter, prospective, cohort study. Crit Care. 2013;17(2):R63. doi:10.1186/cc12594
. The variation in NIV failure rate seems to be related to the cause of IRpA and to the severity of the disease1515. Antonelli M, Conti G, Moro ML, Esquinas A, Gonzalez-Diaz G, Confalonieri M, et al. Predictors of failure of noninvasive positive pressure ventilation in patients with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure: a multi-center study. Intensive Care Med. 2001;27(11):1718-28. doi:10.1007/s00134-001-1114-4
. In some studies, NIV failure was associated with factors such as clinical severity, presence of acute respiratory distress syndrome, age>40 years, positive water balance, SAPSII>34, pH<7.40, PaO2:FiO2146 after 1 hour using NIV and Ipap1515. Antonelli M, Conti G, Moro ML, Esquinas A, Gonzalez-Diaz G, Confalonieri M, et al. Predictors of failure of noninvasive positive pressure ventilation in patients with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure: a multi-center study. Intensive Care Med. 2001;27(11):1718-28. doi:10.1007/s00134-001-1114-4
), (1616. Rana S, Jenad H, Gay PC, Buck CF, Hubmayr RD, Gajic O. Failure of non-invasive ventilation in patients with acute lung injury: observational cohort study. Crit Care. 2006;10(3):R79. doi:10.1186/cc4923
), (2121. Azevedo LCP, Park M, Salluh JIF, Rea-Neto A, Souza-Dantas VC, Varaschin P, et al. Clinical outcomes of patients requiring ventilatory support in Brazilian intensive care units: a multicenter, prospective, cohort study. Crit Care. 2013;17(2):R63. doi:10.1186/cc12594
. Values similar to those found in the failure group of this study, such as: SAPS III> 69, pH=7.33 and Ipap>16.

The non-standardization of gasometric collection made it impossible to obtain blood gas values for comparing prior to and post-NIV use, and the non-establishment of a NIV protocol were the limitations of this study. A larger sample and other statistical analyses are required to infer predictive factors for failure in the ICU population.


Non-invasive ventilation was successfully used in most patients and in various clinical conditions in the ICU. Among patients admitted to the ICU during the study period, those with a diagnosis of extrapulmonary infection, males and with metabolic acidosis were the most unsuccessful cases. In addition, those whose clinical picture progressed with NIV failure required higher ICP and FV parameters.


  • 1
    Ozyilmaz E, Ugurlu A, Nava S. Timing of noninvasive ventilation failure: causes, risk factors, and potential remedies. BMC Pulm Med. 2014;14(1):19. doi:10.1186/1471-2466-14-19
  • 2
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  • Study developed at the Intensive Care Unit of the University Hospital Polydoro Ernani de São Thiago of Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) - Florianópolis (SC), Brazil.
  • Funding source: Nothing to declare
  • Approved by the Research Ethics Committee of UFSC, under protocol no. 25677213.5.0000.0121.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Jan-Mar 2019


  • Received
    08 June 2017
  • Accepted
    01 Sept 2018
Universidade de São Paulo Rua Ovídio Pires de Campos, 225 2° andar. , 05403-010 São Paulo SP / Brasil, Tel: 55 11 2661-7703, Fax 55 11 3743-7462 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil