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Null models for study Rotifers and Crustaceans Zooplankton species richness in Chilean Patagonian lakes

Modelos nulos para o estudo de riqueza de espécies de Rotíferos e Crustáceos Zooplanctônicos na Patagônia Chilena



The Patagonian lakes are characterized by their oligotrophy that is the cause of low species number in their zooplankton assemblage. The aim of the present study is to analyze the crustacean and rotifers species number pattern in Patagonian lakes among a latitudinal gradient (40-51 °S).


The results revealed that there are direct significant correlations between total species with rotifer species, and chlorophyll concentration with crustacean species number, and an inverse association between latitude with total species.


The results of co-occurrence species null model revealed presence of regulator factors in one of three simulations, that would be due to the presence of many species repeated in studied sites. Similar patterns were observed in Argentinean Patagonian lakes.

crustacean; rotifers; zooplankton; species number



Os lagos da Patagônia são caracterizados pela sua oligotrofia que é a causa do baixo número de espécies em sua comunidade zooplanctônica. O objetivo do presente estudo é analisar o padrão de espécies de crustáceos e rotíferos em lagos da Patagônia em um gradiente latitudinal (40-51 °S).


Os resultados revelaram que existem correlações significativas diretas entre o total de espécies com espécies de rotíferos, e concentração de clorofila com o número de espécies de crustáceos, e uma associação inversa entre a latitude com total de espécies.


Os resultados de modelo nulo de co-ocorrência de espécies revelaram a presença de fatores de regulação em uma das três simulações, que seria devido à presença de muitas espécies repetidas nos locais estudados. Padrões semelhantes foram observados nos lagos da Patagônia Argentina.

crustáceo; rotíferos; zooplâncton; número de espécies

1 Introduction

The use of models for understand ecological patterns can involve the random presence in some determined cases for populations and community scales (Hilborn & Mangel 1997Hilborn, R. and Mangel, M. The ecological detective, confronting model with data. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1997. 315 p. Monographs in Population Biology, no. 28.), that can be applied for statistical applications (Zar 1999Zar, J.H. Biostatistical analysis. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1999. 663 p.; Gotelli & Ellison, 2013Gotelli, N.J. and Ellison, A.M. EcoSimR 1.00. 2013 [viewed 21 Mar 2016]. Available from:
). At community ecology scale is proposed the null models that involve the absence of regulator factors in community structures (Harvey et al., 1983Harvey, P.H., Colwell, R.K., Silvertown, J.W. and May, R.M. Null models in ecology. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, 1983, 14(1), 189-211.
; Gotelli & Graves, 1996Gotelli, N.J. and Graves, G.R. Null models in ecology. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1996, 357p.; Gotelli, 2000Gotelli, N.J. Null model analysis of species co-occurrence patterns. Ecology, 2000, 81(9), 2606-2621.[2606:NMAOSC]2.0.CO;2.
, 2001Gotelli, N.J. Research frontiers in null model analysis. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2001, 10(4), 337-343.
). The aim of the null models view point is based in randomization or absence of process and regulator factors on community ecology, and the null hypothesis is based that community is random or without defined structure (Harvey et al., 1983Harvey, P.H., Colwell, R.K., Silvertown, J.W. and May, R.M. Null models in ecology. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, 1983, 14(1), 189-211.
; Gotelli & Graves, 1996Gotelli, N.J. and Graves, G.R. Null models in ecology. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1996, 357p.). On these null models one of the most applied in community ecology is the co-occurrence species that involves a presence-absence species matrix for a defined sites list with the aim of determine if the species associations are random or structured (Gotelli & Graves, 1996Gotelli, N.J. and Graves, G.R. Null models in ecology. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1996, 357p.; Gotelli, 2000Gotelli, N.J. Null model analysis of species co-occurrence patterns. Ecology, 2000, 81(9), 2606-2621.[2606:NMAOSC]2.0.CO;2.
). These models are based mainly in terrestrial environments (Tondoh, 2006Tondoh, J.E. Seasonal changes in earthworm diversity and community structure in Central Côte d’Ivoire. European Journal of Soil Biology, 2006, 42, s334-s340.
; Tiho & Josens, 2007Tiho, S. and Josens, G. Co-occurrence of earth worms in urban surroundings: a null model analysis of community structure. European Journal of Soil Biology, 2007, 43(2), 84-90.
) and in freshwater environments (De los Ríos, 2008De los Rios, P. A null model for explain crustacean zooplankton species associations in central and southern Patagonian inland waters. Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia, 2008, 36(1), 25-33.; De los Ríos-Escalante et al., 2011De los Rios-Escalante, P., Hauenstein, E. and Romero-Mieres, M. Microcrustacean assemblages composition and environmental variables in lakes and ponds of the Andean region - South of Chile (37-39 °S). Brazilian Journal of Biology = Revista Brasileira de Biologia, 2011, 71(2), 353-358. PMid:21755151.). This kind of model has been applied mainly in field crustacean zooplankton studies on Chilean Patagonian lakes for understand the random or structuration in zooplankton species associations, unfortunately there are not other similar studies for other lakes (De los Ríos, 2008De los Rios, P. A null model for explain crustacean zooplankton species associations in central and southern Patagonian inland waters. Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia, 2008, 36(1), 25-33.; De los Ríos-Escalante et al., 2011De los Rios-Escalante, P., Hauenstein, E. and Romero-Mieres, M. Microcrustacean assemblages composition and environmental variables in lakes and ponds of the Andean region - South of Chile (37-39 °S). Brazilian Journal of Biology = Revista Brasileira de Biologia, 2011, 71(2), 353-358. PMid:21755151.).

The Patagonian lakes are characterized by their oligotrophy and low species number in their zooplankton assemblages (Soto & Zúñiga, 1991Soto, D. and Zuñiga, L.R. Zooplankton assemblages of Chilean temperate lakes: a comparison with North American counterparts. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural (Valparaiso, Chile), 1991, 64(3), 569-581.; De los Ríos-Escalante, 2010De los Rios-Escalante, P. Crustacean zooplankton communities in Chilean inland waters. Crustaceana Monographs, 2010, 12, 1-109.). Similar pattern has been observed for Argentinean Patagonian lakes (Modenutti et al., 1998Modenutti, B.E., Balseiro, E.G., Queimaliños, C.P., Añón Suárez, D.A., Dieguez, M.C. and Albariño, R.J. Structure and dynamics of food webs in Andean lakes. Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management, 1998, 3(2), 179-189.
). The literature has been focused mainly in Crustacean species number (Soto & Zúñiga, 1991Soto, D. and Zuñiga, L.R. Zooplankton assemblages of Chilean temperate lakes: a comparison with North American counterparts. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural (Valparaiso, Chile), 1991, 64(3), 569-581.; Modenutti et al., 1998Modenutti, B.E., Balseiro, E.G., Queimaliños, C.P., Añón Suárez, D.A., Dieguez, M.C. and Albariño, R.J. Structure and dynamics of food webs in Andean lakes. Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management, 1998, 3(2), 179-189.
; De los Ríos-Escalante, 2010De los Rios-Escalante, P. Crustacean zooplankton communities in Chilean inland waters. Crustaceana Monographs, 2010, 12, 1-109.), but there are not detailed descriptive studies for rotifers assemblages, there are only basic descriptions about presence/absence rotifers species (Campos et al., 1989Campos, H., Steffen, W., Agüero, G., Parra, O. and Zúñiga, L. Estudios limnológicos en el lago Puyehue (Chile): morfometría, factores físicos y químicos, plancton y productividad primaria. Medio Ambiente, 1989, 10, 36-53., 1992Campos, H., Steffen, W., Agüero, G., Parra, O. and Zúñiga, L. Limnological studies of lake Rupanco (Chile): Morphometry, physics, chemistry and primary productivity. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 1992, 90, 85-113., 1988Campos, H., Steffen, W., Agüero, G., Parra, O. and Zúñiga, L. Limnological study of lake Llanquihue (Chile): morphometry, physics, chemistry and primary productivity. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 1988, 81(1), 37-67., 1990Campos, H., Steffen, W., Agüero, G., Parra, O. and Zúñiga, L. Limnological study of lake Todos los Santos (Chile): morphometry, physics, chemistry and primary productivity. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 1990, 117(4), 453-484., 1994aCampos, H., Soto, D., Steffen, W., Agüero, G., Parra, O. and Zúñiga, L. Limnological studies in lake del Toro, Chilean Patagonia. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 1994a, 99(1/2), 199-215., bCampos, H., Soto, D., Steffen, W., Agüero, G., Parra, O. and Zúñiga, L. Limnological studies in lake Sarmiento, a subsaline lake from Chilean Patagonia. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 1994b, 99(1/2), 217-234.; Villalobos, 1999Villalobos, L. Determinación de capacidad de carga y balance de fósforo y nitrógeno de los lagos Riesco, Los Palos, y Laguna Escondida en la XI región. Valdivia: Universidad Austral de Chile, 1999. pp. 97-39. Technical Report Fisheries Research Foundation-Chile.). The aim of the present study is to analyze the crustacean and Rotifera zooplankton assemblages in Chilean Patagonian lakes with the aim of determine if the assemblages are random or structured.

2 Material and methods

Data of geographical location, surface, maximum depth, mean chlorophyll, rotifer, crustacean species number were obtained from literature, (Campos et al., 1989Campos, H., Steffen, W., Agüero, G., Parra, O. and Zúñiga, L. Estudios limnológicos en el lago Puyehue (Chile): morfometría, factores físicos y químicos, plancton y productividad primaria. Medio Ambiente, 1989, 10, 36-53., 1992Campos, H., Steffen, W., Agüero, G., Parra, O. and Zúñiga, L. Limnological studies of lake Rupanco (Chile): Morphometry, physics, chemistry and primary productivity. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 1992, 90, 85-113., 1988Campos, H., Steffen, W., Agüero, G., Parra, O. and Zúñiga, L. Limnological study of lake Llanquihue (Chile): morphometry, physics, chemistry and primary productivity. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 1988, 81(1), 37-67., 1990Campos, H., Steffen, W., Agüero, G., Parra, O. and Zúñiga, L. Limnological study of lake Todos los Santos (Chile): morphometry, physics, chemistry and primary productivity. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 1990, 117(4), 453-484., 1994aCampos, H., Soto, D., Steffen, W., Agüero, G., Parra, O. and Zúñiga, L. Limnological studies in lake del Toro, Chilean Patagonia. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 1994a, 99(1/2), 199-215., bCampos, H., Soto, D., Steffen, W., Agüero, G., Parra, O. and Zúñiga, L. Limnological studies in lake Sarmiento, a subsaline lake from Chilean Patagonia. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 1994b, 99(1/2), 217-234.; Villalobos, 1999Villalobos, L. Determinación de capacidad de carga y balance de fósforo y nitrógeno de los lagos Riesco, Los Palos, y Laguna Escondida en la XI región. Valdivia: Universidad Austral de Chile, 1999. pp. 97-39. Technical Report Fisheries Research Foundation-Chile.) (Table 1, Figure 1), it was selected these variables, because: these are available for all studied sites; some trophic variables have wrong in some lakes due methodological procedures (Woelfl et al., 2003Woelfl, S., Villalobos, L. and Parra, O. Trophic parameters and method validation in Lake Riñihue (North Patagonia: Chile) from 1978 through 1997. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural (Valparaiso, Chile), 2003, 76(3), 459-474.
), and these variables are considered in many zooplankton studies in Chilean lakes (Soto & Zúñiga, 1991Soto, D. and Zuñiga, L.R. Zooplankton assemblages of Chilean temperate lakes: a comparison with North American counterparts. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural (Valparaiso, Chile), 1991, 64(3), 569-581.; De los Ríos & Soto, 2005DE LOS RÍOS, P. and SOTO, D. Survival of two species of crustacean zooplankton under to two chlorophyll concentrations and protection or exposure to natural ultraviolet radiation. Crustaceana, 2005, 78(2), 163-169. 10.1163/1568540054020613.
, 2006DE LOS RÍOS, P. and SOTO, D. Structure of the zooplanktonic crustaceous chilean lacustre assamblages: role of the trophic status and protection resources. Crustaceana, 2006, 79(1), 23-32. 10.1163/156854006776759716.
; De los Ríos-Escalante, 2010De los Rios-Escalante, P. Crustacean zooplankton communities in Chilean inland waters. Crustaceana Monographs, 2010, 12, 1-109., 2013De los Rios-Escalante, P. Crustacean zooplankton species richness in Chilean lakes and ponds (23°-51 °S). Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 2013, 41(3), 600-605.).

Table 1
Geographical location, maximum depth (Zmax in m), surface (km2), chlorophyll “a” concentration (μg/L), and rotifer and crustacean species number for sites considered in the present study.
Figure 1
Map with sites included in the present study (1: Puyehue; 2: Rupanco; 3: Llanquihue; 4: Todos los Santos; 5: Los Palos; 6: Escondida; 7: Riesco; 8: Sarmiento; 9: Del Toro). Source: Google Earth (2016)GOOGLE EARTH. [online]. 2016 [viewed 25 July 2016]. Available from:,-78.6138143,1945228m/data=!3m1!1e3,...

Data was analyzed in three steps: a first step is determine if the rotifer, crustacean and total zooplankton species was associated with the mentioned parameters, for this purpose, it was previously verified the normality using a Shapiro test, and as this condition was not found, it was applied a Spearman non parametric correlation test using software “R” (R Development Core Team, 2009R DEVELOPMENT CORE TEAM. R: a language and environment for statistical computing. Vienna: R Foundation for Statistical Computing, 2009.).

In the following steps a species absence/ presence matrix was constructed, with the species in rows and the sites in columns (Table 2). As second step consisted, it was applied a UPGMA cluster analysis using Neighbour-joining method for determine potential similarities between sites on the basis of species associations using the R package Phangorn (Schliep, 2011Schliep, K.P. phangorn: phylogenetic analysis in R. Bioinformatics (Oxford, England), 2011, 27(4), 592-593. PMid:21169378.
). Thirdly we calculated a Checkerboard score (“C-score”), which is a quantitative index of occurrence that measures the extent to which species co-occur less frequently than expected by chance (Gotelli, 2000Gotelli, N.J. Null model analysis of species co-occurrence patterns. Ecology, 2000, 81(9), 2606-2621.[2606:NMAOSC]2.0.CO;2.
). A community is structured by competition when the C-score is significantly larger than expected by chance (Gotelli, 2000Gotelli, N.J. Null model analysis of species co-occurrence patterns. Ecology, 2000, 81(9), 2606-2621.[2606:NMAOSC]2.0.CO;2.
; Tondoh, 2006Tondoh, J.E. Seasonal changes in earthworm diversity and community structure in Central Côte d’Ivoire. European Journal of Soil Biology, 2006, 42, s334-s340.
; Gotelli & Entsminger, 2007Gotelli, N.J. and Entsminger, G.L. EcoSim: null models software for ecology: VT 05465 [online]. Victoria: Acquired Intelligence, 2007 [viewed 21 Mar 2016]. Available from:
; Tiho & Josens, 2007Tiho, S. and Josens, G. Co-occurrence of earth worms in urban surroundings: a null model analysis of community structure. European Journal of Soil Biology, 2007, 43(2), 84-90.
; Ehouman et al., 2009Ehouman, N.M., Tiho, S. and Dagnogo, M. Co-occurrence of earthworms in Lam to savanna: a null model analysis of community structure. European Journal of Soil Biology, 2009, 53, 40-47.
). Thirdly we compared co-occurrence patterns with null expectations via simulation. Gotelli & Ellison (2013)Gotelli, N.J. and Ellison, A.M. EcoSimR 1.00. 2013 [viewed 21 Mar 2016]. Available from:
suggested the as statistical null models Fixed-Fixed: in this model the row and column sums of the matrix are preserved. Thus, each random community contains the same number of species as the original community (fixed column), and each species occurs with the same frequency as in the original community (fixed row). The null model analyses were performed using the package EcosimR version 7.0 (Gotelli & Ellison, 2013Gotelli, N.J. and Ellison, A.M. EcoSimR 1.00. 2013 [viewed 21 Mar 2016]. Available from:
; Carvajal-Quintero et al., 2015CARVAJAL-QUINTERO, J.D., ESCOBAR, F., ALVARADO, F., VILLA-NAVARRO, F.A., JARAMILLO-VILLA, U., and MALDONADO-OCAMPO, J.A. Variation in freshwater fish assemblages along a regional elevation gradient in the northern Andes, Colombia. Ecology and Evolution , 2015, 5(13), 2608-2620.

Table 2
Rotifera and crustacean species reported for sites considered in the present study.

Finally, it was applied a correspondence analysis with the presence-absence data with the aim of determine the potential groups of lakes and their respective zooplankton components. This analysis was perfomormed using the R-package CA (Nenadic & Greenacre, 2007Nenadic, O. and Greenacre, M. Correspondence analysis in R, with two- and three-dimensional graphics: the ca package. Journal of Statistical Software, 2007 [viewed 21 Mar 2016], 20(3). Available from:

3 Results

The correlation results revealed the absence of significant associations between studied parameters (Table 3). The results of cluster analysis revealed for total species and Rotifera the presence of three main groups, the first joined by Sarmiento and Del Toro lakes, the second joined by Los Palos, Escondida and Riesco lakes, and the third joined by Llanquihue, Todos los Santos, Rupanco and Puyehue lakes (Figure 2), whereas for crustacean the groups observed were first joined by Sarmiento, Del Toro, Llanquihue and Todos los Santos lakes, the second joined by Los Palos, Escondida and Riesco lakes, and the third group joined by Rupanco and Puyehue lakes (Figure 2).

Table 3
Results of correlation between studied parameters with Rotifera, crustacean and total species number.
Figure 2
UPGMA based on neighbour-joining method for total species (up), rotifer species (center) and crustacean species (down).

The results of co-occurrence null model species revealed the presence of regulator factors for total, crustaceans and rotifer species (Table 4), that is confirmed by respective simulation graphs (Figure 3).

Table 4
Results of null model co-occurrence species for total species number, rotifer and crustacean species for studied sites.
Figure 3
Graphs with simulated and observed species associations based on null model co-occurrence analysis for total species (up), rotifer species (center) and crustacean species (down).

The results CA analysis agree with UPGMA about the presence of three main groups joined the first with Sarmiento and Del Toro lakes, the second joined by Riesco, Los Palos and Escondida lakes, and the third joined by Todos Los Santos, Rupanco, Puyehue and Llanquihue lakes (Table 5, Figure 4).

Table 5
Results of correspondence analysis for presence-absence species matrix.
Figure 4
Results of correspondence analysis for sites in the presence-absence species matrix.

4 Discussion

The results revealed that the zooplankton species associations are not random, this mean the existence of regulator factors, this is supported first by marked significantly of co-occurrence species null models, that would avoid the presence of type I and type II errors (Gotelli, 2000Gotelli, N.J. Null model analysis of species co-occurrence patterns. Ecology, 2000, 81(9), 2606-2621.[2606:NMAOSC]2.0.CO;2.
; Veech, 2012Veech, J.A. Significance testing in ecological null models. Theoretical Ecology, 2012, 5(4), 611-616.
). Although the correlation analysis does not denote significant associations, the literature mentioned an inverse relation between species richness latitude, and a direct association between species richness and chlorophyll a (De los Ríos-Escalante, 2010De los Rios-Escalante, P. Crustacean zooplankton communities in Chilean inland waters. Crustaceana Monographs, 2010, 12, 1-109., 2013De los Rios-Escalante, P. Crustacean zooplankton species richness in Chilean lakes and ponds (23°-51 °S). Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 2013, 41(3), 600-605.). This is because, there is an inverse association between chlorophyll and latitude in large and deep lakes due mixing depth increasing, that generate an strong physical stressor for phytoplankton activity (Soto, 2002Soto, D. Oligotrophic patterns in southern Chile lakes: the relevance of nutrients and mixing depth. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural (Valparaiso, Chile), 2002, 75(2), 377-393.
; De los Ríos-Escalante, 2010De los Rios-Escalante, P. Crustacean zooplankton communities in Chilean inland waters. Crustaceana Monographs, 2010, 12, 1-109.).

The role of rotifers and crustacean zooplankton is important because they are main grazers in Patagonian lakes (Woelfl, 2007Woelfl, S. The distribution of large mixotrophic ciliates (Stentor) in deep North Patagonian lakes (Chile): first results. Limnologica- Ecology and Management of Inland Waters, 2007, 37(1), 28-36.; Woelfl et al., 2010Woelfl, S., Garcia, P. and Duarte, C. Chlorella-bearing ciliates (Stentor, Ophrydium) dominate in an oligotrophic, Deep, North Patagonian lake (Lake Caburgua, Chile). Limnologica- Ecology and Management of Inland Waters, 2010, 40(2), 134-139.; Montecino et al., 2011Montecino, V., Oyanedel, J.P., Vila, I. and Zuñiga, L. Limnetic zooplankton of Chilean lakes and reservoirs: a tribute to Bernard Dussart. In D. DEFAYE, E. SUÁREZ-MORALES and J.C. VON VAUPEL KLEIN, eds). Studies on freshwater copepod: a volume in honour of Bernard Dussart. Leiden: Brill, 2011, pp. 367-382. Crustaceana Monographs, no. 16.; Modenutti, 2014Modenutti, B.E. Mixotrophy in Argentina freshwaters. Advances in Limnology, 2014, 65, 359-374.
). In this scenario, the literature described a direct relation between chlorophyll concentration and crustacean species richness for Patagonian lakes (De los Ríos-Escalante, 2010De los Rios-Escalante, P. Crustacean zooplankton communities in Chilean inland waters. Crustaceana Monographs, 2010, 12, 1-109., 2013De los Rios-Escalante, P. Crustacean zooplankton species richness in Chilean lakes and ponds (23°-51 °S). Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 2013, 41(3), 600-605.), but the chlorophyll concentration is inversely related with latitude for these lakes (Soto, 2002Soto, D. Oligotrophic patterns in southern Chile lakes: the relevance of nutrients and mixing depth. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural (Valparaiso, Chile), 2002, 75(2), 377-393.
, De los Ríos-Escalante, 2010De los Rios-Escalante, P. Crustacean zooplankton communities in Chilean inland waters. Crustaceana Monographs, 2010, 12, 1-109.). It was not found significant associations between crustacean zooplankton species richness with surface and depth (Soto & Zúñiga, 1991Soto, D. and Zuñiga, L.R. Zooplankton assemblages of Chilean temperate lakes: a comparison with North American counterparts. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural (Valparaiso, Chile), 1991, 64(3), 569-581.; De los Ríos-Escalante, 2010De los Rios-Escalante, P. Crustacean zooplankton communities in Chilean inland waters. Crustaceana Monographs, 2010, 12, 1-109., 2013De los Rios-Escalante, P. Crustacean zooplankton species richness in Chilean lakes and ponds (23°-51 °S). Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 2013, 41(3), 600-605.). These results would agree partially with observations for northern hemisphere lakes where it was found the direct association between crustaceans species number with chlorophyll concentration, nevertheless in northern hemisphere lakes it was found a direct association between crustacean species number with surface (Dodson, 1992Dodson, S.I. Predicting crustacean zooplankton species richness. Limnology and Oceanography, 1992, 37(4), 848-856.
; Karatayev et al., 2008Karatayev, A.Y., Burlakova, L.E. and Dodson, S.I. Community analysis of Belarusian lakes: correlations of species diversity with hydrochemistry. Hydrobiologia, 2008, 605(1), 99-112.
; Dodson et al., 2009Dodson, S.I., Newman, A.M., Will-Wolf, S., Alexander, M.L., Woodford, M.P. and Van Egeren, S. The relationship between zooplankton community structure and lake characteristics in temperate lakes (Northern Wisconsin, USA). Journal of Plankton Research, 2009, 31(1), 93-100.
; Van Egeren et al., 2011Van Egeren, S.J., Dodson, S.I., Torke, B. and Maxted, J.M. The relative significance of environmental and anthropogenic factors affecting zooplankton community structure in Souththeast Wisconsin Till Plain lakes. Hydrobiologia, 2011, 668(1), 137-146.

In the present study, the lacks of coincidences between correlation test with null models would support the literature descriptions about null models because these are statistically robust (Tondoh, 2006Tondoh, J.E. Seasonal changes in earthworm diversity and community structure in Central Côte d’Ivoire. European Journal of Soil Biology, 2006, 42, s334-s340.
; Tiho & Josens, 2007Tiho, S. and Josens, G. Co-occurrence of earth worms in urban surroundings: a null model analysis of community structure. European Journal of Soil Biology, 2007, 43(2), 84-90.
; Gotelli & Ulrich, 2012Gotelli, N.J. and Ulrich, W. Statistical challenges in null model analysis. Oikos, 2012, 121(2), 171-180.
). The present study would suggest compare null model analysis with traditional statistical null hypothesis for improve the data analysis.


The present study was founded by projects Tides Grant Foundation TRF13-03011 MECESUP UCT 0804 and the Research Direction of the Catholic University of Temuco and M.I for her valuable comments for improve the manuscript.

  • Cite as: De los Rios-Escalante, P. Null models for study Rotifers and Crustaceans Zooplankton species richness in Chilean Patagonian lakes. Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia, 2016, vol. 28, e11.


  • Campos, H., Soto, D., Steffen, W., Agüero, G., Parra, O. and Zúñiga, L. Limnological studies in lake del Toro, Chilean Patagonia. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 1994a, 99(1/2), 199-215.
  • Campos, H., Soto, D., Steffen, W., Agüero, G., Parra, O. and Zúñiga, L. Limnological studies in lake Sarmiento, a subsaline lake from Chilean Patagonia. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 1994b, 99(1/2), 217-234.
  • Campos, H., Steffen, W., Agüero, G., Parra, O. and Zúñiga, L. Limnological study of lake Llanquihue (Chile): morphometry, physics, chemistry and primary productivity. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 1988, 81(1), 37-67.
  • Campos, H., Steffen, W., Agüero, G., Parra, O. and Zúñiga, L. Estudios limnológicos en el lago Puyehue (Chile): morfometría, factores físicos y químicos, plancton y productividad primaria. Medio Ambiente, 1989, 10, 36-53.
  • Campos, H., Steffen, W., Agüero, G., Parra, O. and Zúñiga, L. Limnological study of lake Todos los Santos (Chile): morphometry, physics, chemistry and primary productivity. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 1990, 117(4), 453-484.
  • Campos, H., Steffen, W., Agüero, G., Parra, O. and Zúñiga, L. Limnological studies of lake Rupanco (Chile): Morphometry, physics, chemistry and primary productivity. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 1992, 90, 85-113.
  • CARVAJAL-QUINTERO, J.D., ESCOBAR, F., ALVARADO, F., VILLA-NAVARRO, F.A., JARAMILLO-VILLA, U., and MALDONADO-OCAMPO, J.A. Variation in freshwater fish assemblages along a regional elevation gradient in the northern Andes, Colombia. Ecology and Evolution , 2015, 5(13), 2608-2620.
  • De los Rios, P. A null model for explain crustacean zooplankton species associations in central and southern Patagonian inland waters. Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia, 2008, 36(1), 25-33.
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection


  • Received
    21 Mar 2016
  • Accepted
    16 Aug 2016
Associação Brasileira de Limnologia Av. 24 A, 1515, CEP: 13506-900 , Tel.:+55 (19) 3526-4225 - Rio Claro - SP - Brazil