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50 years of the Colorectal Society of RS (AGCP)

50 anos da Associação Gaúcha de Coloproctologia (AGCP)

On March 16, 1967, Professor Walter Ghezzi, teacher and a born leader, founder of the disciplines of Proctology of the Medicine School of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, of Fundação Faculdade Católica de Medicina do Rio Grande do Sul, and of Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, and former Chairman of the Rio Grande do Sul Medical Association (AMRIGS), Latin American Association of Coloproctology, and Brazilian Society of Coloproctology, brought together a group of colleagues, most of whom were his former pupils, in a room at the Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Porto Alegre, to lay the foundations of the Department of Proctology at AMRIGS.

The participants of this meeting were Dr. Walter Ghezzi, Secretary, Dr. Jorge Mario Barbeux, and other members: Dr. Eric Ernesto P. Fillmann, Dr. Nilo Luiz Cerato, Dr. Valério Celso Garcia, Dr. Francisco Dalinha, and Dr. Virgílio Noll. Following the founding of the Department and its acceptance by AMRIGS, which required a minimum of 7 participants, the Department began its functioning initially with weekly, and, after some time, monthly, meetings. The matters dealt with were administrative and scientific ones, being duly recorded in the minutes.

After a few years as Chairman, Professor Walter Ghezzi, who established the consistency necessary for the Department to take office, other Chairpersons were elected, with annual successions to the present day.

During his management term, Dr. Henrique Ghezzi suggested that the Department became independent, and its name was changed in accordance with the original description of the minute registered in the First Special Registry Office of Deeds and Documents from Legal Entities of Porto Alegre, the text of which follows: “On the twenty-first day of the month of May of 1991, the 3rd. monthly meeting of the Department of Coloproctology at AMRIGS was an Extraordinary General Meeting. After an exhaustive discussion of the subject, we opted for the creation of the “SOCIETY OF COLOPROCTOLOGY OF RIO GRANDE DO SUL”. The Society was created as a transformation of the Department of Proctology of the Medical Association of Rio Grande do Sul.

After that, the Statutes for the new Society were read, discussed and approved. It was decided that at the next meeting, that is, the second meeting of the SOCIETY OF COLOPROCTOLOGY OF RIO GRANDE DO SUL, the approval of the draft Statute would occur. This draft would be printed and distributed to all members and then voted on at a future meeting.

In this Assembly, 19 full members were present, who were considered as founders of the Society of Coloproctology of Rio Grande do Sul. These founders are listed below:

  • Dr. Afonso Calil Mury Mallman,

  • Dr. Alexandre Paulo Machado Britto,

  • Dr. Amaury Gilson Zimmermann,

  • Dr. Érico Ernesto Pretzel Fillmann,

  • Dr. Farjala Catan,

  • Dr. Fernando Antonio Rodrigues Correa,

  • Dr. Flavio Ferreira Diniz,

  • Dr. Henrique Ghezzi,

  • Dr. Ignacio Osório Mallman,

  • Dr. João Altamayer Gonçalves,

  • Dr. José Vinicius Cruz,

  • Dr. Karen Delacoste Pires Mallman,

  • Dr. Mario Antonello Rosito,

  • Dr. Nilo Luiz Cerato,

  • Dr. Paulo Wanderley Klein,

  • Dr. Plácido José Scussel,

  • Dr. Sérgio Albuquerque Frederes,

  • Dr. Tito Armando Rossi,

  • Dr. Walter Ghezzi.

With nothing more to report, the minutes of the Department of Coloproctology of the Medical Association of Rio Grande do Sul were drafted.

Dr. Henrique Ghezzi, Chairman, Dr. Flavio F. Diniz, Executive Secretary, and Dr. João A. Gonçalves, Scientific Secretary, signed the minute.

Subsequently, during the management term of other colleagues, and according to the guidance of the Brazilian Society, the name of the Entity was changed to Coloproctology Society of Rio Grande do Sul and, subsequently, to the Gaucho Association of Coloproctology (AGCP), which is its current denomination.

Listed below are all Chairpersons of the Gaucho Society of Coloproctology, from the oldest to the most recent ones, and not necessarily in this order: Adriano Staubus, Afonso Mallman, Heloisa Müsnich, Afonso Mallman, Daniel Azambuja, Daniel Damin, Érico Ernesto P. Fillmann, Flavio Diniz, Francesca Perondi, Gilmara Pandolfo, João Francisco X. Müsnich, Jorge Mario Barbieux, José Barbieux, José Vinicius Cruz, Ignacio Mallman, Karen Mallman, Marlise Cerato, Nilo Luiz Cerato, Pedro Guz, Carlos Brenner, Roberto Amaral, Ruy Takashwi, Rosangela de Oliveira Mello, Valério Celso Garcia, Vitor Binda, and Henrique Fillmann.

The scientific subjects discussed dealt with anorectal and colonic pathologies, being presented by coloproctologists.

In addition to the participation of Porto Alegre colleagues, the meetings were progressively enriched by colleagues from the interior of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, who traveled exclusively to participate. To repay this effort, some Association meetings were held in inland cities.

Meetings were held in Pelotas under the chairmanship of Salvador Ferreira; in Passo Fundo under the chairmanship of Carlos Madalosso; in Santa Maria under the chairmanship of Fernando Correa; in Canela under the chairmanship of José Luiz Barbieux (POA); in Caxias do Sul under the chairmanship of Nilo Luiz Cerato (POA), with the assistance of Farjala Catan and Tito Armando Rossi; and in Livramento under the chairmanship of Doralício Lopes.

The meeting of Caxias do Sul was held in 3 days: August 23-25, 1974, with three particular emphases:

Firstly, the institution and delivery of the Walter Ghezzi award for the best scientific work, at the suggestion of our colleague Ignacio Mallman. The award was given to Dr. Cleber Santos, from Bajé, with his study on polyps and intestinal polyposis.

Secondly, a Colonoscopy presentation by our colleague Giovanni Benvenutti, who spent a year abroad for specialization in this area.

Thirdly, the institution of the first Gaucho Day of Coloproctology, which nowadays fulfills its mission and is already in its 34th Edition.

From that point on, a new phase of the Gaucho Association of Coloproctology emerges. Its main feature was the campaign to prevent colorectal cancer, with support from the Brazilian Society of Coloproctology (SBCP) and the Brazilian Association for the Prevention of Bowel Cancer (ABRAPRECI). During two consecutive years (2014 and 2015), a giant model of an intestine was presented, which was seen by thousands of people in the city of Porto Alegre, under the chairmanship of Dr. Marlise Mello Cerato. In São Paulo, this campaign was instituted by one of our national and international references, Professor Angelita Habr Gama, founder of ABRAPRECI. We would like to pay a tribute to this professional, who is acknowledged as one of the greatest references in the treatment of rectal cancer, and that, together with Dr. Daher Cutait, are the most distinguished Brazilian colleagues in our specialty.

The giant model of the large intestine demonstrating the most frequent pathologies was exposed in two large malls in Porto Alegre; in 2016 the campaign - leaner but more effective - continued.

Due to this truly important work, Dr. Marlise Cerato, representing the AGCP, received a commemorative plaque from the City Hall of Porto Alegre and instituted the week of prevention of colorectal cancer, which became an official event thanks to the approval of Councilman Idenir Cecchin's bill. Dr. Marlise Cerato, still representing AGCP, was awarded with the official medal in the 53rd Legislative period in the Legislative Assembly of Porto Alegre, granted by Deputy Pedro Westphalen and also accepted by the President and other State Deputies, as a tribute to people who carry out work of great relevance in the State of Rio Grande do Sul.

In the management term of Dr. Marlise, it was also defined that the first meeting of the current year will be a scientific event, with a dinner for the reception of new residents in Coloproctology and their presentation to the other members of the Gaucho Association of Coloproctology (AGCP). It is important to remember that, in Rio Grande do Sul, we have five official services of residence in Coloproctology, which are linked to MEC and SBCP: the Services of PUC, Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceição, Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Porto Alegre, Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA), and Hospital Ernesto Dornelles (HED), all based in Porto Alegre. These services have already formed a large number of residents.

Throughout all these years, numerous congresses, special days, forums, meetings and other events have been held, with the honorable presence of many SBCP colleagues and professionals from abroad. Among these, we were honored to receive Dr. Michael Keighley, Dr. Angelia Gama, Dr. Fabio Campos, Dr. Maria Cristina Sartor, Dr. Miguel Pedroso, Dr. Mauro Pinho, Dr. Armando Melani, Dr. Raul Cutait, Dr. Renato Lupinatti, Dr. Renato Pinho, Dr. Renato Bonardi, Dr. Rodrigo Perez, Dr. Sergio Araújo, and many other colleagues, all of them with excellent scientific standards and who spare no pains to honor us.

Next, we praise former Chairpersons of the Gaucho Association of Coloproctology who also were Presidents of the Brazilian Society of Coloproctology: Professor Walter Ghezzi, Salvador Ferreira, Carlos Brenner, Pedro Guz, Érico Fillmann, Afonso Mallman, and Karen Mallman (2008). Henrique Sarubi Fillmann will be our next Chairman (2018). In general terms, this was the trajectory of the Gaucho Association of Coloproctology that, along its existence, sadly suffered the loss of dear colleagues. With great longing, we wish to pay a posthumous tribute to these great professionals:

  • Dr. Antero Schering, from Santa Maria,

  • Dr. Arita Brodbech, from Porto Alegre,

  • Dr. Carlos Brenner, from Porto Alegre,

  • Dr. Cleber Santos, from Bajé,

  • Dr. Ebehrardt Ghering, from Novo Hamburgo,

  • Dr. Edson José Baron, from Caxias do Sul,

  • Dr. Farjala Catan, from Caxias do Sul,

  • Dr. Raul Krokenberg, from Caxias do Sul,

  • Dr. Roberto Amaral, from Porto Alegre,

  • Dr. Salvador Ferreira, from Pelotas,

  • Dr. Walter Ghezzi, from Porto Alegre.

May 14, 2017

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Jul-Sep 2017
Sociedade Brasileira de Coloproctologia Av. Marechal Câmara, 160/916, 20020-080 Rio de Janeiro/RJ Brasil, Tel.: (55 21) 2240-8927, Fax: (55 21) 2220-5803 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil