Efeito de três níveis de adubação NPK em quatro variedades de mandioca
Effect of three levels of NPK fertilization on four cassava varieties
José Osmar Lorenzi*; Domingos Antonio Monteiro; Araken S. Pereira
Seção de Raízes e Tubérculos, Instituto Agronômico, IAC
Three field trials were carried out in soils of low fertility to investigate the behavior of four cassava varieties when submitted to different levels of fertilization.
The fertilization formulas utilized were 0-0-0, 20-40-30 and 40-80-60 in kg/ha of N, P205 and K2O.
Pertaining to root yields, the results showed significative differences between the studied varieties and a positive linear effect of fertilization.
The variation in the roots dry matter content showed that, in one of the trials, its increase was due to the effect of the fertilization and, in the others, the differences were due to the variety effect. In both cases, roots yields and dry matter, there was no interaction between variety and fertilization.
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Recebida para publicação a 25 de março de 1980.
Datas de Publicação
Publicação nesta coleção
21 Dez 2007 -
Data do Fascículo