Analisada a estrutura anatômica da raíz e folha-axial de espécimes jovens e adultos; da pina, fruto, semente e raque secundário da inflorescência. Detectadas ainda substâncias de reservas, notadamente cristais inulínicos, hemicelulose e lipídios; e corpos silicosos.
This paper is a contribution to the study of the anatomy of Euterpe oleracea Mart., commonly known as "Açai". Among the principal results of this investigation I point out the following: presence of cuticle; mucilaginous schizogenous canals, and aerenchyma in the root; palisade parenchyma with 1-2 layers; lacunose parenchyma absent in the mesophyll of the pinna; silica-bodies present in the epidermal cells of the pinna; cell walls of the epidermal cells sinuous; stomata not in distinct rows; terminal subsidiary cells not differentiated from other epidermal cells; endocarp rich in silica-bodies, and poor in oil and protein; young endosperm rich in protein and inulin crystals, mature endosperm rich in oils.
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Dez 1975