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Influence of Moringa Oleifera Leaf Meal Used as Phytogenic Feed Additive on the Serum Metabolites and Egg Bioactive Compounds in Commercial Layers


Phytogenic feed additives have been increasingly used in the last decade, and several plants and their metabolites have been investigated for the said purpose. In this context, present study aimed at evaluating the effects of Moringa oleifera as feed additive on layer performance, and egg bioactive compound levels and nutrient profile. HyLine W36 layers (n=200), 50 weeks of age, were randomly distributed in four treatments with five replicates of ten birds each. Four isocaloric (2725 kcal/kg) and isonitrogenous (CP 16%) diets were formulated and supplemented with 0, 0.5, 1.0, or 1.5% (w/w) of dried Moringa oleifera leaf powder (MLM). The results showed positive effects of MLM on egg production, egg mass, and feed conversion ratio, but negative effects on egg quality (p≤0.05). The contents of bioactive compounds, like β-carotene, quercetin, and selenium, in the diet and in the egg yolk were significantly (p≤0.05) higher in the group fed1.5% MLM, with values of 8.90, 48.88, and 0.54 mg/kg feed and 4906, 241 and 56.82 µg/100g yolk, respectively. Creatinine and glucose serum levels and cholesterol levels (serum and eggs) linearly increased as a function of increasing MLM dietary levels (p≤0.05). Antibody titers against Newcastle Disease significantly improved (p≤0.05) in the group fed the diet supplemented with 1.5% MLM. It was concluded that Moringa oleifera used as phytogenic feed additive enriches eggs with bioactive and functional compounds, and improves the production performance and the health status of layers.

β-carotene; Moringa leaf; quercetin; production performance; serum biochemistry


Additives are included in feeds to enhance animal performance and productivity, and for the prevention of different infections (Teteh et al., 2013Teteh A, Lawson E, Tona K, Decuypere E, Gbeassor M. Moringa oleifera leave:hydro-alcoholic extract and effects on growth performance of broilers. International Journal of Poultry Science 2013;12:401-405.; Gould, 2008Gould IM. Antibiotic policies to control hospital-acquired infection. Journal of Antimicrochemistry 2008;61:763-765.). Antibiotic growth promoters (AGP) have been used by the feed industry for decades, but have allegedly caused antibiotic resistance both in animals and humans beings, becoming a public health hazard (WHO, 2008). This was the basis for the ban on all types of AGPs in animal feeds in Europe and developed countries (Cogliani et al., 2011Cogliani C, Goossens H, Greko C. Restricting antimicrobials in food animals. Lessons from Europe Microbiology 2011;6:274-279.), motivating the search for alternative growth promoters, such as phytogenic feed additives (Windisch et al., 2008Windisch W, Schedle K, Plitzner C, Kroismayr A. Use of phytogenic products as feed additives for swine and poultry. Journal of Animal Science 2008;86:140-148.).

Phytogenic feed additives are plant-derived products that can modify the metabolism of healthy animals, ultimately affecting their growth and productivity. These additives also increase the levels of antioxidant and bioactive compounds in animal products (Windisch et al., 2008Windisch W, Schedle K, Plitzner C, Kroismayr A. Use of phytogenic products as feed additives for swine and poultry. Journal of Animal Science 2008;86:140-148.). Bioactive secondary metabolites of plants, such as carotenoids, phenolic compounds, polyphenols, flavones, flavonoids, alkaloids, polypeptides, and essential oils have been shown to have anti-bacterial, antifungal, anti-aging, antioxidant, and functional properties (Cowan, 1999Cowan MM. Plant products as antimicrobial agents. Clinical Microbiology Review 1999;12:564-582.). In particular, it has been demonstrated that essential oils like cinnamaldehyde, eugenol, thymol, and carvacrol have antibacterial action against multiple pathogenic bacteria (Hernandez et al., 2004Hernandez F, Madrid J, Garcia V, Orengo J, Megias MD. Influence of two plant extracts on broilers performance, digestibility, and digestive organ size. Poultry Science 2004;83:169-174.; Tabak et al., 1999Tabak M, Armon R, Neeman I. Cinnamon extracts' inhibitory effect on Helicobacter pylori. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 1999;67:269-277.). Such agents have been used for decades for the treatment and prophylaxis of different diseases in humans and animals (Wallace et al., 2010Wallace RJ, Oleszek W, Franz C, Hahn I, Baser KHC, Mathe A, et al. Dietary plant bioactives for poultry health and productivity. British Poultry Science 2010;51:461-487.).

Moringa oleifera is rich in bioactive compounds, and may be a potential candidate as phytogenic feed additive (Joshi and Mehta, 2010Joshi P, Mehta D. Effect of dehydration on the nutritive value of drumstick leaves. Journal of MetabolismSystems Biology 2010;1:5-9.). The synergistic combination of these compounds may positively and significantly influence the performance and productivity of livestock (Mbikay, 2012Mbikay M. Therapeutic potential of Moringa oleifera leaves in chronic hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia:a review. Frontier in Pharmacology 2012;3:1-12.; Wallace et al., 2010Wallace RJ, Oleszek W, Franz C, Hahn I, Baser KHC, Mathe A, et al. Dietary plant bioactives for poultry health and productivity. British Poultry Science 2010;51:461-487.; Anwar et al., 2007Anwar F, Latif S, Ashraf M, Gilani AH. Moringa oleifera; a food plant with multiple medicinal uses. Phytotherapy Research 2007;21:17-25.). Moringa leaves contain vitamins, flavonoids, and carotenoids, which not only serve as essential nutrients, but also enrich poultry meat and eggs, and intensify the pigmentation of the shanks and egg yolk (Melesse et al., 2011Melesse A, Tiruneh W, Negesse T. Effects of feeding Moringa stenopetala on nutrient intake and growth performance of Rhode Island Red Chicken under tropical climate. Tropical and Subtropical Agroeconomics 2011;14:485- 492.; Fasuyi et al., 2005Fasuyi AO, Fajemilehin KS, Aro SO. Nutritional potentials of Siam weed (Chromolaena odorata) leaf meal (SWLM) on laying hens: biochemical and haematological implications. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 2005;4(5):336-341.). Considering the contents of bioactive compounds and essential nutrientsin Moringa oleifera leaves, they can be used both as a feed ingredient and asphytogenic feed additive to promote layer performance and to enrich the egg yolk with carotenoids, flavonoids, and selenium (Melesse et al., 2011; Fasuyi et al., 2005). These enriched eggs can be marketed as designer eggs or functional foods. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to analyze the effect of different levels of dried Moringa oleifera leaves powder on the production, immune response, and chemical composition of the egg yolk of commercial layers.


Moringa leaf meal processing, birds, and experimental diets

Mature leaves of Moringa oleifera plants were collected, dried under a shade up to a moisture level of ≤ 12%, ground, and stored in polythene bags in a cool and dry place until further analysis and feed formulation (Banjo, 2012Banjo OS. Growth and Performance as affected by inclusion of Moringa oleifera leaf meal in Broiler chicks diet. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare 2012;2:2224-3208.). The leaf meal was submitted to chemical analysis (macro and micro nutrients, bioactive compounds, and trace minerals) (Table 1).

Table 1
Chemical composition of Moringa oleifera leaf meal

Two hundred 50-week-old commercial layers having 66-65% egg production, were reared in battery cages on experimental farm of Faculty of Animal Production and Technology, University of Veterinary and Animal Science, Ravi Campus Pattoki, Punjab, Pakistan. Birds were randomly distributed into four treatments with five replicates (cage) of 10 birds each. The treatments consisted of diets supplemented with0, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5% (w/w) of Moringa oleifera leaf meal (MLM) for a period of six weeks.

The four experimental diets (MLM-0%, MLM-0.5%, MLM-1.0%, and MLM-1.5%) were formulated to contain equal crude protein (16%) and of metabolizable energy (2725 kcal/kg) levels (Table 2). MLM was added on top of the basal feed over and above.

Table 2
Ingredients and chemical composition of the experimental diets


Feed intake and egg production

A feed allowance of 100 g/bird was daily supplied, and feed residues were daily recorded to determine weekly feed intake. Mortality was recorded on a daily basis. Feed conversion ratio and feed efficiency per dozen as well as per egg mass basis was calculated on a weekly basis.

Figure 1
Weekly feed intake of commercial layers fed different levels of Moringa oleifera leaf meal

Egg production was daily recorded, and egg mass, and egg weight were calculated on weekly basis. Egg quality traits were measured at the beginning of the experiment and every two weeks until the end of the experimental period in three eggs randomly collected per replicate, which was considered the experimental unit.

Figure 2
Weekly egg weight of commercial layers fed different levels of Moringa oleifera leaf meal

Serum biochemical parameters and antibody titers

Blood samples were collected using sterile syringes containing anticoagulant from the three birds per replicate by wing web method on days 28 and 42 of the experiment. The blood samples were centrifuged, and the separated serum was stored until further analyses. Serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT), alanine transaminase (ALT), and creatinine activities, and cholesterol level were measured using specific protocols of a commercial kit (Merck Microlab-300 in WTO Laboratory, UVAS, Lahore, Pakistan). Serum samples were also analyzed for antibody titers against Newcastle disease by hemagglutination (HA) and hemagglutinin-inhibition (HI) technique (Daniel & Seal, 1998Daniel JK, Seal BS. Biological and molecular characterization of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) field isolates with comparisons to reference NDV strains A. Avian Diseases 1998;42:507-516.).

Figure 3
Weekly egg mass of commercial layers fed different levels of Moringa oleifera leaf meal

Egg chemical composition

The chemical analysis of the egg yolk was performed to estimate moisture, crude protein, ash, ether extract, and fiber contents according to standard methods (AOAC, 2005). Egg yolks were submitted to wet digestion, as described by AOAC (2005) to determine Na, K, Ca, Mg, and Se contents.

Figure 4
Weekly egg production % of commercial layers fed different levels of Moringa oleifera leaf meal

Egg yolk β-carotene content

Egg yolk β-carotene content was determined by HPLC according to the method described by Saini et al. (2014Saini RK, Shetty NP, Prakash M, Giridhar P. Effect of dehydration methods on retention of carotenoids, tocopherols, ascorbic acid and antioxidant activity in Moringa oleifera and preparation of a RTE product. Journal of Food Science and Technology 2014;51:2176-2182.) and Farida et al. (2008Farida A, Barkat AK, Nadia N, Tariq M, Sulaiman F. Effect of boiling and storage on Beta-carotene content of different vegetables. Pakistan Journal of Life Social Science 2008;6:63-67.). Briefly, 1 g egg yolk was mixed with methanol (8mL) and 2 mL of 1N HCL. The sample was then vortexed for 5 min and the procedure was repeated thrice. The mixture was then centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 15 min, and the supernatant was removed and placed on water bath for drying. The residue was dissolved in 1 mL of the mobile phase solution (acetonitrile:dichloromethane:methanol, 70:20:10, v/ v/v). The samples were filtered (Whatman, No. 40,0.1.0 µm filter), eluted through a column (C18, 5 µm, 250 mm × 4.6 mm) at a flow rate 1.0 mL/min, and detected at 450 nm using diode array detector (DAD). Beta carotene contents were determined from a calibration curve of a range of standard solutions.

Egg yolk quercetin content

Yolk quercetin content was determined according to the method of Tokusoglu et al. (2003Tokusoglu O, Unal MK, Yildirim Z. HPLC-UV and GC-MS characterization of the flavonol aglycons Quercetin, Kaempferol, and Myricetin in tomato pastes and other tomato-based products. Acta Chromatography 2003;3:196-207.), with a slight modification. Briefly, 1 g egg yolk was taken and mixed with acidified methanol. The temperature of the sample was lowered, and the extract was centrifuged at 1500g and 5000rpm. The supernatant was removed and sonicated, and finally placed in HPLC vials. A sample volume of 20µL was injected, and elution was carried out through aC18 column (250 × 4.6 mm; 5 µm particle size). The mobile-phase solution consisted of two solvents in equal proportion; A (3% tri-fluoro acetic acid) and B (80:20 v/v of acetonitrile and methanol). The flow rate was kept at 1.0 mL/min.

Egg yolk cholesterol content

Egg yolk cholesterol content was determined according to the method described by the AOAC (2005). Briefly, a solution of acetone and egg yolk (1: 1 ratio) was vigorously shaken for 2 min, centrifuged thrice, and the supernatant were evaporated. Cholesterol was de-esterified using cholesterol esterase. For this purpose, the acetone fraction was dissolved in a few mL (known value) of isopropanol. Then, 1 mL of the sample was placed in another test tube, 5mL of isopropanol was added, and the solution was vortexed. The sample was then mixed with cholesterol reagent, and its absorbance was measured at 500 nm after 10 min. Cholesterol was quantified using a calibration curve.

Statistical analysis

Data were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance (PROC GLM in SAS software, SAS Inc. 9.4), and means were compared by Duncan’s Multiple Range test. P-values lower than 0.05 were considered significantly different.


Live performance

Dietary MLM levels positively (p≤0.05) the perfor-mance of commercial layers. Egg mass and production percentage linearly increased as dietary MLM supplementation levels increased (Table 3). Statistically, egg mass and egg production were not different the hens fed the MLM-supplemented diets, but tended to increase as MLM levels increased. Feed conversion ratio per kg egg mass and per dozen eggs linearly decreased as dietary MLM levels increased (Table 3). The best FCR values, both per dozen and per egg mass, were obtained with the 1.5% MLM diet (Fig. 5&6). Total feed intake, egg weight, and livability were not affected by the treatments (Table 3).

Table 3
Production performance and egg characteristics of commercial layers fed on different levels of Moringa oleifera leaf meal for 6 weeks (55-61 weeks)

The slight increasing egg mass and egg production trends may be attributed to extra amino acids, such lysine and methionine, supplied by MLM (Fakhraei et al., 2010Fakhraei J, Loutfollahian H, Shivazad M, Chamani M, Hoseini S. Re-evaluation of Lysine requirement based on performance responses in Broiler breeder hens. African Journal of Agriculture Research 2010;5:2137-2142.). As previously reported, egg production improved when the diet was supplemented with additional 0.50 to 0.64% lysine (Alebachew et al., 2016Alebachew W, Tesfaye E, Tamir B. Effects of feeding different dietary levels of Moringa oleifera leaf meal on egg production, fertility and hatchability of dual purpose Koekoek hens. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 2016;24:2909-2920.). Due to its bioactive compounds, including antioxidants, phytoestrogens and essential amino acids, MLM positively influences egg mass, FCR and egg production (Liu et al., 2014Liu HN, Liu Y, Hu LL, Suo YL, Zhang L, Jin F, et al. Effects of dietary supplementation of Quercetin on performance, egg quality, cecal microflora populations, and antioxidant status in laying hen. Poultry Science 2014;93:347-353.; Mohammed et al., 2012Mohammed KAF, Sarmiento-Franco L, Santos-Recalde R, Solorio-Sanchez JF. The nutritional effect of Moringa oleifera fresh leaves on Rhode Island Red hen egg production and quality. Tropical Animal Health Production 2012;44:1035-1040.). On the other hand, studies reported that MLM supplementation did not affect egg production or quality (El-Sheikh et al., 2015El-Sheikh NI, El-Shazly ES, Abbas EA, Ghada IA, El-Gobary. Effect of Moringa leaves on lipid content of table eggs in layer hens. Egyptian Journal of Chemical Environmental Health 2015;1:291-302.; Abou-Elezz et al., 2011Abou-Elezz FMK, Sarmiento-Franco L, Santos-Ricalde R, Solorio-Sanchez F. Nutritional effects of dietary inclusion of Leucaena leucocephala and Moringa oleifera leaf meal on Rhode Island Red hens' performance. Cuban Journal of Agriculture Science 2011;45:163-169.), which may be attributed to the poor digestibility of higher MLM dietary levels due presence of fiber and some anti-nutritional factors.

Figure 5
Weekly FCR/dozen eggs of commercial layers fed different levels of Moringa oleifera leaf meal

Figure 6
Weekly FCR/kg egg mass of commercial layers fed different levels of Moringa oleifera leaf meal

Egg quality

The results of the present study showed that egg yolk index, Haugh unit and eggshell thickness linearly decreased as MLM levels increased, with the lowest values recorded in the egg of hens fed the highest MLM level (Table 3). Egg shape index showed a quadratic response, and was the highest in the 1.5% MLM-supplemented group (Table 3). During the experimental period, egg surface area and volume remained unchanged (Table 3).

Limitations in the use of plant-based feed additives or ingredients are due to anti-nutritional factors, as in Moringa oleifera there is high content of fiber, saponins, phytoestrogens and many other compounds (Makkar & Becker, 1997Makkar HPS, Becker K. Nutrients and antiquality factors in different morphological parts of Moringa oleifera tree. Journal of Agricultural Science 1997;128:311-322.). When the dose rate is increased these compounds hinder normal metabolism and affect the production, shell thickness and overall egg (El-Sheikh et al., 2015El-Sheikh NI, El-Shazly ES, Abbas EA, Ghada IA, El-Gobary. Effect of Moringa leaves on lipid content of table eggs in layer hens. Egyptian Journal of Chemical Environmental Health 2015;1:291-302.; Abou-Elezz et al., 2011Abou-Elezz FMK, Sarmiento-Franco L, Santos-Ricalde R, Solorio-Sanchez F. Nutritional effects of dietary inclusion of Leucaena leucocephala and Moringa oleifera leaf meal on Rhode Island Red hens' performance. Cuban Journal of Agriculture Science 2011;45:163-169.). Some other studies report that antioxidants positively affect egg production (Liu et al., 2014Liu HN, Liu Y, Hu LL, Suo YL, Zhang L, Jin F, et al. Effects of dietary supplementation of Quercetin on performance, egg quality, cecal microflora populations, and antioxidant status in laying hen. Poultry Science 2014;93:347-353.; Mohammed et al., 2012Mohammed KAF, Sarmiento-Franco L, Santos-Recalde R, Solorio-Sanchez JF. The nutritional effect of Moringa oleifera fresh leaves on Rhode Island Red hen egg production and quality. Tropical Animal Health Production 2012;44:1035-1040.).

Bioactive compounds in the egg yolk

b -carotene and quercetin

Egg yolk β-carotene and quercetin levels linearly increased with MLM dietary supplementation (Table 4). The highest (p≤0.05) β-carotene values (4,906 mg/100g yolk and 8.90 mg/kg feed) and quercitin values (241 µg/100g yolk and 48.88 mg/kg feed) were obtained in the eggs of the hens fed the highest MLM supplementation level (1.5% MLM).

Table 4
Levels of bioactive compounds and selenium in the egg yolk and in the experimental diets.

MLM is rich in carotenoids and flavonoids, which are very strong natural antioxidants. The observed enrichment of the egg yolk with β-carotene and quercetin may be attributed to the high content of these compounds (15.25 mg of β-carotene and 100 mg of quercitin in 100 g dried leaf) in Moringa oleifera leaf meal (Tesfaye et al., 2014Tesfaye EB, Animut GM, Urge ML, Dessie T.A. Cassava root chips and Moringa oleifera leaf meal as alternative feed ingredients in the layer ration. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 2014;23:614-624.; Lako et al., 2007Lako J, Trenerry VC, Wahlqvist M, Wattanapenpaiboon N, Sotheeswaran S, Premier R. Phytochemical flavonols, carotenoids and the antioxidant properties of a wide selection of Fijian fruit, vegetables and other readily available foods. Food Chemistry 2007;101:1727-1741.). Most of the β-carotene is deposited in the egg yolk, whereas quercetin is also deposited in the egg albumen chelated with amino acids. The similar results were reported in other studies evaluating the use of canthacol, MLM, tomato peel, colored carrots ,and apple skin for the enrichment of egg yolks with β-carotene and quercetin (Gakuya et al., 2014Gakuya DW, Mbugua PN, Mwaniki SM, Kiama SG, Muchemi GM, Njuguna A. Effect of supplementation of Moringa oleifera (LAM) leaf meal in layer chicken feed. International Journal of Poultry Science 2014;13:379.; Liu et al., 2014Liu HN, Liu Y, Hu LL, Suo YL, Zhang L, Jin F, et al. Effects of dietary supplementation of Quercetin on performance, egg quality, cecal microflora populations, and antioxidant status in laying hen. Poultry Science 2014;93:347-353.; Olson et al., 2008Olson JB, Ward NE, Koutsos EA. Lycopene incorporation into egg yolk and effects on laying hen immune function. Poultry Science 2008;87:2573-2580.).


The results of the present study showed that egg yolk selenium content linearly increased with increasing dietary MLM supplementation levels MLM (p≤0.05). The egg yolks of the hens fed the control diet, not supplemented with MLM, contained the lowest selenium values, whereas the highest values were recorded with 1.5% MLM diet (Table 4). Yolk selenium increased up to 56.82 µg/100g of egg yolk when the feed offered contained 0.54mg/kg of organic selenium. This higher level of selenium enrichment was obtained by feeding selenium as of selenomethionine and selenocystine, which have better bioavailability and tissue retention (Delezie et al., 2014Delezie E, Rovers M, Van DAA, Ruttens A, Wittocx S, Segers L. Comparing responses to different Selenium sources and dosages in laying hens. Poultry Science 2014;92:3083-3090.). Moringa oleifera leaves and pods contain 2.88mg and 25.7 mg/100g of Se per 100g of dried leaves, respectively (Table 4). Many researchers have used selenium yeast, selenomethionine and sodium selenite for egg yolk enrichment (Delezie et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2010Wang ZG, Pan XJ, Peng ZQ, Zhao RQ, Zhou GH. Methionine and Selenium yeast supplementation of the maternal diets affects antioxidant activity of breeding eggs. Poultry Science 2010;89:931-937.).


MLM supplementation in layer feeds had a significant and positive impact on the egg lipid profile (p≤0.05). Total cholesterol in the yolk linearly decreased with the MLM supplementation level, and was the lowest when hens were fed 1.5% MLM (Table 4). Plants are enriched with phytosterols, which decrease both egg and serum cholesterol levels (Liu et al., 2010Liu X, Zhao HL, Thiessen S, House JD, Jones PJH. Effect of plant sterol-enriched diets on plasma and egg yolk cholesterol concentrations and cholesterol metabolism in laying hens. Poultry Science 2010:89:270-275.). This reduction in cholesterol levels is attributed to plant sterols. Moringa oleifera is enriched with β-sitosterol, which is responsible for this activity (Hussain et al., 2014Hussain S, Malik F, Mahmood S. An exposition of medicinal preponderance of Moringa oleifera (Lank.). Pakistan Journal of Pharmacological Science 2014;27:397-403.). Egg cholesterol level is also influenced by antioxidants (flavonoids and carotenoid) in the diet (Benakmoum et al., 2013Benakmoum A, Larid R, Zidani S. Enriching egg yolk with carotenoids & phenols. Proceedings World Academic Science of Engineering &Technology 2013;79:172.).

Egg yolk chemical analysis and mineral profile

The nutrient profile of the egg yolk was significantly affected with dietary MLM supplementation (p≤0.05). Moisture and ether extract levels linearly decreased as supplementation levels increased, with the lowest levels recorded for the MLM-1.5% group (Table 5). Protein and ash contents linearly increased with MLM supplementation rate, with the highest values recorded for the group fed the MLM-1.5% diet (Table 5). The levels of antioxidants, flavonoids, carotenoids, lysine and methionine, as well as protein and energy of MLM may be responsible for the above response (Nkukwana et al., 2015Nkukwana TT, Muchenje V, Masika PJ, Pieterse E, Hoffman LC, Dzama K. Proximate composition and variation in color, drip loss and pH of breast meat from broilers supplemented with Moringa oleifera leaf meal over time. Animal Production Science 2015;56:1208-1216.).

Table 5
Nutrient and mineral profile of egg yolks of commercial layers fed different levels of Moringa oleifera leaf meal.

Egg yolk mineral profile was significantly affected by MLM supplementation levels in the diets (p≤0.05). Sodium level was lowest in the control and highest in the groups supplemented with MLM at 1.0% and 1.5% (Table 5). In addition of sodium, the yolk levels of other minerals like potassium, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus linearly increased as MLM supplementation levels increased, with the lowest levels of these minerals recorded in the egg yolk of layers fed the basal diet (Table 5). These results may be attributed to MLM ash content, as shown in previous studies (Nkukwana et al., 2015Nkukwana TT, Muchenje V, Masika PJ, Pieterse E, Hoffman LC, Dzama K. Proximate composition and variation in color, drip loss and pH of breast meat from broilers supplemented with Moringa oleifera leaf meal over time. Animal Production Science 2015;56:1208-1216.; Qwele et al., 2013Qwele K, Hugo A, Oyedemi SO, Moyo B, Masika PJ, Muchenje V. Chemical composition, fatty acid content and antioxidant potential of meat from goats supplemented with Moringa (Moringa oleifera) leaves, sunflower cake and grass hay. Meat Science 2013;93:455-462.).

Serum biochemistry and immune response

The dietary supplementation of MLM significantly influenced serum biochemical parameters (p≤0.05). The lowest SGPT, creatinine and cholesterol values were observed in the hens fed the highest MLM level (1.5%), whereas the lowest values were recorded in the control group (Table 6). Serum glucose levels linearly decreased with increasing MLM dietary levels, and were the lowest in the 1.5% MLM group (Table 6). Flavonoids improve liver and kidney function, improving nutrient digestion. Moringa oleifera is rich in flavonoids and carotenoids (β-carotene) which positively affect SGPT, creatinine and glucose levels in the serum (Elkloub et al., 2015Elkloub K, Moustafa MEL, Riry FH, Mousa MAM, Hanan AH. Effect of using Moringa oleiferaleaf meal on performance of Japanese quail. Egyptian Poultry Science Journal 2015;35:1095-1108.). Phytosterols (β-sitosterol) of Moringa oleifera reduced serum cholesterol levels of rats (Ghasi et al., 2000Ghasi S, Nwobodo E, Ofili JO. Hypocholesterolemic effects of crude extract of leaf of Moringa oleifera Lam in high-fat diet fed Wistar rats. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2000;69:21-25.).

Table 6
Serum chemistry and antibody titers of commercial layer fed with different levels of Moringa oleifera leaf meal

Newcastle disease titers were significantly influenced by dietary MLM levels, and the highest values were observed in the group fed the MLM-1.5% diet, whereas the lowest titers were recorded in the control group (p≤0.05) (Table 6). Antioxidants play a key role in the immune function, as they affect the gut environment by inhibiting the growth of pathogenic microbes as well as the production of endotoxins. The higher antibody titers obtained may be attributed to the effects of antioxidants and essential amino acids and to the higher levels of organic trace minerals (Elkloub et al., 2015Elkloub K, Moustafa MEL, Riry FH, Mousa MAM, Hanan AH. Effect of using Moringa oleiferaleaf meal on performance of Japanese quail. Egyptian Poultry Science Journal 2015;35:1095-1108.; Saei et al., 2013Saei MM, Sadeghi AA, Ahmadvand H. The effect of Myrtus communis oil extract on growth performance, serum biochemistry and humoral immune responses in broiler chicks fed diet containing Aflatoxin B1. Arch Tierzucht 2013;56:842-850.; Yang et al., 2006Yang RY, Chang LC, Hsu JC, Weng BBC, Palada MC, Chadha ML, et al. Nutritional and functional properties of Moringa leaves, from germ plasm to plant to food to health. Moringa and other highly nutritious plant resources: Strategies, standards and markets for a better impact on nutrition in Africa. Ghana; 2006.).


The results of the present study showed that Moringa oleifera used as a phytogenic feed additive enriches eggs with bioactive and functional compounds, and improves the production performance and the health status of layers. Moreover, it may add value to the eggs by reducing their cholesterol levels and enhancing egg shelf life.


The authors thankfully acknowledge the Higher education commission (HEC) of Pakistan, administration of University experimental farm, and the Department of Animal Nutrition, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Ravi Campus Pattoki, Punjab, Pakistan for facilitating the present experiment.


  • Abou-Elezz FMK, Sarmiento-Franco L, Santos-Ricalde R, Solorio-Sanchez F. Nutritional effects of dietary inclusion of Leucaena leucocephala and Moringa oleifera leaf meal on Rhode Island Red hens' performance. Cuban Journal of Agriculture Science 2011;45:163-169.
  • Alebachew W, Tesfaye E, Tamir B. Effects of feeding different dietary levels of Moringa oleifera leaf meal on egg production, fertility and hatchability of dual purpose Koekoek hens. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 2016;24:2909-2920.
  • Anwar F, Latif S, Ashraf M, Gilani AH. Moringa oleifera; a food plant with multiple medicinal uses. Phytotherapy Research 2007;21:17-25.
  • AOAC - Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. Official methods of analysis of AOAC. 18th ed. Gaittersburg; 2005.
  • Benakmoum A, Larid R, Zidani S. Enriching egg yolk with carotenoids & phenols. Proceedings World Academic Science of Engineering &Technology 2013;79:172.
  • Banjo OS. Growth and Performance as affected by inclusion of Moringa oleifera leaf meal in Broiler chicks diet. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare 2012;2:2224-3208.
  • Cogliani C, Goossens H, Greko C. Restricting antimicrobials in food animals. Lessons from Europe Microbiology 2011;6:274-279.
  • Cowan MM. Plant products as antimicrobial agents. Clinical Microbiology Review 1999;12:564-582.
  • Daniel JK, Seal BS. Biological and molecular characterization of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) field isolates with comparisons to reference NDV strains A. Avian Diseases 1998;42:507-516.
  • Delezie E, Rovers M, Van DAA, Ruttens A, Wittocx S, Segers L. Comparing responses to different Selenium sources and dosages in laying hens. Poultry Science 2014;92:3083-3090.
  • Elkloub K, Moustafa MEL, Riry FH, Mousa MAM, Hanan AH. Effect of using Moringa oleiferaleaf meal on performance of Japanese quail. Egyptian Poultry Science Journal 2015;35:1095-1108.
  • El-Sheikh NI, El-Shazly ES, Abbas EA, Ghada IA, El-Gobary. Effect of Moringa leaves on lipid content of table eggs in layer hens. Egyptian Journal of Chemical Environmental Health 2015;1:291-302.
  • Fakhraei J, Loutfollahian H, Shivazad M, Chamani M, Hoseini S. Re-evaluation of Lysine requirement based on performance responses in Broiler breeder hens. African Journal of Agriculture Research 2010;5:2137-2142.
  • Farida A, Barkat AK, Nadia N, Tariq M, Sulaiman F. Effect of boiling and storage on Beta-carotene content of different vegetables. Pakistan Journal of Life Social Science 2008;6:63-67.
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Apr-Jun 2018


  • Received
    13 Aug 2017
  • Accepted
    15 Dec 2017
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