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Estudos comparativo e de caso de organizações de estratégias


Estudos comparativo e de caso de organizações de estratégias 1 1 Trabalho parcial de pesquisa apoiado pelo CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico

Sergio Bulgacov

Professor do CEPPAD / UFPR. Doutor em Administração pela EAESP/FGV

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ANSOFF, Igor H. Strategic Issue Management. GB: Strategic Management Journal, I, april/june, 1980, p. 131-148.

ANSOFF I; DECLERK, R; HAYES, R. Do planejamento estratégico à administração estratégica. SP: Atlas, 1981.

_____. A nova estratégia empresarial. SP: Atlas, 1991.

ANSOFF, Igor H.; MCDONNELL, Edward ]. Implantando a administra­ção estratégica. SP: Atlas, 1993.

BLAU, Peter M. Sociologia da Burocracia. Organizado por Edmundo Campus. RJ: Zahar Editores, 2- edição, 1971.

BULGACOV, Sergio. Conteúdo e Processo Estratégico. São Paulo: Tese de Doutorado, EAESP-FGV 1997.

BUZZEL, R.; GALE, B. O impacto das estratégias de mercado no resulta­do da empresa. SP: Pioneira, 1991.

CHAKRAVARTY, B.S.; DOZ, Y. Strategy Process Research: Focusing on Corporate Self-Renewal. GB: Strategic Management Review, 1992, v.13, p.5-14.

CHANDLER, Alfred D. Strategy and Structure: Chapters in the History of the American Industrial Interprise. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1962, 19§ed.

DAVIDSON, William; et al. Retailing Management. NY: John Wiley, 1988.

ETZIONI, A. A comparative analysis of complex organizations. NY: The Free Press, 1975.

GLEGG, S; HARDY, C; NORD, W. Handbook of Organization Studies. London: Sage, 1996.

GOLD, Jeffrey. A empresa que aprende baseada no conhecimento, em Repensando a Empresa. SP: Pioneira, 1995, p.119-136.

HAHN, Kieter. Strategy Management: tasks and challenges in the 1990’s. GB: Long Range Planning, 1991, v. 24(1), P26-39.

HEYDEBRAND, Wolf, Editor. Comparative Organization: the results of empirical research. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1973.

LEVITY Theodore. Marketing Miopia. Boston: Harvard Business Review, v.38(4), 1960.

MINTZBERG, H; WATERS, J. Tracking Strategy in a Entrepreneurial Firm. EUA: Academy of Management Journal, 1982, v.25(3), p.465-499.

MINTZBERG, H.; QUINN, J.B. The Strategy Process. NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1991.

MIZRUCHI, Mark S.; SCHWARTZ, Michael, Editores. Intercorporate Relations: The structural analysis of business. UK: Cambridge University Press, 1987.

PASCALE, R.T. The Honda Effect, in The Strategy Process. NJ: Prentice - Hall, 1991, p. 114-123.

PETTIGREW Andrew M. The Character and Significance of Strategy Process Research. GB: Strategic Management Journal, 1992, v.13, p.5-16.

PETTIGREW A; FERLIE, E; McKEE, L. Shaping Strategic Change. GB: Sage, 1992.

PORTER, Michael E. A vantagem competitiva das Nações. RJ: Editora Campus, 1993.

_____. Estratégia competitiva: Métodos para a análise de indústrias e da concorrência. RJ: Campus, 1986.

PUGH, Derek S. Studying organizational structure and process. In Beyond Method edited by Gareth Morgan. CA: Sage Publication, 1984.

QUINN, James B. Strategic Change: Logical Incrementalism, in The Strategy Process. NJ: Prenticxze-Hall, 1991, p.96-104.

RICHARDSON, Robert et al. Pesquisa Social: métodos e técnicas. SP: Atlas, 1989, 2ae.

SCHENDEL, D. Strategy Process Research. GB: Strategic Management Journal, 1992, v.l3.d

TAYLOR, B. Corporate Planning for the 90’s: the new frontiers. GB: Long Range Planning, 1986, 19(6), p. 13.

YIN, Robert K. Case Study Research: Design and Methods. CA: Sage, 1987, 2ae.

WILSON, David C. A Strategy of Change. Great Britain: Routledge, 1995.

WHIPP R. Creative Deconstruction: Strategy and Organizations. In Handbook of Organization Studies. London: Sage, 1996, p.261-275.

  • ANSOFF, Igor H. Strategic Issue Management. GB: Strategic Management Journal, I, april/june, 1980, p. 131-148.
  • ANSOFF I; DECLERK, R; HAYES, R. Do planejamento estratégico ŕ administraçăo estratégica. SP: Atlas, 1981.
  • _____. A nova estratégia empresarial. SP: Atlas, 1991.
  • ANSOFF, Igor H.; MCDONNELL, Edward ]. Implantando a administraçăo estratégica. SP: Atlas, 1993.
  • BLAU, Peter M. Sociologia da Burocracia. Organizado por Edmundo Campus. RJ: Zahar Editores, 2- ediçăo, 1971.
  • BULGACOV, Sergio. Conteúdo e Processo Estratégico. Săo Paulo: Tese de Doutorado, EAESP-FGV 1997.
  • BUZZEL, R.; GALE, B. O impacto das estratégias de mercado no resultado da empresa. SP: Pioneira, 1991.
  • CHAKRAVARTY, B.S.; DOZ, Y. Strategy Process Research: Focusing on Corporate Self-Renewal. GB: Strategic Management Review, 1992, v.13, p.5-14.
  • CHANDLER, Alfred D. Strategy and Structure: Chapters in the History of the American Industrial Interprise. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1962, 19§ed.
  • DAVIDSON, William; et al. Retailing Management. NY: John Wiley, 1988.
  • ETZIONI, A. A comparative analysis of complex organizations. NY: The Free Press, 1975.
  • GLEGG, S; HARDY, C; NORD, W. Handbook of Organization Studies. London: Sage, 1996.
  • GOLD, Jeffrey. A empresa que aprende baseada no conhecimento, em Repensando a Empresa. SP: Pioneira, 1995, p.119-136.
  • HAHN, Kieter. Strategy Management: tasks and challenges in the 1990s. GB: Long Range Planning, 1991, v. 24(1), P26-39.
  • HEYDEBRAND, Wolf, Editor. Comparative Organization: the results of empirical research. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1973.
  • LEVITY Theodore. Marketing Miopia. Boston: Harvard Business Review, v.38(4), 1960.
  • MINTZBERG, H.; QUINN, J.B. The Strategy Process. NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1991.
  • MIZRUCHI, Mark S.; SCHWARTZ, Michael, Editores. Intercorporate Relations: The structural analysis of business. UK: Cambridge University Press, 1987.
  • PASCALE, R.T. The Honda Effect, in The Strategy Process. NJ: Prentice - Hall, 1991, p. 114-123.
  • PETTIGREW Andrew M. The Character and Significance of Strategy Process Research. GB: Strategic Management Journal, 1992, v.13, p.5-16.
  • PETTIGREW A; FERLIE, E; McKEE, L. Shaping Strategic Change. GB: Sage, 1992.
  • PORTER, Michael E. A vantagem competitiva das Naçőes. RJ: Editora Campus, 1993.
  • _____. Estratégia competitiva: Métodos para a análise de indústrias e da concorrência. RJ: Campus, 1986.
  • RICHARDSON, Robert et al. Pesquisa Social: métodos e técnicas. SP: Atlas, 1989, 2ae.
  • SCHENDEL, D. Strategy Process Research. GB: Strategic Management Journal, 1992, v.l3.d
  • YIN, Robert K. Case Study Research: Design and Methods. CA: Sage, 1987, 2ae.
  • WILSON, David C. A Strategy of Change. Great Britain: Routledge, 1995.
  • 1
    Trabalho parcial de pesquisa apoiado pelo CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      01 Jun 2015
    • Data do Fascículo
      Abr 1998
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