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Disector Z-axis mechanical method for stereology

The purpose of this work is to calibrate a not expensive microscope to be applied in Optical Disector estimation. The evaluation of "Z-axis" bias and the "Z-axis" calibration were made utilizing a cover slip and a "manual digimatic outside micrometer scale" (Mitutoyo, Japan). Calibrating the cover slip we performed the calibration of the "Z-axis" of a microscope. In the cover slip two lines were painted with different colors using a pen glass. A blue line was painted on the up surface and another line (red) on the bottom surface of the cover slip forming a cross. Two metal rings with one palette welded in each were adapted in the microscope. Other palette was welded in the gross focuses in order to restrict the route of the fine focuses (Z-axis study) using the two palettes fixed in both rings. Results show that 10 micrometers in "Z-axis" were equal to 3.2 micrometers in the scale of its fine focuses of the microscope. Then, a Disector of 10μm (10μm in Z-axis) is equal to 3.2 micrometers in the fine focuses of this microscope. In conclusion, "Z-axis" calibration is crucial to assure enough precision for Disector Method since the equipment can be manufactured without the ideal precision or its precision can be lost after use.

stereology; disector; optical disector; morphometry; Z-axis

Academia Brasileira de Ciências Rua Anfilófio de Carvalho, 29, 3º andar, 20030-060 Rio de Janeiro RJ Brasil, Tel: +55 21 3907-8100 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil