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Performance of different diagnostic criteria of overweight and obesity as predictors of metabolic syndrome in adolescents Please cite this article as: Oliveira RG, Guedes DP. Performance of different diagnostic criteria of overweight and obesity as predictors of metabolic syndrome in adolescents. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2017;93:525–31.



To analyze the performance of three different diagnostic criteria of overweight and obesity (WHO, IOTF and Conde and Monteiro) using body mass index (BMI) as predictors of metabolic syndrome (MetS) in a representative sample of adolescents.


A sample of 1035 adolescents aged 12–20 years (565 girls and 470 boys) was used in the study. BMI was calculated through the quotient of weight (kg)/height squared (m)2, and MetS was defined according to the criteria of the International Diabetes Federation. Sensitivity, specificity, and overall accuracy (area under the curve) were estimated using the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves method and used to describe the predictive performance.


The three diagnostic criteria showed higher absolute values of sensitivity and specificity for predicting MetS in boys and older adolescents. The highest sensitivity to identify MetS was found using the IOTF criterion (60–85%), while specificity values ≥ 90% were found for the three criteria. The Conde and Monteiro diagnostic criterion pointed to a significantly lower overall accuracy (0.52–0.64) than that of the WHO (0.70–0.84) and IOTF (0.75–0.89) diagnostic criterion.


Overweight and obesity using BMI showed a moderate association with MetS, regardless of the diagnostic criteria used. However, the IOTF criterion showed better predictive capacity for the presence of MetS than the WHO and the Conde and Monteiro criteria.

Body mass index; Diagnosis; Accuracy; Cardiovascular risk; Youth

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