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Tongue development in stillborns autopsied at different gestational ages Please cite this article as: Aguiar LS, Juliano GR, Silveira LA, Oliveira MS, Torquato BG, Juliano GR, et al. Tongue development in stillborns autopsied at different gestational ages. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2018;94:616-23. , ☆☆ ☆☆ Study conducted at Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM), Instituto de Ciências Biológicas e Naturais, Disciplina de Patologia Geral, Uberaba, MG, Brazil.



This study aimed to analyze, through the morphometric method, the perimeter and length of the tongue, the collagen fibers, and the perimeter of blood vessels at different gestational ages and fetal weights.

Material and methods:

Tongues (n = 55) of stillborns autopsied at 23-40 weeks of gestational age were macroscopically analyzed, and their length and perimeter were measured. Fifty-five tongue fragments were collected through a longitudinal section in the region that accompanies the median lingual sulcus and histologically processed. Slides were stained with picrosirius and immunolabeled with CD31 antibody. Quantification was performed on collagen fibers under polarized light, and on the perimeter of vessels with the CD31.


A positive and significant correlation of gestational age with tongue perimeter and length was found. There was a positive and significant correlation between collagen fibers and gestational age, as well as between gestational age and the perimeter of blood vessels. Between collagen fibers and fetal weight, a positive and significant increase was observed. Regarding the correlation between the perimeter of blood vessels and the fetal weight, an increase was observed.


As gestational age advances, there is an increase in tongue perimeter and length, in the percentage of collagen fibers, and in vascular perimeter, demonstrating that tongue formation is directly related to tongue growth and development.

Gestational age; Stillborn; Autopsy

Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria Av. Carlos Gomes, 328 cj. 304, CEP: 90480-000 , Tel.: (+55 51) 3108-3328 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil