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Energy expenditure, growth, and nutritional therapy in appropriate and small for gestational age preterm infants Please cite this article as: Abranches AD, Soares FV, Villela LD, Méio MD, Zin OA, Junior SC, et al. Energy expenditure, growth, and nutritional therapy in appropriate and small for gestational age preterm infants. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2018;94:652-7.



To evaluate the resting energy expenditure, growth, and quantity of energy and macronutrients intake in a group of preterm newborns.


The cohort study was performed with appropriate and small for gestational age preterm infants (birth weight lower than 1500 g or gestational age < 32 weeks). Resting energy expenditure was measured using indirect calorimetry on the 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th days of life, and at discharge. Length, head circumference and body weight were assessed weekly. Nutritional therapy was calculated during the hospital stay and the information for each type of food was recorded in software that calculates the total amount of energy and macronutrients.


61 preterm infants were followed; 43 appropriate and 18 small for gestational age infants. There was no statistical difference for resting energy expenditure between the groups, and it increased from the first to the fourth week of life (appropriate: 26.3% and small: 21.8%). Energy intake in the first two weeks of life was well below the energy requirement.


Considering that the results demonstrate high energy expenditure during the first weeks of life, there is an evident need to provide the best quality of nutrition for each child in the first weeks of life so that preterm infants with or without intrauterine growth restriction can achieve their maximum potential for growth and development.

Resting energy expenditure; Preterm infants; Nutritional therapy; Nutritional status

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