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The Brazilian Portuguese version of the Pediatric Trigger Toolkit is applicable to measure the occurrence of adverse drug events in Brazilian pediatric inpatients Please cite this article as: Silva LT, Modesto AC, Martins RR, Bessa GG, Lopes FM. The Brazilian Portuguese version of the Pediatric Trigger Toolkit is applicable to measure the occurrence of adverse drug events in Brazilian pediatric inpatients. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2019;95:61–8.



To describe the process of translation, adaptation, and validation of the Brazilian Portuguese version of the Pediatric Trigger Toolkit: Measuring Adverse Drug Events in the Children's Hospital.


The validation process for the research instrument was carried out in five steps: (I) translation from English into Brazilian Portuguese by two independent translators; (II) synthesis of the translated versions; (III) adaptation of the triggers to the Brazilian context using a modified Delphi method carried out in two rounds; (IV) application of the research instrument in the review of 240 hospitalizations during 2014; and (V) back-translation from Brazilian Portuguese to English.


The translation step resulted in two versions, which were then synthesized to obtain equivalence within the Brazilian cultural context. The process of adapting the research instrument allowed the inclusion and adaptation of some triggers, as well as the exclusion of others, based on the consensus reached among experts during the Delphi step. The positive predictive value of the research instrument was 13.51%, and the antihistamine trigger presented the highest positive predictive value.


The research instrument can be used to track the occurrence of adverse drug events in pediatric patients in Brazilian hospitals. Despite the adjustments made, triggers that were not identified or that had low positive predictive value can suggest the need for additional changes. However, more studies are needed before modifying or removing a trigger.

Patient safety; Child; Quality of health care; Medical records; Pharmaceutical preparations; Validation studies

Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria Av. Carlos Gomes, 328 cj. 304, CEP: 90480-000 , Tel.: (+55 51) 3108-3328 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil