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The nurses' work process in different countries: an integrative review

Proceso de trabajo de la enfermera en diferentes países: una revisión integradora



To analyze the characteristics of nurses' work process in different countries.


We have used the integrative review method and selected 84 publications (articles, theses and dissertations) in national and foreign thesis banks and databases. We analyzed the evidence based on dialectical materialism.


The rejection of managerial tasks hides the singularity of nurses' work, due to the failure to understand the inseparable nature of managerial and healthcare tasks, given that it is what provides the expertise to coordinate the nursing work process and guide the healthcare work processes. The social and technical division is present in the work process in all countries studied, albeit in different ways. The nurse's position in the healthcare work process is subordinated to that of the physician.


The characteristics are similar. The rejection of the dual nature of the work by nurses themselves due to alienation results in the non-recognition of their own work.

Nurses; Nursing; Work; Capitalism; Role of the Nurse

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