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Benefits of spirituality and/or religiosity in patients with Chronic Kidney Disease: an integrative review

Beneficios de la espiritualidad y/o religiosidad en pacientes renales crónicos: revisión integrativa



Identify and analyze existing evidence regarding the benefits of spirituality and / or religiosity in patients with Chronic Kidney Disease.


Integrative review carried out through consultation of databases: Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences, Scientific Electronic Library Online, US National Library of Medicine and Scopus. The following descriptors were used: chronic kidney disease, spirituality and religion. Primary articles published by December 2017 were included.


Twenty-six articles were selected, from which four thematic categories emerged: benefits as a modality of coping, perception of quality of life, mental health and improvement of renal function after transplantation.


Benefits included those related to situational coping modalities, such as the strengthening of hope, social support and coping with pain; those related to mental health, such as the lower risk of suicide and fewer depressive symptoms; improvement in the perception of quality of life and in renal function after transplantation.

Chronic Kidney Disease; Spirituality; Religion; Religion and Medicine; Patient-Centered Care

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