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The role of new vaccines in the prevention of otitis media

Otitis media is one of the most common infectious diseases of infancy; a reduction in its incidence would have a significant economic and social impact. Vaccines may play a role in the prevention of otitis media. This report discusses vaccines against pneumococci and influenza viruses. We reviewed the literature for results of studies examining the role of these vaccines in the prevention of otitis media. The 23-valent polysaccharide anti-pneumococcal vaccine did not modify the incidence of otitis media in children aged 2 years less, the age group with the highest incidence of otitis. The heptavalent anti-pneumococcal vaccine did not significantly reduce the incidence of otitis media overall. This vaccine did, however, reduce the number of episodes of otitis media with effusion and the number of recurrences; it also altered the profile of causative microorganisms by increasing otitis caused by different microorganisms. We found the inactivated anti-influenza virus vaccine to be effective in reducing otitis media during peak incidence periods of influenza. As these new vaccines are currently available in Brazil, otolaryngologists must be aware of their potential role and impact in the reduction of otitis media, to counsel patients appropriately.

otitis media; pneumococci; vaccine; influenza virus

ABORL-CCF Associação Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cérvico-Facial Av. Indianápolis, 740, 04062-001 São Paulo SP - Brazil, Tel./Fax: (55 11) 5052-9515 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil