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Morphology and fine organization of the spermatheca of Haplotropis brunneriana (Orthoptera: Pamphagidae)


We investigated the morphology and structure of spermatheca in Haplotropis brunneriana (Orthoptera: Pamphagidae) by light and electronic microscopy. The spermatheca can be subdivided into a tubular seminal receptacle and a multiple-coiled spermathecal tube, both of which are composed of cuticular intima, epithelium layer, basal lamina and muscle layer, from inside to outside. The cuticular intima is made up of a heterogeneous endocuticle, a homogeneous exocuticle and an epicuticle, but the proportion of exocuticle in intima of the seminal receptacle is larger than that of the spermathecal tube. The epithelium layer comprises epithelial cells, gland cells and duct cells. The ultrastructural features of the epithelial cells indicated that its function potentially includes support, secretion and absorption. The gland cells potentially fulfil a secretory role indicative of the abundance of mitochondria and microvilli. In gland cells, an extracellular cavity, showing region differences in the seminal receptacle and the spermathecal tube, was lined with microvillus border. The role of duct cell is responsible for forming the secretory ductules, which connect the extracellular cavity with the lumen of the spermatheca through the cuticular intima. These new data contribute to our understanding of the function of the spermatheca of H. brunneriana.

Ultrastructure; Seminal receptacle; Spermathecal tube

Sociedade Brasileira De Entomologia Caixa Postal 19030, 81531-980 Curitiba PR Brasil , Tel./Fax: +55 41 3266-0502 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil