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Propagation and initial development in lychee plants

Propagação e desenvolvimento inicial em plantas de lichieira


The objective was to evaluate different methods of propagation and initial development of the lychee according to the place of production. The propagation methods were the Forking in seedlings produced in São João de Petrópolis-Santa Teresa and Air Layering in São João de Petrópolis, Santa Teresa-HQ, Colatina and Santa Maria de Jetibá. Each treatment consisted of 50 plants, and the percentage of graft catch, grape pick and transplant to the field was evaluated after three months. The seedlings produced in the different propagation sites were planted in the production field, with a spacing of 5x5 meters, being used as each treatment, 10 seedlings propagated in different places by Air Layering and propagation by forking. The propagation by Air Layering showed a better rate of catch than in grafting by Forking, however the Forking maintained 100% maintenance of the seedlings alive after the harvest. The treatments represented by the Air Layering in Colatina and São João showed the best results, showing that the spreading by Air Layering presents superior results when we use for the propagation, plants produced in places with similar characteristics to the planting site. Propagation by Air Layering is the best method of propagating lychee seedlings. Alporques propagated in the same region where the seedlings produced are definitively planted have greater adaptability and better development in the production field.

Index terms
Methods; forking; production

Sociedade Brasileira de Fruticultura Via de acesso Prof. Paulo Donato Castellane, s/n , 14884-900 Jaboticabal SP Brazil, Tel.: +55 16 3209-7188/3209-7609 - Jaboticabal - SP - Brazil