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Double-bilayer: a new phase formed by lysophospholipids and the corresponding fatty acid

The product of catalytic activity of the enzyme phospholipase A2, which resembles the core unit of animal toxins, on phospholipids is a 1:1 mixture of lysolipid and fatty acid. This mixture was studied by time-resolved simultaneous small- and wide angle x-ray diffraction over the temperature range from 23 to 53.5ºC. An unusually large lamellar structure was observed, with d = 11 nm, contradicting the complex functional dimer model between lysolipid and fatty acid. It can be explained by formation of a "double-bilayer", a new phase consisting of two different bilayers, one formed by lysophospholipid and other by fatty acid, bound together by head group interactions. Its strucutre was confirmed by simulations of the X-ray scattering pattern.

PLA2; lipid bilayer; X-rays

Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), CP6154, 13083-0970 - Campinas - SP - Brazil