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The Q angle analysis, during resistance training, on open kinematics chain and intermidiate closed kinematics chain, through photogrametry

Análise do ângulo Q, durante o treinamento resistido, em cadeia cinemática aberta e cadeia cinemática fechada intermediária através de fotomiografia

Análisis del ángulo Q, durante el entrenamiento de resistencia en cadena cinética abierta y cadena cinemática cerrada intermedia mediante Microfotografía

To examine the Q angle, during the resistance training by "Leg Press 45" and the "extensor chair". 14 female subjects practitioners gym carried out exercises at OKC and ICKC, ranging from 0° to 90° of flexion, where images were recorded each 10°. Through SAPO v.068, the Q angles were measured; and conducted a T-test for independent samples with p<0.05. The resistance training should include muscle exercises in OKC and ICKC, with special attention to the last one, contradicting the view of some authors. The Q angle, when compared to OKC and ICKC, changed with the increase of bending the knee for both knees to normal as the valgus, validating the combination of exercises in OKC and ICKC in muscle strengthening, for possible trend to the pathologic valgus.

Q Angle; Biomechanics; Resistance Training; Valgus

Colégio Brasileiro de Ciências do Esporte Avenida Esperança s/n, Câmpus Samambaia, CEP: 74690-900, Telefone: +55 (62) 3521-1513 - Brasília - DF - Brazil