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Post-2008 Brazilian fiscal policy: an interpretation through the analysis of fiscal multipliers The first author thanks CAPES for financial support through the PNPD grant. The authors are grateful to the anonymous reviewer, the participants of the EcoMod 2016 International Conference on Economic Modeling, 2016, Lisbon and the participants of the 19th International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance, 2015, Crete.


The global crisis that erupted in 2007 led many countries to embark on countercyclical fiscal policies as a way to cushion the blow of a depressed aggregate demand. Advocates of discretionary measures emphasize that fiscal policy can indeed stimulate the economy. The main goal of this work is to assess whether the fiscal policies pursued by the Brazilian government in the aftermath of the 2008 crisis, succeeded in bringing the economy back on track in a sustainable fashion. To this end, the fiscal multipliers of five different shocks are studied in a small open-economy New Keynesian framework. Our results point to the government spending and public investment as the most effective fiscal tools for combating the crisis. However, the highest fiscal multiplier turned out to be the one associated with excise tax reductions.

DSGE Models; Fiscal Multipliers; New Keynesian Model

Departamento de Economia; Faculdade de Economia, Administração, Contabilidade e Atuária da Universidade de São Paulo (FEA-USP) Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 908 - FEA 01 - Cid. Universitária, CEP: 05508-010, Tel.: (55 11) 3091-5803/5947 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil