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Using the lens of Street (1984; [1995]2014STREET, B. (1984). Literacy in theory and practice. Cambridge: CUP.; 2003STREET, B. (2003). What’s “new” in New Literacy Studies? Critical approaches to literacy in theory and practice. Current Issues in Comparative Education, Vol. 5 (2), p. 77-91. ; 2010; 2012STREET, B. (2012). Eventos de letramento e práticas de letramento: teoria e prática nos novos estudos do letramento. In: MAGALHÃES, I. Discursos e práticas de letramento: pesquisa etnográfica e formação de professores. Campinas, SP: Mercado de Letras.), this article firstly aims at discussing the contemporary literacy practices young readers and writers of fanfics engage in when inserted in the affinity spaces of fan literature. This discussion is based on the concept of ideological literacy proposed by the author and dialogues with the concept of multiliteracies, outlined by the New London Group (CAZDEN; COPE et al, 1996CAZDEN, C.; COPE, B.; FAIRCLOUGH, N.; GEE, J.; et al. (1996). A Pedagogy of Multiliteracies: Designing Social Futures. Harvard Educational Review; n. 66.1, p.60- 92.) and expanded by several authors such as Cope; Kalantzis (2000)COPE, B.; KALANTZIS, M. (eds). (2000)Multiliteracies: literacy learning and the design of social futures. London: Routledge., Gee (2000)GEE, J.P. (2000). New people in new worlds: networks, the new capitalism and schools. In: COPE, B.; KALANTZIS, M. (Ed.).Multiliteracies:literacy learning and the design of social futures. London: Routledge ., Rojo (2012)ROJO, R. H. R. (2012) Pedagogia dos Multiletramentos: diversidade cultural e de linguagens na escola. In: ROJO, R. H. R.; MOURA, E. (Orgs.) Multiletramentos na Escola. SP: Parábola. and Kleiman; Sito (2016)KLEIMAN, A. B.; SITO, L. (2016) Multiletramentos, interdições e marginalidades. In: KLEIMAN, A. B.; ASSIS, J. A. (org.). (2016) Significados e ressignificações do letramento: desdobramentos de uma perspectiva sociocultural sobre a escrita. Campinas, SP : Mercado de Letras., among others. These contemporary literacy practices, understood, therefore, as the social use of language, were studied from an ethnographic perspective (HEATH; STREET, 2008HEATH, S.B.; STREET, B. (2008.) On ethnography: approaches to language and literacy research. New York: Teachers College Press, Columbia University.). Data was generated from the field observation on two fanfic self-publishing platforms and from literacy events occurring in rounds of conversation, within the scope of the Junior Scientific Initiation Project. (PICJr-049), promoted by a traditional federal institution of basic education in Rio de Janeiro. The social models of literacy used by participants in literacy events (HEATH, 1982HEATH, S. B. (1982). What no bedtime story means: Narrative skills at home and school.Language in Society, 11(1), p. 49-76; STREET, 2012STREET, B. (2012). Eventos de letramento e práticas de letramento: teoria e prática nos novos estudos do letramento. In: MAGALHÃES, I. Discursos e práticas de letramento: pesquisa etnográfica e formação de professores. Campinas, SP: Mercado de Letras.) signals that designs are (re)shaped according to the interactional context of these participants. This article also proposes a reflection on the language ideologies underlying the discourse of the students participating in the PICJr-049. This analysis is oriented by Volóchinov’s concept of ideology ([1929]2017) and the notion of language ideology, as discussed in the studies by Woolard (1998)WOOLARD, K. A. (1998). Introduction. B. B. SCHIEFFELIN, K. A. WOOLARD, P. V.; KROSKRITY, P. V. (Eds.). (1998). Language ideologies practice and theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press, v.3, n.4. and Kroskrity (2004)KROSKRITY, P. V. (2004). Language ideologies. In DURANTI, A. (ed.). A Companion to Linguistic Anthropology. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.. In the analysis, it was observed that the students reinforce language ideologies anchored in the legitimation of the educated norm of the Portuguese language and in the privilege of literary canons in school literacy practices.

fanfics; multiliteracies; language ideologies

UNICAMP. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística Aplicada do Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem (IEL) Rua Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, n.571 - Cidade Universitária - CEP: 13083-859, Telefone: (+55) 19 - 3521-6729 - Campinas - SP - Brazil