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Grumixama (Eugenia brasiliensis Lam.) cultivated in the Cerrado has high content of bioactive compounds and great antioxidant potential

Grumixama (Eugenia brasiliensis Lam.) cultivada no Cerrado possui altos teores de compostos bioativos e elevado potencial antioxidante


Grumixama (Eugenia brasiliensis Lam.) is a Brazilian berry native to the Atlantic Rainforest. Information on nutritional and bioactive profiles of the fruit cultivated in the Brazilian Savannah (Cerrado) is not available in literature. The aim of this study was to investigate the physical and proximate composition; mineral, total phenolics, total tannins and total carotenoids contents; and antioxidant capacity (DPPH and FRAP assays) of the dark purple grumixama cultivated in the Cerrado area (Goiás State). Results showed a similar physical and proximate composition to those of grumixama native to the Atlantic Rainforest. However, grumixama from Cerrado presented the highest dietary fiber and magnesium contents. In addition, the Cerrado grumixama showed higher content of total phenolics (with a large amount of tannins), carotenoids and antioxidant capacity than those of grumixama native to the Atlantic Rainforest, cherry, blueberry, and fruits native to the Cerrado. Thus, the consumption of whole fruit (peel, pulp and seed) in healthy diets and its use as an ingredient for functional food products should be encouraged.

Key words:
Eugenia brasiliensis Lam.; nutrients; bioactive compounds; polyphenols; antioxidant activity.

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Centro de Ciências Rurais , 97105-900 Santa Maria RS Brazil , Tel.: +55 55 3220-8698 , Fax: +55 55 3220-8695 - Santa Maria - RS - Brazil