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The Adolescent Self-Regulatory Inventory (ASRI) Adaptation to Portuguese Context1 1 Paper derived from doctoral dissertation of the first author under the advisory of the second author in the Graduate Program of Health Psychology at the Universidad Miguel Hernández, Spain.

Adaptação do Inventário de Autorregulação na Adolescência Para o Contexto Português

Adaptación del Inventario de Autorregulación en la Adolescencia Para el Contexto Portugués

In this study we present the results of the adaptation of the Adolescent Self-Regulatory Inventory (ASRI) to Portugal. The measure was used with two samples of high school students to which ASRI was administered with Self-Regulation Scale as control measure. In the first study the measures were administered to 823 adolescents and the construct validity analysis was assessed with exploratory factor analysis. The results allow us to find an adequate structure with proper psychometric properties, in their construct and content validity, and reliability. A second study involved 435 adolescents, being tested three models using confirmatory factor analyses. The final version of the ASRI-2 presents an acceptable fit of the data in construct and concurrent validity, given its moderate or high correlation with academic success and substance use. The implications of this new approach to the self-regulation study are discussed and directions to further studies are suggested.

self-regulation; adolescence; adjustment; psychometrics

Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Filosofia Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia Av.Bandeirantes 3900 - Monte Alegre, 14040-901 Ribeirão Preto, Tel.: (55 16) 3315-3829 - Ribeirão Preto - SP - Brazil