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Discourse Analysis of the Attributions of Causality and Responsibility for the Occurrence of Leptospirosis

Análise Discursiva das Atribuições de Causalidade e Responsabilidade pela Ocorrência da Leptospirose

Análisis Discursivo de Asignaciones de Causalidad y Responsabilidad de la Ocurrencia de Leptospirosis


When attributing the causes and agents responsible for a public health problem, people position themselves discursively. This study aimed to analyze utterances attributing causality and responsibility for a neglected disease in Brazil: human leptospirosis. A qualitative method was adopted, using semi-structured interviews and discourse analysis by dialogical maps. Nine interlocutors participated in the study. They were indicated by managers and health professionals, considering their competence to talk about practices and experiences related to the control of the disease. Our results show five simultaneous types of attribution in the utterances, indicating variability. However, we also identified traces of discursive patterns associated with the positions occupied by interlocutors within the healthcare network. Then, we articulated a critical reflection on the potential effects of these patterns. We suggest complementary studies to be performed, associating attributions with actions aiming to reduce leptospirosis cases.

attribution; causality; responsibility; discourse analysis; public health services

Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Filosofia Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia Av.Bandeirantes 3900 - Monte Alegre, 14040-901 Ribeirão Preto, Tel.: (55 16) 3315-3829 - Ribeirão Preto - SP - Brazil