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1,3-Butadiene hydrogenation on pd-supported systems: geometric effects

A strong metal support interaction (SMSI) effect was observed on Pd/Nb2O5 and Pd/TiO2 catalysts, and it produces small, exposed Pd ensembles. A decrease in the trans/cis 2-butene ratio was observed after reduction at 773 K. Selectivity changes were ascribed to the decoration model. Theoretical models were developed based on semi-empirical molecular-orbital calculations for 1,3-butadiene and Pd n clusters. Experimental results are in agreement with our theoretical model, which proposes a greater stabilization of the cisoid intermediate on small Pd ensembles.

catalysis; molecular modeling; hydrogenation

Brazilian Society of Chemical Engineering Rua Líbero Badaró, 152 , 11. and., 01008-903 São Paulo SP Brazil, Tel.: +55 11 3107-8747, Fax.: +55 11 3104-4649, Fax: +55 11 3104-4649 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil