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The moderating role of age and gender differences in the relation between subjective well-being, psychopathology and substance use in Uruguayan adolescents*1 *1 This article is included as one chapter of the Doctoral Thesis “Enhancing quality of life and mental health in substance using adolescents”. Maria Eugenia Fernandez. Defended the 8th December 2017 at the Universidad Catolica del Uruguay.

O papel moderador das diferenças de idade e gênero na relação entre bem-estar subjetivo, psicopatologia e uso de substâncias em adolescentes uruguaios

Le rôle modérateur des différences d’âge et de sexe dans le rappot entre le bien-être subjectif, la psychopathologie et la consommation de substances chez les adolescents Uruguayens

El papel moderador de las diferencias de edad y género en la relación entre bienestar psicológico subjetivo, psicopatología y consumo de sustancias entre adolescentes uruguayos

Die moderierende Rolle von Alters- und Geschlechtsunterschieden im Verhältnis zwischen subjektivem Wohlbefinden, Psychopathologie und Substanzkonsum in uruguayischen Jugendlichen

The aim of this study is to explore the Subjective well-being (SWB) of school-going adolescents in Uruguay (N= 325; Mage= 14.67; SD= 1.62). We investigate age- and gender-specific relationships between psychopathology and substance use on the one hand, and subjective well-being on the other hand.

Multivariate linear regression analyses, indicated five significant predictors of SWB: three psychopathology factors (depression-anxiety, social anxiety and dissocial behaviour), and age displayed a negative association, while one psychopathology factor (resilience) showed a positive association. When extending the multivariate linear regression analysis with interaction effects, significant interactions appeared regarding gender and resilience and age and substance use.

Our study focuses on the necessity to have evidence-based results in order to plan appropriate preventive interventions with adolescents.

Subjective well-being; psychopathology; adolescence; substance use

Associação Universitária de Pesquisa em Psicopatologia Fundamental Av. Onze de Junho, 1070, conj. 804, 04041-004 São Paulo, SP - Brasil - São Paulo - SP - Brazil