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A computational tool as support in B-mode ultrasound diagnostic quality control

INTRODUCTION: The quality control (QC) of biomedical equipment is a very important process for the quality assurance of the instruments used in diagnoses and treatments. Ultrasound diagnostic imaging is one of the most widely used techniques for diagnostic imaging in hospitals and medical clinics. However, the time required to complete several B-mode imaging QC tests in ultrasound equipment is very critical for a hospital with a high number of exams. Here, we present a computational tool to assist in the acquisition and storage of data from multiple QC tests in B-mode ultrasound diagnostic equipment to promote an efficient alternative for QC in clinical routines. METHODS: The project was planned and implemented in C++ programming language and compiled for two computing platforms: Windows and Linux. The most common QC routine tests for B-mode ultrasound were combined in a simple graphical user interface. RESULTS: After entering all of the correct QC information in the graphical user interface, a final report in PDF format was created. CONCLUSION: The proposed program has been helpful for students and diagnostic professionals and is a quick and easy application for several QC tests for B-mode ultrasound diagnostic equipment. Our program seeks to help in the dissemination and application of QC tests for B-mode ultrasound equipment in hospitals and clinics and for the technical training of ultrasound professionals.

Quality control; Ultrasound; B-mode

SBEB - Sociedade Brasileira de Engenharia Biomédica Sociedade Brasileira de Engenharia Biomédica, Centro de Tecnologia, , bloco H, sala 327 - Cidade Universitária, 21941-914 Rio de Janeiro - RJ , Tel./Fax.:: (55 21) 2562-8591 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil