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Costs of biosecurity measures in Brazilian laying hens farms in response to policies against Avian Influenza, Newcastle Disease and Salmonellosis

Custos das medidas de biosseguridade na produção brasileira de galinhas poedeiras em resposta às políticas sanitárias contra a gripe aviária, doença de Newcastle e Salmonelose


The objective of this study was to estimate costs for egg production and for implementation of biosecurity measures described by Normative Instructions No. 56/2007, No. 59/2009, No. 36/2012 and No. 10/2013 on production costs in these establishments. To attend the “National Avian Health Program” and the “National Plan for the Prevention of Avian Influenza and Control and Prevention of Newcastle Disease”, the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture published a series of legal acts to establish the “Procedures for Register, Inspection and Control of Breeding and Commercial Avian Establishments” intensifying the measures for prevention of high economic impact illnesses in avian flocks of the country. The adaptations comprise items of structure and biosecurity procedures that aim to increase the level of isolation of the birds to maintain them with the best health status as possible. These adaptations can result in more expenses and dedication from the producers. Thus, production costs were obtained through personal interviews with 10 voluntary commercial farmers of laying hens in Limeira region, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, between June and July, 2013. The result of this study suggests that the implementation of biosecurity measures has relatively low costs when compared to the possible risks of diseases outbreaks and the consequent economic losses that justify the adoption of these practices.

avian health programs; biosecurity; production cost

UFBA - Universidade Federal da Bahia Avenida Milton Santos, 500 - Ondina , CEP 40170-110 Salvador-BA Brasil, Tel. 55 71 32836725, Fax. 55 71 32836718 - Salvador - BA - Brazil