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Fermentation characteristics and bromatological composition of sweet sorghum bagasse silages

Características fermentativas e composição bromatológica de silagens do bagaço de sorgo sacarino


The aim of this study was to evaluate conservation characteristics of sweet sorghum bagasse silages. The experiment was carried out at Fazenda Rio Manso, an experimental unit of the Federal University of the Jequitinhonha and Mucuri Valleys. Twenty-five sorghum cultivars with three replicates were used in a completely randomized design. The juice was extracted from the plant through an electric mill, generating bagasse, which was ground in a stationary silage machine, added of its panicles, and then introduced into experimental silos. Silages of the varieties BR505; CMSXS629; CMSXS635; CMSXS639; CMSXS643; CMSXS646; V82391 and V82392 presented lower rate of total dry matter recovery and, consequently, higher gas losses. The means of dry matter contents of bagasse and silage were 32.80 and 28.55%, respectively. The cultivars BR501; XBSW80147; BR505; CMSXS629; CMSXS633; CMSXS634; CMSXS635; CMSXS639; CMSXS643; CMSXS644; CMSXS648; BRS601; Sugargraze; V82391; V82392 and V82393 showed higher crude protein levels. The cultivar CMSXS642 presented lower neutral and acid detergent fiber content: 39.23 and 19.23%, respectively. The cultivar XBSW80147 showed lower acid detergent fiber content. Means of 3.49 for pH and 0.96 for water activity were recorded. The cultivars BR501 and BRS601 showed higher values of electrical conductivity: 0.93 and 0.95 S/cm, respectively. Higher levels of ammoniacal nitrogen were only observed in cultivars BR501; CMSXS629; CMSXS636; CMSXS648 and V82392. Sorghum bagasse silages presented adequate conservation inside the silos, according to the evaluated variables.

ammoniacal nitrogen; conservation; byproduct; dry matter; pH

UFBA - Universidade Federal da Bahia Avenida Milton Santos, 500 - Ondina , CEP 40170-110 Salvador-BA Brasil, Tel. 55 71 32836725, Fax. 55 71 32836718 - Salvador - BA - Brazil