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Morphometric and productive characteristics of sorghum genotypes for forage production in the Brazilian semi-arid

Características morfométricas e produtivas de genótipos de sorgo para produção de forragem no semiárido brasileiro


This study agronomically evaluated 14 sorghum genotypes in the Brazilian semi-arid region. A randomized complete block design, with the treatments represented by sorghum genotypes and three replicates, was used. The dry matter (DM), plant height (PH), number of live leaves, fresh matter production (FMP), dry matter production (DMP), leaf blade (LB), stem, panicle (PAN), dead material, water accumulation (WA), efficiency of rainwater use (ERU) and carrying capacity (SC) were measured. There was an effect of genotype among all the variables. The genotype with the highest percentage of DM was BRS 655 (26.42%). The genotypes BRS 655, BRS 506, B1141340, 13F04 (1141572) and PONTA NEGRA produced the most FMP, with values of 48,517, 48,500, 44,879, 44,788 and 43,549 kg/ha, respectively. Not only did the genotypes BRS 655, B1141340, 13F04 (1141572), BRS 506 and PONTA NEGRA present the highest DMP, with values of 12,426, 10,344, 9,778, 9,756 and 9,176 kg/ha, respectively, but also the highest values for ERU, WA and SC. There was a significant positive correlation between productive variables (FMP with DMP, PH, ERU and WA) and a nonsignificant negative correlation between morphometric variables (FMP with LB and PAN). A hierarchical formation of four groups was observed, with groups I and III composed of the most productive genotypes. BRS 655 can be recommended for cultivation since this genotype has desirable agronomic characteristics.

dry matter; genotypic variance; Sorghum bicolor; yield

UFBA - Universidade Federal da Bahia Avenida Milton Santos, 500 - Ondina , CEP 40170-110 Salvador-BA Brasil, Tel. 55 71 32836725, Fax. 55 71 32836718 - Salvador - BA - Brazil