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Etiology, symptoms and prevention of chalkbrood disease: a literature review

Etiologia, sintomas e prevenção da doença cria giz: uma revisão bibliográfica


The fungus Ascosphaera apis, responsible for causing the chalkbrood disease of honey bees, is widely present in temperate regions of the northern hemisphere, but has also spread to other regions of the world such as Brazil. Although it is not usually lethal for the colony, it can reduce its population, hampering its development. This study is a review on the disease that presents a broad overview of its development, identification methods as well as ways to control it. Research shows that chalkbrood is associated with several factors and is most frequently found in colonies of Apis bees during the spring, when there is excess humidity and sudden temperature changes in the hive. Other factors such as viral or bacterial infection, the presence of the ectoparasite Varroa destructor, pesticide poisoning and poor nutrition of nurse bees can also affect its incidence and severity. Field diagnosis is made based on the presence of hardened mummified brood in the pupal stage, of white or black color, in the cells and entrance. Affected cells show dead pupae covered with white mycelia, resembling cotton, or hardened, dry and brittle, resembling chalk pieces, which originated the name. To date, there are no efficient methods to reduce the damage caused by chalkbrood. Genetic selection of bees with higher hygienic behavior and disease resistance is recommended.

Key words:
Apis mellifera; Ascosphaera apis; bee pathology; chalkbrood

UFBA - Universidade Federal da Bahia Avenida Milton Santos, 500 - Ondina , CEP 40170-110 Salvador-BA Brasil, Tel. 55 71 32836725, Fax. 55 71 32836718 - Salvador - BA - Brazil