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Encrusted cystitis caused by corynebacterium urealyticum: a case report with novel treatment strategy of intravesical dimethyl sulfoxide


Encrusted cystitis (EC) was first described as chronic cystitis with mucosal calcification in 1914 (11. François J: La cystite incrustée. J Urol MA Chir 1914:35.). It is a very rare chronic inflammatory disease presenting with dysuria, pelvic pain and gross hematuria. Voided urine contains mucus or calcified mucopurulent stone like particles. Urinalysis always reveals alkaline pH. It may be present in healthy individuals with no predisposing etiological factors (22. Curry CR, Saluja K, Das S, Thakral B, Dangle P, Keeler TC, et al. Encrusted Cystitis Secondary to Corynebacterium glucuronolyticum in a 57-Year-Old Man Without Predisposing Factors. Lab Med. 2015;46:136-9.

3. Meria P, Desgrippes A, Arfi C, Le Duc A. Encrusted cystitis and pyelitis. J Urol. 1998;160:3-9.
-44. Pierciaccante A, Pompeo ME, Fabi F, Venditti M. Successful treatment of Corynebacterium urealyticum encrusted cystitis: a case report and literature review. Infez Med. 2007;15:56-8.). Etiologically, previous urological diseases, immunosuppression, urinary infection with urea splitting bacteria, or urological interventions resulting in bladder mucosa trauma may also be present (55. Khan FR, Katmawi-Sabbagh S, England R, Al-Sudani M, Khan SZ. Alkaline cystitis - a delayed presentation post transurethral resection of prostate. A case discussion and literature review. Cent European J Urol. 2012;65:43-4., 66. Anagnostou N, Siddins M, Gordon DL. Encrusted cystitis and pyelitis. Intern Med J. 2012;42:596-7.). In the present case report, we describe a novel treatment for EC with intravesical dimethyl sulfoxide.

Corynebacterium; Cystitis; Dimethyl Sulfoxide

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