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Using an operating microscope to re-treat an inferior premolar with two canals

Uso do microscópio operatório no retratamento de um pré-molar inferior com dois canais

This report aims to present a clinical case of endodontic re-treatment performed on a left inferior premolar with two canals of difficult localization. The importance of anatomical knowledge and the use of an operating microscope, especially in complex reintervention are discussed. An endodontic re-treatment was performed on element 34, which had a prosthetic restoration and vestibular fistula. In clinical examination, it was observed a negative result to the sensitization test and a positive result to vertical percussion test. After all the obturating material was removed, an operating microscope was requested to assess a possible fracture or the presence of another canal. It was noticed the presence of another canal that was treated and obturated as the existing canal. After 12 months, a new radiographic exam was performed, whose result was found asymptomatic and radiographically normal. In complex peculiar anatomy cases, the operating microscope is vital for the localization of extra canal to guarantee treatment success.

Endodontics; Microscopy; Premolar tooth

Faculdade São Leopoldo Mandic Rua José Rocha Junqueira, 13, CEP: 13045-755 , Tel.: +55 (19) 3211-3689 - Campinas - SP - Brazil