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The clinical prevalence of actinic cheilitis among community health agents from the regional V subprefecture of Fortaleza

A prevalência da queilite actínica em agentes comunitários de saúde



The aim of this study was to evaluate clinically the prevalence of Actinic Cheilitis in community health agents from the Regional V subprefecture of Fortaleza.


The sample consisted of 333 community health workers exposed to the sun on a daily basis. The community health agents were evaluated through a questionnaire (with information about the individual, their occupations and habits) and a clinical examination in the first stage of the study. In the second stage, the Actinic Cheilitis lesions were classified according to the degree of severity, monitored and treated as needed. Both stages were performed by just one examiner. The data were tabulated in an Excel spreadsheet and evaluated by means of the G-test.


The results showed that the prevalence of Actinic Cheilitis was significantly associated with age, race / color and use of lip balm. A total of 101 (30.3%) community health agents were found to have normal labial mucosa, 195 (58.5%) had a mild alteration in Actinic Cheilitis, 34 (10.2%) with moderate Actinic Cheilitis and in 3 (0.9%) severe change was identified.


The study concluded that the prevalence of Actinic Cheilitis is high among the community health agents from the Regional V subprefecture of Fortaleza.

Indexing terms:
Actinic cheilitis; Diagnosis; Treatment.

Faculdade São Leopoldo Mandic Rua José Rocha Junqueira, 13, CEP: 13045-755 , Tel.: +55 (19) 3211-3689 - Campinas - SP - Brazil