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Organization of oral health actions in primary care from the perspective of dental managers and dentists: process of work, planning and social control

Organização de ações de saúde bucal na atenção básica a partir da perspectiva de gestores em saúde bucal e cirurgiões dentistas: processo de trabalho, planejamento e controle social



The aim of this study was to evaluate both the managers’ and dental surgeons’ perception about the organization of oral health actions in primary care, regarding the work process, planning and social control, in a health micro region.


Qualitative study case with the performance of interviews with oral health managers and focal group with dental surgeons. The content analysis proposed by Bardin was used.


The management of the planning and work process is characterized by isolated actions, low institutional support and verticalized authoritarian processes. In the scope of primary care, there is no integrality nor intersectoriality. The managers and dental surgeons have little access to the fundamental indicators and parameters to the initial diagnosis of the planning.


The National Program of Improvement to the Access and Quality in Primary Care allowed a possible breakthrough in the current model, with the implementation of new ways of work organization and production, record information, planning and action implementation. There is hardly any social control.

Indexing terms:
Community participation; Health planning; Health services management; Integrality in health; Oral health; Work

Faculdade São Leopoldo Mandic Rua José Rocha Junqueira, 13, CEP: 13045-755 , Tel.: +55 (19) 3211-3689 - Campinas - SP - Brazil