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Effect of CPP-ACP on enamel eroded extrinsically: in vitro study

Efeito do CPP-ACP sobre o esmalte erodido extrinsecamente: estudo in vitro



The aim of this study was to evaluate the remineralization effect of CPP-ACP on tooth enamel that is eroded extrinsically.


Sixty freshly extracted bovine teeth were stored in a solution of thymol (0.1%), cut into enamel blocks (6x6mm), abraded with silicon carbide sandpaper (600, 800 and 1200 grit) and polished with felt. The specimens were randomly divided into 4 groups (n=15), varying the immersion medium , deionized water or citric acid, and the optional use of CPP-ACP. (G1: deionized water; G2: citric acid; G3: deionized water + CPP-ACP; G4: citric acid + CPP-ACP). The samples were subjected to 4 cycles of erosion every day, comprising 5 minutes immersion in one medium and 2 hours of immersion in artificial saliva, for 5 consecutive days. After each erosive cycle, 20 uL of the MI Paste was applied for 5 minutes on one half of the samples and washed with deionized water. Before and after the erosive cycling, the measurements of Vickers hardness and surface roughness were taken.


The results were evaluated through statistical testing. The final hardness and roughness values showed no statistically significant difference between G2 and G4. The paste in G4 did not promote an increase in hardness values nor a decrease in roughness values.


It was concluded that CPP-ACP was unable to remineralize enamel subjected to extrinsic erosion, being ineffective in preventing erosion of enamel and in the remineralization of the eroded enamel.

Indexing terms:
Tooth remineralization; Tooth erosion; Dental enamel.

Faculdade São Leopoldo Mandic Rua José Rocha Junqueira, 13, CEP: 13045-755 , Tel.: +55 (19) 3211-3689 - Campinas - SP - Brazil