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Experience of radiotherapy in head and neck

Experiência da radioterapia em cabeça e pescoço



The aim of this manuscript was to understand and describe the experience of radiotherapy on the perspective of a woman with oral cancer.


This is a qualitative, exploratory, descriptive study, with theoretical reference of medical anthropology and instrumental case study methodology. Data collection was performed in the oncology sector of a public university hospital in the Southeast region of Brazil, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil and at the participant’s residence, during from March to August, 2016. The case selected was of a female patient, diagnosed with Spinocellular Carcinoma in oral cavity, submitted to radiotherapy. Five semi-structured interviews and participant observation were performed and audio-taped.


Three thematic units are presented: the radiotherapy trajectory, family support and refuge in God and the importance of the multiprofessional team. The adverse reactions such as odynophagia, dysgeugia and weight loss were the ones that stood out the most, being causes of the social isolation of the participant, nonetheless the patient showed optimism and hope, despite the social isolation.


The qualitative methodology allowed the whole trajectory of radiotherapy follow-up which made it possible to understand the treatment experience from the perspective of the participant. Despite the adverse reactions, no negative experience with radiotherapy was found. New studies using the qualitative methodology are suggested with groups presenting similar characteristics of the participant, thus providing a better understanding of the topic addressed, as well as the identification and adoption of strategies that aim at improving care and the quality of life of this population, as well.

Indexing terms
Head and neck neoplasms; Qualitative research; Radiotherapy

Faculdade São Leopoldo Mandic Rua José Rocha Junqueira, 13, CEP: 13045-755 , Tel.: +55 (19) 3211-3689 - Campinas - SP - Brazil