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Flora of Baturité, Ceará: a Wet Island in the Brazilian Semiarid


The biota of the humid mountain ranges of the Brazilian semiarid is still poorly understood. In order to fill this scientific gap, we carried out an extensive survey along altitudinal ranges (400m - 1,000 m) on both the windward and the leeward slopes of the Baturité Mountain Range, in the state of Ceará state. We registered 400 plant species and 92 families. The Myrtaceae (36 spp.), Fabaceae (25 spp.), Rubiaceae (20 spp.) and Bromeliaceae (15 spp.) families predominated on the windward slope; while Fabaceae (19 spp.), Myrtaceae (14 spp.) and Euphorbiaceae (11 spp.) were the most abundant on the leeward slope. As we expected, the species richness of trees, shrubs, subshrubs, epiphytes and terrestrial herbs was positively correlated with the altitude (R2 > 0.60). Above 800 m, we registered 273 species exclusive to the windward slope, 81 exclusive to the leeward slope, and 46 shared species. Therefore, management actions must consider the spatial heterogeneity, distribution and taxa richness.

Deciduous Tropical Forest; Evergreen Tropical Forest; Semideciduous Tropical Forest; Steppic Savanna

Instituto de Florestas da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro Rodovia BR 465 Km 7, CEP 23897-000, Tel.: (21) 2682 0558 | (21) 3787-4033 - Seropédica - RJ - Brazil