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Application of the biotic index IBE-IOC for water quality assessment in wadeable streams in south-east Brazil

Uso do índice biótico IBE-IOC para a avaliação da qualidade da água de riachos no sudeste do Brasil

AIM: This work presents the results of the first water quality assessment using the biotic index Índice Biótico Estendido - Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (IBE-IOC) for 1st to 4th order streams in the Serra dos Órgãos region, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. The aims were to evaluate the sensitivity of IBE-IOC, verifying its ability to assess anthropogenic impacts over the stream gradient and along the year; METHODS: The sensitivity of the index was evaluated according to the degree of interquartile overlap in Box-and-Whisker plots; RESULTS: The index is able to distinguish different types of environmental integrity and different impacts by deforestation and organic pollution; CONCLUSIONS: Our results supported the recommendation of IBE-IOC as a useful tool for water quality assessment of wadeable streams in this region.

bioindicators; macroinvertebrates; River Guandu; Atlantic Forest; Rio de Janeiro

Associação Brasileira de Limnologia Av. 24 A, 1515, CEP: 13506-900 , Tel.:+55 (19) 3526-4225 - Rio Claro - SP - Brazil