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Inter-annual chemical stratification in Brazilian natural lakes: meromixis and hypolimnetic memory

Estratificação química em lagos naturais brasileiros: meromixia e memória hipolimnética

AIM: chemical stratification and the patterns of light limitation and nutrients of two natural lakes, one shallow and the other one deep, were comparatively evaluated, both lakes located in the southeast Brazil. METHODS: pH, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen, total dissolved solids and nutrients were monthly collected during 5 consecutive years at the vertical profile of the two lakes. RESULTS: multivariate analysis indicated that the long thermal stratification period favored the occurrence of chemical stratification in the two lakes. However, in the deeper lake the stratified thermal profile with high hypolimnetic nutrient concentration, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids and redox potential indicated that the mixing was not complete even during the annual circulation period, suggesting a slight meromixis and a high chemical stability at the hypolimnion. In the shallower lake, high light attenuation and high availability of nitrogen forms (mainly N-NH4) and phosphorus was observed along the water column, even during stratification. In the deeper lake, N and P co-limitation and low light attenuation coefficients were detected. CONCLUSION: thermal and chemical stratification patterns indicated that the Carioca lake is a shallow, turbid, nutrient rich, whereas the Dom Helvecio lake is a deep, clear, oligotrophic system with a tendency towards meromixis and the isolation of solutes in the hypolimnion. Consequently, meromixis was compared to a "hypolimnetic memory", which was defined, in the case of the deeper lake, as the maintenance of the chemical stratification along the years, during the lake thermal circulation period.

meromixis; chemical stratification; thermal stratification

Associação Brasileira de Limnologia Av. 24 A, 1515, CEP: 13506-900 , Tel.:+55 (19) 3526-4225 - Rio Claro - SP - Brazil